Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:56 pm

Rifus says to you 'Meet me again at the at the stairs leading'
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:50 pm

Book the Great Mother by Pepe, chapter one:
[...]Those who worship the Grain
Goddess are not to destroy for the mere sake of desctruction, nor
are they to destroy without after rebuilding.[...]
Chapter five:
[...]hey replant fallen trees
whereever they find the need,[...]
Glamerie Windbough, in the temple of Chauntea in Shadowdale, seems human but greets people as they approach even if in the dark, as if she has darkvision!

The fountain in the centre of Shadowdale:
spills from the top of the tower and down in to the basin with
a musica splash. On the side of the fountain is a small brass
Musical and plaque.
A bull-necked man in a leather apron is here.
This guy, a smith, seems to be placed in the wrong room. There is in fact a smithy to the north of it which is deserted, while he stays in a house. I don't know, maybe she moves there during the day, but now it's 7 am in game and he's still at home.
The sign: [...]Thank you for
thinking better of disturbint my privacy.

In the bedroom:
[...]Every inch of flat surface in this room is
covered with papers notes and all manner of things
I think it should be "paper notes" without the s.

Cook in the temple of Lathander:
He seems very good at what he does and he aslo
appears to be sampling more than his share.

Wepon Shop in the temple of Lathander, that with Elenia:
This is an average sized room. There are racks of weapons on the walls,
all kept gleaming and shinning. A table sits under the window on the western wall.
Upon the table rests a flute and a lyre along with several sheets of music.
Shining and rest. There are two consonants more.

Twisted Tower:
Guard's Quarters
N-Servant's Commo
This is a rather Spartan guardroom lined with triple-tiered bunk
beds and crowded with arms chests used as tables. Here the guards
sleep, oil and sharpen their weapons, and ganble stiff sums back
and forth.
Conference Room
U-Defense Level D-Hallway in the
Customarily Thurbal's office and Mourngrym's place to hold private
and confidential discussions, this room becoms the center of the
Tower's defense if the Dale is under attack.
Blast Cavern
N-Storage W-Dungeon Entranc
This large cavern a table with six chairs at which guards
can usually be found playing dice.[...]
I think an "in" at the beginning of the description might sound better.

A gazebo:
[...]Long benches polished by years of
use and weathering have been places randomly around the floor.[...]

Human ranger in the village south of Shadowdale:
l ranger
This human of sturdy built wears simple leather armour
decorated with the symbol of an unicorn head, the symbol
of Mielikki. He is one of the rangers who have swore to
protect the glade and the surrounding woods.

The same typo is present also in the description of other rangers there.
A Forest Path
N-A Shrine to Sil E-A Forest Path S-A Shrine to Gwa
This is a path in the woods. The trees on both sides of the path are tall,
and in the distant to the east is a huge tall tree. The undergrowth here is
thin and thus tranverse is easy. To the north and the south are clearings
in the woods.
A druidess of Shillia is here.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:50 pm

undermountain -
This brown flickering portal must be one of the many teleporation
devices that Halaster placed in his domain. The only way to learn where
it might lead might be to enter it.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Melusine » Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:19 pm

Entrance to the Temple of Pain
N-Entrance to Pai E-Stables S-Entrance Hall W-Guard post
A paved path lies here, leading to the temple of Loviatar. The sounds of the
city muffle any other sounds in this place. There are two small buildings on
either side of the path. One seems to be a gourd post, and the other is a
stable to be used by the faithful to keep their pets.

Painbliss in Westgate, should be a guard post instead of a gourd post.
Anastacia Syria, Truescar of Loviatar
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Zethanon » Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:32 pm

A drow commoner says to you 'not pleased with hers cheming.'

her scheming.

A drow commoner says to you 'A mighty tentacle rose up from the Clawrift to decimated'
A drow commoner says to you 'the once magnificent structure, killing all within.'

either "to decimate" or "and decimated" but "and decimated" seems more appropriate in my mind.

Ruins of House Oblodra.
You'll shed your blood, your bodies fall. That is the price you'll pay to cleanse you of your sins. Vicious and cruel, let's kill them all.
Let's kill them all.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:37 pm

With a peaceful smile of contentment, the hard lines of the master's face have
relaxed in the depths of sleep. The stern *contenance* presented to students
each day is replaced briefly by the true spirit behind the mask, as the smile
leads to a muttered word of praise for an unheard answer to an unasked

Master's desc on top floor of school of wonder
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:11 am

North Gates of Darromar
Travelers and merchants
with thier carts and wagons wait for entrance as gate guards watch
over everything going on.

Gate guard of Darromar
Standing alert here is a large guard, wearing a full suit of silvery
chainmail, and a large white tabard embroidered with the symbol of the
city of Darromer. At his side is a large rapier placed in a white sheath.
The same typo is present also in other guard mobs.

Sapphire Star guard
A slender a lithe elven woman dressed in the colours of the school.
She stands guard with an unwavering devotion and a steadfast sense of
duty. She looks more than comepetant in a fight.

A slender and lithe woman with an air of competance and
grace to her. Elven beauty shines clear in this delicate

The courtyard itself is surrounded by elegant marble
columns and tiled in an elaborate mosiac of semi-precious gemstones, from
the deep blue of lapis lazuli to the pale glitter of quartz.

Marching in perfectly match pairs that stretch out to form the
collonades of the peristyle to the north.

Long, flowing golden hair and silver eyes, this is a slender
elven woman that has a definate air of maturity and focus to her.

Advanced Classroom
This room as the same look as
the other classrooms, but there is something a bit more intimate, as if the
lessons here are private rather than in groups.

Perfectly manicured emerald green grass stretches in all directions,
interrupted only by exquisitely shaped rose bushes and beds of lillies.

A short and strong looking elven man with an air of
assurance and competance.

Before the dungeons of Faerntarn
The walls amd floor are sheathed in pure
marble and the desks are dark hardwood.

The Dining Hall of Faerntarn
White marble is now accented with hints of silver and ebony in the
great dinning hall of Faerntarn.

The cook of Faerntarn
This master-chef is wearring all white, including a large, puffy hat.

The Throne Room of Faerntarn
White marbles sheaths the walls which hold a variety of banners,
each depicting the heraldric symbols of the lords that hold
fealty to the Queen.

Queen Zaranda: the final sentence of her description lacks the full stop.

Prince Haedrak
His clothes
are bright white in color, and increadibly clean.

The Sea Lion's inn lacks the innkeeper...

Caravan Quarter
Merchants and porters
move at a steady pace either displaying thier wares or running goods
from one area to the next.

Pirate barkeep
Under his left eye is a small
scar, most likly from the blade of a small sword.
By the way he doesn't sell any food.

Tower of the Rising Moon - Courtyard
The stronghold boasts three towers, eath topped with a
double-ended or horned snow awning that scoops cooling breezes down into the
interior when the trapdoors are open in summer.

Highmoon - Shrine to Chauntea
he many footprints visible in the
soft ground near the altar shows that many worshipers come here to pay
respect to Chauntea.

Citizen of Highcastle
This Citizen looks very happy to live in one of the safesty and happiest
cities in the world.
I think the y is not necessary here.

The Tyran healer of Highcastle doesn't heal anything...

The Palace Dining Room
The rooms is full of court nobles taking part in
an elegant feast on the finest of china and using the most expensive

Noble Mounts Field
You have come to a tall wooden fence surrounding a park like area full
of trees, In the distance you can the white Noble Mounts grazing contentedly.
The first comma should be replaced by a full stop. In the second sentence it seems a "see" is lacking after "can" for it to have sense.

The Tower
This tower was originally part of a temple build by Baron Highcastle, founder
of Highcastle.

Collegium Dining Room
Some of the Knights that are currently in residence eat here if their
presence is not require at the court dining room.

Highcastle Creek Town Centre
You are at the center of Highcastle Creek, and you've discovered it was smaller then
you imagined.

Back in Berdusk, a typo straight in the temple of Tempus
A depressed arch here spans the top of the gateway with gold
plated voissoirs depicting implements of war.

Battlemage (of Tempus)
His robes are emblazzoned with the symbol of Tempus.

Smithy (in the temple of Tempus in Berdusk)
This small room's furnace is built against the far wall and
served by two pipes that disappear into the stone to vent
its heat outside somwhere.

Battle Chaplain of the Swordpoint Hall
He wears a skullcup of steel, robes
bright as fresh arterial blood, and a spiked gauntlet.
The large portcullis of the High Lady's Castle
N-The Guard Post E-Outside the Hig S-The Guard Post W-The Courtyard o
The palace of the High Lady looms to the west, it's high walls and
elegant lines provides a graceful monument to the beauty of Berdusk.
Its, without the apostrophe. also "provide" should not have the s, because it has two subjects, hence it is plural.

There is also a strange problem in the guard post south from the room above. Practically if I go into it and then, from it, to the dungeon under it, when I go up again I find myself in the northern guardpost. Pretty strange.
The Kitchens of the High Lady's Palace
E-The Great Hall
The kitchens of the palace are an almost franticly busy place.
Outside the Entrance to Roseportal House
N-A Dirt Path E-The Minstrelrid S-Stables W-Roseportal Hous
There is a large garden with a long breeze way circling around it, with
large holes in the ceiling to let the sun enter, and a small church at
the opposite end, to the west. On a sign above the door of the temple
is written: "Strive always to aid, to foster new hope, new ideas,
and new prosperity for all humankind and its allies. Perfect thyself,
and guard ever against pride, for it is a sacred duty to foster new
growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. Be
fertile in mind and in body. Consider always the consequences of thine
actions so that the least effort may bring the greatest and best
reward. Wherever you go, sow seeds of plants, tend the growing things
you find, and plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy
future in the minds of all. Whenever possible, see each dawn."
Since thou is employed in the sentence before, in my opinion it would sound better as "Wherever thou goest".

Small Grove (same area as the above room)
In the middle of the clearing sits a small
log cabin with two fieldstone chimineys.
Temple Shop
E-Stone corridor
Several wooden shelves line the walls of this small shops,
filled with various items for sale.
Just "shop".
A soft yellow cushion has been
place near it to allow the worshippers to kneel and pray.

Renewal's Song
Windows look
out upon the Minstrelride and allow warm sunlight to pour in to the
A long counter
stretches across the length of the shop.

Garden south from the room above
In one corner in a trellis that shades a beauifully carved bench.

A middle-aged man with a thick stubble and dark, intelligent eyes. Dressed in
servicable leathers and a brimmed hat, he has the look of a man not unused to
the hardships of the wilds.

Again in Berdusk, temple of Helm now:

Page Arem
His eyebrows and eyelashes are so pale as to almost seem
Existant est français, en anglais on dit "existent" qui est plus proche au latin.

Fountain in the Portico of the temple of Helm in Berdusk
A basin of highly polished silver rests on a marble pedestal, the sides of
the basin etched in delicate abstract patterns that have been inlaid with
with delicate traces of sapphire that catch the sunlight in a sparkle of
deep blue.
There are two withs.

The beautiful flowing and looping patters hold no special
significance other than a testament to the skill of the masons who
worked the stone.

Hallway in the temple of Helm
N-Portico S-Guest Room W-Hallway
The austerity of the white marble corridor is relieved by the graceful
tracery incised into the stone. Stout wood doors line the south wall of the
pasasge which continues to the west. Another door is set in the north wall.
Torches burn in the polished brass sconces at regular intervals along the
E-Hallway S-Hallway W-Office
The passage makes a sharp turn here from east to south. Decorative
stone tracery weaves meaningless patterns along the pristing marble walls.
The floor is also of marble and kept equally clean through the efforts of
the pages and junior clergy in training at the temple. A stout wood door
is set in the west wall.

Ivory tower: there are two Froawiel in the garden.

Winding staircase (in the Ivory Tower)
An ivory staircase winds it's way to the top of the tower, clinging
to the walls in a close embrace.
Its, without apostrophe.

Shops of the Ivory Tower
Shelves and stands around the room hold the varies items
sold here, all neatly arranged and kept in tidy order.

A short and lively woman with a bright smile and a merry
laugh. There is an air of grace and elegant to her.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:35 pm

Guydd's Distillery should be Gyudd's Distillery. [edit: on the Skullport supplement it says he is called Gyudd]

The Draglines
A large man overseas all the
work going on. It is amazing some that some of these ships even made it back
to port.
Oversees. The first "some" should be deleted.

Talgath's Gap
This area was named for Talgoth, once a great ladies man, though he was not
indiscriminate about who's lady it was.
Should be like this: "This area was named for Talgath, once a great ladies' man, though he was not
indiscriminate about whose lady it was."

A small forge stand against one wall with a set of delicate
well made tools carefully placed on a shelf.

This young black skinned man wears light leather armour and carrys
a whip for use on his many and varied charges.

Shatterblade Festhall
Two handed swords and other weapons that show heavy use hang from the
walls, sometimes near parts of other weapons that have been destroyed, lending
this place it's name.

Burning Troll Inn
Spanning three stories high, this is one of the more
prominant buildings around.

Stairs cut into the stone
Other live goblins and kobolds come and go at a rapid pace carrying
all manner of items in thier arms or in primitive wheelbarrels.

Mercenaries merge with a
cornecopia of beings doing all sorts of business.
Last edited by Vaemar on Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Harroghty » Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:51 pm

For all posts here, the most useful way to record something is to give a mobile's or a room's name, and then the area involved. There are more than 100,000 rooms in the game and sometimes we are not immediately familiar with all of their individual names; it helps immensely to narrow it down by area.
"A man may die yet still endure if his work enters the greater work, for time is carried upon a current of forgotten deeds, and events of great moment are but the culmination of a single carefully placed thought." - Chime of Eons
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:18 am

A plate of stalted whale meat steak lies here. (perfect)

Item's short is:
a steak of salted whale meat flesh.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:02 am

In Mystran temple of silverymoon
Khemmunostos says to you 'I am too too busy with my experiments to'

double toos don't make a three!
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Ungtar » Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:45 pm

Blingdenstone ... purple worm larva

This snake-sized creature is a multi-segmented worm, oozing pus and leaving a thin trail of slime behind it as it makes its way through the tunnels. Nearly
a feet long, it is very small and weak for its race.

Foot long. Singular.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:32 pm

An guardsman of Zhentil Keep patrols here.
An should be A
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:38 pm

Darkness over Daggerford

Fountain in the Market square:
One the edges of the disks dance green
marble fish, scales delicatedly patterned in traces of
silver and crushed diamonds, frolicking happily among the
fall of the water.

Wharram's Publishing House (near the market square)
A broad, open building filled with more shelves than the mind
can comfortably conceive - it has the meliculous, precise layout
achieved only by the obsessive or the true enthusiast.

Present in all rooms except for the following one:
A Landing in Wharram's Publishing House
N-Upstairs in Wha E-Upstairs in Wha S-Upstairs in Wha W-Upstairs in Wha
D-Wharram's Publi
A broad, open building filled with more shelves than the mind
A landing overlooking the sprawling expanse of the bookshop
The first line needs to be removed.

At the first floor we have also James Wharram:
A tall man with a keen expression, a commanding aura and
an aqualine nose.

And Solo:
A bronzed young man with square features and a coarse
A small, dusky skinned man with a mild expression and laughing
eyes. Despite his friendly appearence, he seems very reluctant
to talk, and spends a lot of time playing with his short, iron-
grey hair.
Again, the first line needs to be removed because it is from the description of Matteus, another mobile of the same area.

Small chapel of Kelemvor near the market square:
To one side of the chapel stand a collection of large book-shelves, filled
with a variety of tomes - some in better condition than others.

Garden near the market square:
Although it leads directly to tower's base, there the path
Shouldn't it be to "the" tower's base?

Again in the garden the hiexel tree:
This average size tree has gently curved and sparse branches that gives
It an upright oval foliage shape. Its wood is green and seems waxy, its
Bark silver-green in colour.
Give. It's.
Also: this and all the other trees have every line of their description starting with a capital letter.

Again near the market:
Fields Lane
N-Fields Lane E-Animal Handler' S-The market
The cobbles in the street are worn smooth. Fields Lane continues
north to a junction with Horse Way, and into the distance south.
To the east,a board carved with the image of a man taming a wild
beast with a whip and a large piece of meat hangs over a large
barnlike structure.
After the comma it is needed a space.

Dragonback Inn, on Horse Way:
A large
fireplace with a roasting haunch of venison sizzling over it
sends an appetizing aroma though the air.

Potterer's Wheel, shop on Horse Way:
Horse Way is
visable through a door in the southern wall.

Ghelimar Firefrostarr (wandering mob)
His belt holds a sheathe for
a longsword and dagger, while he wears a large bastard sword
across his back, with a brace of throwing daggers strapped to
his arms.
It seems sheath is a noun and sheathe is a verb. Here it is required the noun.
I would also put "for a longsword and a dagger."

Zeno, wandering mob:
Patting a nearly empty purse, this battlescarred fellow's bright
blue eyes wander over his surroundings with professional curiousity.
His leather armor is worn, yet servicable. Weapons of various types,
most notibly a scimitar and a long leather whip, hang from his belt.
Serviceable. Notably.

Ondabarl "Yellowknife" Delfen (near the Northern gate to the East)
Hanging from the rope is a sheathe, where the
knife which gives the mage his nickname rests when not in use.
Sheath. See above.

Again, near the North Gate:
Winston Apothacary
N-Tymora Alley
A large counter of heavy oak stands along the southern wall.
Scattered across the surface are packets of components, recipies,
flasks, and various implements used to create the potions which
are sold in the front of the shop. A large glass case holds
completed potions marked with handwritten labels.

Hicetas, in the jeweler shop on Dukes Way:
Wearing a simple gown of muslin with small golden rings on her
fingers, this young girl's bright green eyes and are flecked with
golden highlights that match her honey blonde hair.
That "and" should be removed.

Duneden, in the shrine of Chauntea on Farmer's Way:
Peering nearsightedly at a parchment scroll, Duneden takes the
ingredients for a potion from a leather satchel marked with the
sign of an apothocary. His long brown robe is stained with
powered components for his potions.
Apothecary. Powdered.

Dukes Way, Ransaran's sergent-at-arms, Ruckert the cleric:
palor suggests time spent long underground, and his voice is a
mushy cough, as though he has contracted a cold.
Palor es español. En inglés hay "pallor".

Castle of Daggerford, outer yard, priest of Tempus:
This man's face is a tapestry of scars and the warmest color
A patchwork of scars criss-crosses this man's face and while
his armor is bloody, his skin is clean and the blood is deep
ochre. Dents add texture to his once smooth harness, but his
posture is straight and he seems hale.
The first line should be removed because it is from the description of a mob in a room nearby.

Barbican of Daggerford Castle:
A massive barbican of rough stones straddles the Duke's Way,
seperating the outer and inner yards of Castle Daggerford.

Farrel's on Hill Road:
Farrel's Fine Jewelry and Apparel
E-Hill Road
A large selection of jewellery sparkles in the light of perfumed
oil lamps. Fine silks and brocades are draped over racks, while
a small pile of sketches stands on a table, the latest fashions
of the Kingdoms for the patrons to examine, comission, and enjoy.
Hill Road is visable through the open door to the east.
Commission. Visible.

Olin, thievish mob in Daggerford:
A small pouch,
visable on a thong around his neck, clinks musically as he
eyes his surroundings.

Hill Road
Hill Road
N-Hill Road E-Hill Road W-Water Street
The cobbles of this road are chipped and worn, though places where
the stones are missing have been filled with hard packed dirt. Hill
Road continues north and east. The narrow lane of Water Street
is visable to the west.

Hill Road
E-Mikitan Shipyar S-Wall Street W-Hill Road
The cobbles of this road are chipped and worn, though places where
the stones are missing have been filled with hard packed dirt. Hill
Road continues to the west. To the south stands Wall Street, where
the River gate is visable in the distance.

Kaoth Alley
Kaoth Alley
N-The Trade Way E-Water Street S-Wall Street W-Blacksmith's Gu
This narrow alley is unpaved and dreary with smoke and the shadows
of surrounding buildings. A large structure to the west is marked with
the sign of a red anvil. Water Street begins stretches to the east. To
the north, Trade Way gives access to the central part of the hold, while
Wall Street is visable through a narrow opening to the south.

Blacksmith's Guildhouse
E-Kaoth Alley
Large charred aprons of thick leather hang on hooks set into the
walls. A glowing fire in the center of this barnlike structure
holds implements that are being heated for reforging of tools,
armor and weapons. A large anvil squats next to a barrel of water,
while racks of finished products fill the southern wall. Kaoth
Alley is visable to the east. A narrow counter along the western
wall holds bottles and glasses, for use in sealing contracts
between the guildmembers.

Trade Way:
The Trade Way
N-Korbus's Fine J E-The Trade Way S-Kaoth Alley W-The Trade Way
Cobbles smoothed and fit perfectly are kept in good repair on this
main route of the hold. Businesses and shops along the road provide
a myriad of sights, sounds, and scents. A glass window in a shop to
the north holds a selection of jewels and fine clothing. Kaoth Alley
is runs south between two buildings. Trade Way continues to the east
and west.
Either is or runs must be chosen, but both don't sound correct to me.

Merchant's Guild on the Trade Way:
The Trade Way is visable
through the open door to the south.

Moneylender on the Trade Way:
Elegantly carves screens of rich ebony
provide privacy for those who wish to look over their fortunes
without prying eyes watching their every move.

Nartan's Fine Goods on High Road
The High Road is visable through the open door in the western wall.

Tailor's federation on High Road:
Large bolts of cloth, in every concievable color, spread over racks
and shelves.
Also, since we are here, the description of Harman, the shopkeeper has a comma with a missing space after it.

Again High Road:
The High Road
N-The High Road E-Lady Luck Taver S-The High Road W-Rogan Alley
The road is wide and cobbled with smooth stones and shops of every
description line its length. The heavy traffic of citizens, guards.
and traders makes this one of the busiest roads in the hold of
Daggerford no matter the time of day. A tavern with the sign of a
woman standing under a horseshoe is visable to the east. To the west,
a small space between two businesses suggests an alley. The High Road
continues to the north and south.

Yet again High Road:
The High Road
N-The High Road E-Kryptgarden Scr S-The High Road
The road is wide and cobbled with smooth stones and shops of every
description line its length. The heavy traffic of citizens, guards.
and traders makes this one of the busiest roads in the hold of
Daggerford no matter the time of day. The High Road continues to the
north and south. To the east,A sign with a rolled scroll and inkstained
quill marks a small shop.
Missing space and capital letter.

Kryptgarden Scrolls on High Road:
The High
Road is visable to the west.

Rogan Alley:
Rogan Alley
N-Rogan Alley E-The High Road S-Guild Alley
Hard packed dirt, with the occassional pothole and cobble make
footing on this narrow alley questionable at best. The shadows of
buildings dapple the alley, and a mixture of earth, alcohol, food,
and other more unpleasant smells drift through this narrow corridor
on a fleeting breeze. Rogan Alley continues to the north. High Road
is visable between two buildings to the east, while Guild Alley
stretches south.

Same story in the room twice north from this.

Guild Alley, between Rogan Alley and the Trade Way:
Guild Alley
N-Rogan Alley E-Physician's Ord S-The Trade Way W-Oleg's Weaponfo
This narrow alley is cobbled, though the cobbles are loose and
shift with every step. The well-maintained pavement of The Trade
Way is visable to the south. The hardpacked dirt of Rogan Alley
is visable to the north. A small shop marked with a hammer and
anvil, with a glowing sword, is visable to the west. The scent
of disinfectant drifts on the breeze from the east, where a
long barracks is marked with the sigil of healers.

Physician's Order, east from the room above:
Guild Alley is visable through the western door.

Derf's Skin Art in Rogan Alley:
Rogan Alley is visable through a dimly lit
door to the east.

Derf himself:
His belt holds a variety of instruments which look like
the should be used by an executioner.
This sentence doesn't sound good to me.

Barracks south from the Drill Field:
Bunk beds stand in military rows in this large structure. The only
concession to decoration of the plain whitewashed walls is the symbol
of Daggerford pained just behide a large table in the southern end of
the hall. Racks for weapons and armor are located at the side of each
bunk, while chests for other items are visable under the bunks. The
drill field is visable through the open doors to the north.
Painted, behind, visible.

Mariner's Alliance on Wall Street (South):
Mariner's Alliance
S-Wall Street
This large chamber has a nautical theme and feel. Portraits of ships
in all sorts of weather, nets, adn instruments of the life of the sea
hang along the walls, while a large cabinet of fine liquors stands
along the northern wall. Charts and invoices for cargo are stacked
neatly on a brass bound captain's desk. Wall Street is visable through
the round porthole cut in the ship's door to the south.
And. Visible.

Ignace on Wall Street (West)
Wielding an awl and a large needle, this balding halfling's hands
are tough as the leather he shapes into durable merchandise for
purchase by townsmen and adventueres. [...]

Also, about Ignace, he seems to speak halfling, although he understands common and lives among humans. It might be better to have him speak common.

And just to finish, gelatin cube in the sewers of Daggerford: at the end of his description he has written ".description."

Rat Hills:
Aldo the Dung Sweeper nods at the sprawling mountain of trash.
Aldo the Dung Sweeper says to you 'We all know better then to go too deep into Rat Hill, dangerous things lurk inside.'
Aldo the Dung Sweeper asks you 'You have the means to go much deeper then we, will you find out what has happened?'
Thelonius says to you 'Here the Faerunian Pantheon, but also the Maztican, Mulhorandi, Zakharan,'
Wasn't written somewhere on the forum that Maztica in FK has not already been discovered?

Howling Peaks, Howling Peaks Trail
In the distance to the northwest, the glimmer of Waterdeep's
tallest buildings is visable.

Cutlass Lane
There is a definate change in the neighborhood as you move on to Cutlass
Lane. Things very adruptly become very clean and very bright. The neighborhood
is quiet, but quiet in a controled and disciplined way rather than in a
fashion that feels threatening.
Definite. Abruptly. Controlled.

Bounty Fashions, Rostin:
An elegant and graceful man wih a definate air of rakish
amusement to him.

Chest Galore:
[...]Warm oak and brass
accents. A gleaming counter stretches along the length of the shop,
manned at all times by friendly staff members who cater to the needs
of the cliental, no matter how odd they may seem at times. [...]
Back to Daggerford, Ducal Palace, Lower Hall:
The stones
of the floor have been worn smooth by the passage of genrations.

Auntie in Rat Hill:
Auntie Glimbell rummages in the mountain of things one her back.
Auntie Glimbell says to you 'Now see these buckles. I go them off some old armor someone threw out. The armor was rubbish, have no doubt. But not these buckles.'

Waterdeep, kneeling in the temple of Moradin:
You pray at the hearth and ask for Moradins blessing.

Tantras, Tarntassa's Tower:
Wrought iron scones hold torches that do not
smoke or burn down.

Tantras, temple of Kelemvor, Open Courtyard:
Trees surrounding the square provides the shade for a
serene path for strolling about after a week of studying in the library or
to discuss scholarly priestly matters.

North from there the Armoury:
The armoursmiths are hammering hard steel on an
anvils, shaping the molten steel. Tools, barrels and equipment littter the
room. Along with shelves and racks holding the finished armour along with
the unfinished.
The article is not needed. Litter. For the last sentence to have sense the full stop should be replaced by a comma.

Same story by the Weaponsmith to the south.

Tantras, Minalde's Book and Sweet:
To the
left is a long glassed topped counter and a series of bookselves.

Finlisker Street
Finlisker Street
N-Finlisker Stree E-Tantras Ale wor S-Finlisker Stree W-Warehouse
Finlisker Street runs to the north and south here. This is a quiet area
with little traffic, growing more commerical as it approaches the docks.
To the west is some sort of warehouse. The scent of the sea begins to
grow stronger here.

Priest of Tempus in the House of Glory in Tantras (Ember Street)
A tall and stern man wearing the robes of a priest of Tempus. He has a commanding
air and a forbidding experssion. Not a man to be trifled with.

The House of Twilight - Brothel and Night Club (on Roel Street)
It atmosphere is very low key,
fights are not tolerated, but almost any amusement can be purchased
for the right amount of coin.

Sune Firehair, by Valentina (chapter one)
Sune is a benevolant [...] deep passsions
Benevolent. Passions.

Chapter two
that makes all beings n a locale happier, [...]with a task or the
role of Sune;s champion,
In. Sune's.

Chapter three
and an aquired imperfection
that can not be masked or healed by spells or other means of shapeshifting spells
the end of a Sunites priest's career.
Acquired. After spells a verb like "means" is needed for the sentence to have sense.

Chapter four
It issues from the core of ones being and shows
ones fair or foul face to the word. [...] and following ones heart [...]imposible love[/color] being [...] Love none more then yourself [...] Encourage beauty whereever you find it [...] whenever
and whereever you find them. [...]
One's. Impossible. Than. Wherever.

Chapter five
is a dusk-til-dawn party which outsiders are invited, [...] sung by skilled mistrels. [...] aften by alteringWhere. Minstrels. Often.

And now to Silverymoon:
Xoth Avenue
N-The Hammer and E-Xoth Avenue W-Xoth Avenue
The houses along this street are noteable for their lack of windows.
Almost all the houses have no window to speak of, while others have
small slits. You suspect this may be where the dwarven artisans live
while in the city.
Notable. Windows.

Again on Xoth Avenue, Bright Blade Brandished Tavern:
This tavern is favoure by adventurers

And the Alcove in there:
Comfortable leather seats before a clean and white table clothed
table are set up here.
The first table needs to go.

Shrine to Sehanine Moonbow:
The only
light in the room can be found from above. a chart of the stars covers the
ceiling as if it were the night sky, along with a larger light to represent
the moon in the center.
It needs a capital there.

Elven squire
He walk seems unused to the load,
This sentence doesn't sound good to me.

Rosa Vernien, priestess of Aerdrie Faenya
Her eyes are a are a bright green that shimmer like
the new spring grass.
I think there should be another word there.

And even when they talk about her:
Ithil Tinta says to you 'Blessed are we to have an Avarial as a teacher here.'

House Invincible:
Gatehouse Tunnel
E-Lower Yard W-Before the Gate
Even on the hottest days of summer, it is noticably cooler within this

Book "Tested and True", chapter one
In the past, He wast greatly
venerated by those who serve as guards and protectors. [...] the Great Guard wast left [...] Verily didst [...]
The t is not needed. Wast and didst are second person singular forms, their usage with the third person is wrong, i.e. thou wast/didst vs. he was/did.

Chapter two
the land wast stricken [...] wast
left with His power
Same as explained above.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:28 pm

Zazesspur, temple of Waukeen, shoproom (north):
This spacious room has many a rare painting on an easil, and many a well-spun,
elaborate tapestry.
What's an easil?

Shoproom (south)
extravagent jewellery.

Inside a merchant's tent
and a large overstuffed traveller's pack full of
travelling necesseties

Female spellbook merchant
it is clears
A trainee priest of Waukeen fidgits nervously.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:16 pm

underneath alaren in the river system.
You cannot swim well *enought* to swim against the strong current.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:38 pm

The second wagon (of Leishan)
t is filled with a
miriad of objects for sale,

There is the same typo also in the first wagon.

Leishan herself
though one cant tell [...] which as a silver handle
Can't. Has.

Moonshae, Corwell, Main Hall of the palace:
where the
king hold public audiences.

Stairs to the Dungeon:
The stairs are made of stone that are cut
Either "stone that is cut" or "stones that are cut".

franticly trying to prepare the keeps next meal.
Frantically. Keep's.

Private Audience Chamber
and a door leads
into what must be the royal families private rooms.

It didn't end very nicely, though, but at least I spotted a typo:
The guards spot a fugutive and swarm them!

Let's get some relief in the sewers of Berdusk, a sewer passage:
The ankle-deep dark sewer waters gives off an acrid smell.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:41 pm

On Maos
*An* tall ugly fishman stands here.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:31 am

at anarok nomad camp

This woman's form is almost completely shrouded in a dun colored hooded shroud of thin make. When she moves you can see *he* has this dun colored skirt and a thin leather vest of some make. Both fabrics are extremely thin and supple. She has a thin shear veil of some sort over *his* face which
seems to offer protection from whipping sands. Adorned on her feet are thin sandals of some sort.
A nomadic woman is in perfect health.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Benorf » Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:29 pm

When you're asleep, and type 'sit'

You wake and sit*s* up.
Benorf the Stout, Axe of Torm
Formyndare Mastare, Horn Guard of Yondalla
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