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Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:13 am
by Belose
Not to mention the little chips of blue she stored in her amulet so she can always use her unique Drow powers and magic up above the Underdark.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:40 pm
by Villis
If I understood that series of books correctly, regarding the Windwalker amulet, it was mainly the amulet itself and its magic that allowed both her magic items and her own magical abilities to function fully when away from the Underdark. I suppose making a portable Underdark for her benefit.

Wasn't the Windwalker Amulet a Rashemi artifact that had those special powers because their culture is so tied to the land, spirits and the like?

Re: Windwalker Amulet

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:45 am
by Talamar
To put succinctly, Yes.

The Windwalker amulet is an Artifact of the Rus, which are predecessors of the Rashemi. They use Runic and Place magic, to fuction. Usually one whom aspires to use it, must make a quest or journey, and the rune is formed in their mind through their experiences with it. They then travel to Yggradsil (I probably butchered that spelling) which is the World Tree, and carve the rune upon it to lock the magic in.

So okay, that's not really succinct, but it's an answer :)

Basically. Yeah, She put a piece of the radiated underdark in the amulet, and sealed it, so carried the magic of the Underdark with her always, thereby being able to use her drow abilities, as well as those of her drow crafted magical items.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:57 am
by Fayona
Is there a reson why they call it the Windwalker amulet..because I though Windwalker was somthing to do with Shaundakul. Well just a question, sorry if Im confusing. :roll:


Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:05 am
by Talamar
I vaguely remember it beming mentioned somewhere that it was titled the Windwalker, because of all the journeys/quests it'd be carried on.

I don't remember where i heard that mind you, but it sounds pretty good to me!


Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 4:55 pm
by Eriabeth
I have a question about the Adamantite in the game: If there were dwarven adamantite in the game (I'm not sure if there is, but it has been hinted to me IC), does it decay like normal adamantite does? Or is it coded differently?