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Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:40 pm
by Selveem
Selveem does not hate Sunites. He sees them as misguided, but generally nice people (especially as of late thanks to many very good Sunite RPers). He has no problem being cordial with any of them, except the ones that attempt to cause problems with him. Even then, he simply ignores those for the most part because as far as he's concerned they just simply don't know any better. Equivelent: Baby yanking on your beard just because he thinks it's fun. Further, even if a Sunite does mistreat him (or anyone else for that matter), he rarely cares for too long unless he considers them mortal enemies (this is a different matter). A month or so later, if he met the same Sunite who was mistreating him who needed say.. protection walking to Berdusk, he would have no problem assisting them with that. He wouldn't go out of his way to 'killmode stun, beat down bandit, take weapon and scar bandit's face' just to annoy the Sunite; he only dislikes their Mistress (another story).

While there are different faiths who may react differently to different faiths, don't think for a minute that Sune would allow one of her children to fall in love with a Tempurian. Sune and Tempus have a rocky past and she does still hold a grudge! (For more IC info, please contact your local Sunite.)

Edited to include:

Also, regarding multiple faiths - I do believe that in Faerun it may be perfectly normal to follow multiple Gods or have a specific couple that you pray most to.. Even one that you pray most to, but occasionally pray to others. Unfortunately, FK is code. It's harder to say 'I worship Torm, but I occasionally pray to Helm to help me stay awake during my watch.' I know quite a few HPs who would take offense to a faith member praying to other Gods aside from their own. In FK, if you choose a God, then you _chose_ your God. The benefits are coded as well as the "penalties" being enforced through RP. Doing so in FK is often seen like being a Christian and praying to a wiccan God/dess for fertility. It is seen as blasphemy and irresponsible.

I would, however, like to see this attitude changed. Not every character should be a zealot and not every character should be a hero/villain. Not all characters would be able to stand up to a God's direct curse and come out still a zealot.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:48 pm
by Lukon
But Sune is also a chaotic sort of witch, so she may say "Love conquers all!" or worse, let the love occur, and then just forbid acting on it. Impossible love is also in her portfolio...Sune may not be evil, but if anything can leave some wicked scars, it's love in all its fury and trembling might.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:26 pm
by Shabanna
I have noted and RPd myself being thankful to Lathander for the birth of a child while also being greatful to Tymora for the good fortune of a healthy strong prosperous family etc...

It is fairly often that I see people RP respect to multiple Gods...Particularly as Shabanna... Many adventurers pray for luck who are followers of other dieties. I'm not sure if it is just something I notice more than some people or if it just happens more around my characters etc...But I do see people comment about praying for certain blessings from God's other than their own. Say... a Tymoran...rogue mutters a prayer that the shadws conceal him ... or a Fighter prays for luck in his battle.

If it were incredibly offensive for other Gods to bless you regardless of your faith then... People would not offer salutations like " May Ilmater ease your burdens" or " My the Shadows Conceal" or "May luck crawl in your lap and refuse to leave." I thinkin general people do a good job of dealing with the polytheistic society. It is really when we get into Faith enemies that I think it becomes a fuzzy area. Its easy to keep from being a "faith bigot" / Zealot... you are nice to everyone! lol

Just my additional... 2 cents on polytheism in FK.

"The Banna"

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:37 am
by Velius
just gonna pop my question here...

if you are the type of character that kills your faith enemy, what steps should you take before doing so?


Sharran meets a Selunite. Sharran wants to kill Selunite. What should Sharran do before stabbing Selunite to death?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:27 am
by Solaghar
Like in any PKill situation, give the person an out. Everything needs to be properly RPed, you can't make any sort of attacks that could be construed as random. Between a Sharran and a Selunite, a few words of greeting and giving them a chance to perhaps run away or disappear would definitely be necessary, but between two such vehemently opposed faiths... they definitely shouldn't be surprised. Check help pkill for more info.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:34 pm
by Mele
Velius wrote:just gonna pop my question here...

if you are the type of character that kills your faith enemy, what steps should you take before doing so?


Sharran meets a Selunite. Sharran wants to kill Selunite. What should Sharran do before stabbing Selunite to death?
Recount his chickens before he gets his ass whooped. xD

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:57 pm
by Nysan
Also note that even though someone is your enemy, doesn't mean you go straight to painful events, its not an automatic reflex. Other details should affect your actions. wouldn't just break into a fight in Waterdeep Square cause a faith enemy walked into the square, guards would jail or kill you rather quickly. Common sense should always play a role in your actions (unless you're an orc :wink: )...

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:08 pm
by Kregor
Actually, orcs are not devoid of common sense. The rules give them a penalty to intelligence, intelligence measures one's literacy, ability to add and calculate, memorise, etc. Like most barbaric cultures, much of this comes from lack of formal education, and a lack of importance put to such things.

Common sense is measured by Wisdom, which is the measure of a character's perceptiveness, reason, sensory attunedness, and gullibility. They are quite separate abilities, just like charisma measures other facets of mental prowess, and they do not bleed into each other. Orcs do not suffer penalties in wisdom, and are in fact, a cunning lot which acts on instinct, which can arguably be much more dangerous than many humanoids which temper their sensory responses with learned mores and ethics (measured by charisma, the other stat for which Orcs are penalized).

Now, as far as faith enemies go, imo, just because you are mortal enemies does not mean your instant reaction has to be to kill said person. Particularly in this mud, since it is RP enforced for PKill, and part of the rules are that you always allow an out in an RP that does not lead to PKill, you can sufficiently play your emnity in other ways. If you said enemy is not even aware of your faith, you have pretty much any option at your disposal. Faith is not quite as automatic as race. You can hide a symbol, or even take it off entirely. You can't as easily hide your racial-ness in many cases.

Even if said faith is known, it does not have to end up in pkill to be played to the hilt. I have had some very enjoyable RP encounters between ranger and Malarite that never end in a pkill, but make for dramatic stand-downs. Likewise, with my Tymoran rogue with a certain Beshaban that, though they are "dire enemies", faith-wise, are both "gentlemen" *coughs*, and tend when they encounter each other to put on an air of tense courtesy with subtle insults mixed in. I have also seen an RP between Lovite and Ilmateri, where instead of coming to blows, the Lovite chose to challenge the Ilmateri in conversation of doctrine to somehow prove themselves better than the Lovite. (A quite amusing discussion, because the two faiths, much like Beshaba and Tymora, are mostly flip sides of a coin.)

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:20 pm
by Nysan
The orc comment was a joke. You're too serious at time Kregor. :wink:

Aye, I have always enjoyed debates of faith under Nysan. Working folks into the verbal corner concerning their beliefs or causing young folks to reconsider which faith to dedicate themselves to. Far more entertaining than "Me, you, outside...NOW!" :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:32 am
by Kregor
The intriguing thing is... I still don't actually know, after encountering him with at least three alts, what faith Nysan actually IS. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:42 am
by Nysan
Kregor wrote:The intriguing thing is... I still don't actually know, after encountering him with at least three alts, what faith Nysan actually IS. :)
Such is the point of Nysan's later years. Create faith related confusion. :P