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Word from the Orc Camp, and comments pertaining thereto

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:50 pm
by Raona
My fellow citizens of Waterdeep -

With the drumbeat of war loud upon the land, I am pressed to urgency in appraising ye all of several matters related to such. At Sir Harroghty's suggestion, I have sought word with the Warboss of the Orcs for some time. Yesterday such wast granted, and I arrived under covenant of parley to find the Feywarden unconscious and draped over the Warboss' shoulder. The Warboss proceeded to make several statements that he asked I convey to all of ye, and I duly do so, presently:

1) The orc named Wrok does not acknowledge the authority of the Warboss, and acts in opposition to his instructions. As such, the Warboss asks that Wrok's actions not be taken as an affront borne of the Orc Camp, or of orcs in general. Further, he stated that those under his control would not aid Wrok, nor take umbrage at any efforts against him. In his eyes, any are free to act against Wrok as they see fit, but have no justification in blaming other orcs for the actions of this one rogue agent.

2) While I find it difficult to appreciate how any collusion betwixt a goblin and an orc might be considered likely, the Warboss also clearly stated that the above holds true for the goblin Grouke: his actions should not be taken as a reflection upon the Orc Camp, and the Orc Camp has no stake in the fate of the goblin: any who read this, do with him as ye will insofar as the Orc Camp is concerned.

3) The Warboss concluded with not so much a request as a warning, referencing the longstanding treaty betwixt the Orc Camp and the paladins of Waterdeep: He identified those mobilising against the Orc Camp as aggressors, and indicated that if the treaty was breached by an attack upon the Orc Camp to which Waterdeep was party, the consequences for Waterdeep would be grave. He indicated the orcs to be in league with other entities, some of which were in a position to strike at Waterdeep's heart directly, bypassing the walls and gates.

Pursuant to the final point, I would play the role of historian for a moment. Long before my birth, over 100 years past, I understand the paladins of Waterdeep to have signed a treaty with the leaders of the Orc Camp. I have long sought reference to it in the City archives, to no avail. The only written record of its details that I have found lies at the entrance to the Orc Camp itself, and reads as follows:
"Dere iz now a truce dat comes between deh Paladins of Wateh Deep and deh Big
Bosses of dis Orc Village. Deh Oomins and dere allyz are to keep away from
village. Deh Orcs will stop dere raidin of Water Deep and dem otheh Oomin
cities between village and Wateh Deep. An attack on our village will mean War
on deh Oomins. Till den Orcs who go to dese Oomin places and anger Oomins
into raiding village will 'ave hot brands mark dem as traitors and den dey
will be taken apart real slow."
It is unclear whether the paladins spoke for the whole of Waterdeep in signing the treaty, or if it was meant to apply only to our ilk. Similarly, who falls under the rubric of "human allies" is not specified.

For my own part, as a human paladin of Waterdeep, I see no question that the treaty does apply to me. I feel bound by the oaths of my predecessors, and will not take up arms against the Orc Village unless the treaty is demonstrably violated. In stating this I take no position on whether such violation has taken place; I only state that I feel the covenant, made specifically by such as Sir Andreas, bears fully upon me and my fellow knights despite its antiquity.

I will close by stating that having arrived under covenant of parley, I could do little for the Feywarden. I enquired as to how his return might be manifest, and the Warboss indicated that the Feywarden had attacked him, and he had not yet decided what his fate might be. It is my understanding that an exchange has been subsequently negotiated for Larethiel's release, one still being arranged to actually take place.

I call upon any claiming just cause in taking up arms against the Orc Camp to make plain and clear such justifications, that fact might be sifted from bluster and anger, and the proper course of action decided upon by nation and individual alike, providing the Orc Camp due opportunity to retort the claims made against it.

In humble service to the Holy Cause of Justice and the City of Splendours,

Dame Raona Corbin of Tyr
Acting Commander, Waterdeep City Watch
Watch Representative to the Council of Lords