Competitiveness in FK: Chill out...

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Post by Lathander » Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:45 pm

Brar especially, and others I'm sure also, let me clarify.
Because ICly, depending on rp, a level 10 character who is high priest with a lot of hours playing rp instead of bashing mob would be far more powerful than the level 50 twink who began a week ago.
Not really. A L10 character is high priest in a faith and has lots of hours rping instead of bashing mobs is not more powerful in a pkill situation than is the L50 PC with lots of combat skill. The HP character might have more resources for retribution, would certainly have the attention of his/her deity if online and other things. But the L10 PC has no right or ability to "smote smacks you upside the head with his high priest's mace of massive mighty goodness." And if the priest did that, the L50 twink fighter is under no obligation to fall down and play dead.

That being said, it doesn't mean that the L10 HP can't or shouldn't rp from a position of power as a high ranking member of a church. While most people do not condone a twinkish style of play, nor do we set rules that tell a player he/she cannot rely on the skills they have. This is the same as when we do not allow people to claim any other power they do not possess. Examples include mystic rays shooting out of ones eyes, psionic powers, super-human feats of atheleticism and so on. All of which are actual behaviors the imms have observed at one point or another.

Now, if someone is code-stunned in the course of a pkill it is perfectly fine to let that person stand and follow under the assumption they are still stunned, because the code does not permit it. That is not my point in this.

We always stress that just because code allows you to do something, it doesn't mean you should (e.g. single-handedly killing every mob in your rival's temple). Likewise we must insist that if code is there specifically for a given situation, we expect it to be used. Killmode spar was not implemented to facilitate player v mob combat. In a nutshell, we want to avoid the following:

L50 Fighter ends up in a pkill situation with L10 priest (HP or not).
Appropriate type and acceptable amount of rp has lead to the situation.
All pkill rules have been adhered to up to this point.
L10 priest can't with reasonable rp avoid the pkill or chooses not to avoid
L10 priest smote calls the divine power of his god down to smite $L50.
L50 fighter smote falls to the ground reduced to a pile of smoldering ash!
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Post by Brar » Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:16 am

Oki doki, as you know I'm coming back from a 4 years break so I'm getting updated on alll the changes.

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Post by Dalvyn » Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:16 am

As a side note, ICly, those who focus on roleplay more than twinking always get more allies, both PC allies and NPC allies, inluding divine allies. Sure, the level 50 twink might be able to kill most of them (well, not the divine ones), but he might think otherwise when he is cut off from some cities or services... or when whole churches or other organizations come after them.

And... OOCly, if someone twinks his way to level 50 in four days and start going on a pkill rampage, they will most likely be strongly advised to find another mud better suited to their taste.

And yes, if players A and B both spend 30 hours a week on FK, if player A spends those 30 hours roleplaying and player B spends those 30 hours twinking, character B will always be more powerful than character A. Yes, that sucks, especially on a "roleplaying mud". That has already been discussed extensively in another thread, along with possible solutions. But that does not mean that people can base the whole combat on smotes and *force* the other to accept the smotes.

Now... if all those who take part in the combat agree to using smotes and are fine with the result, then well, I'd guess it's fine.
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Post by Gorwin » Tue Jul 25, 2006 1:12 pm

Well seems alot of newer players, maybe time fer a good ole fashion pk rolepaly type demonstration so more folks are aware of what all it involves. I rember a good one i saw once with tsai , not sure if there were logs made of it or not. Some folks may tend to not rp it as much for the simple reason they havent figured out how. :)
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