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Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:19 am
by Rhytania
heh thanks Raona for being one of the few people to actually understand that.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:52 am
by Raona
A heartfelt thanks to all who took part! For those new to it, that's about as smooth as a group RP can go...everyone played a role, and we stuck together. But a motlier group of folk working together we'll never see, unless a tiefling had actually gone along! Thanks again to everyone for being there on time, playing a role without hogging the stage, and for being patient, which is always required!


Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:59 am
by Aldren
And a heartfelt sorry to all those involved. My computer, namely my ISP decided to take a vacation on me halfway through. ISP is now quasi-down (i get disconnects every 5 minutes or so). Thanks for bearing with me, and sorry. =)

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:07 pm
by Dalvyn
Several people took part in the expeditions and learned the secrets of mining and smelting ore. But all this was done with a goal in mind, and not just to get skills.

Hopefully, if there is still some interest, this line of roleplay can continue in a few days. Planned for the future :

- a gathering with dwarven experts
- a gathering with a clever giant
- delving into the past of Ardeep
- finding lost dwarven secrets
- exploring some 400 room worth of new areas
- visiting another plane and talking with dead creatures
- and perhaps saving Ardeep

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:38 pm
by Scylere
I have two characters that were in groups into the mines. Both received the mining/smelting skills. I am finding that it takes forever to get anywhere with the skill, so I haven't been able to mine any ore yet...:( The ore just falls apart.

So my characters won't have any ore to contribute. How much time is left to gather ore?

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:48 pm
by Dalvyn
Time (as well as the exact quantity of ore to mine) is not set yet. Don't waste time trying to mine alone... I would think it would be much more fun to mine as a group, and stop and roleplay from time to time, along with perhaps a ranger or a priest to refresh the stamina. Much much less boring that way I think. (Always less boring as a group).


Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:00 am
by Raona
Good timing for Raona, as I am *finally* done spending every bloody weekend at weddings!

Raona will reappear shortly, and try to round up others interested in mining and the other tasks mentioned above - mostly in the US mornings / EU evenings on the weekends. My apologies to all involved for disappearing for a time!

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:05 am
by Valdimyr
Please, round me up when you come back :)
I'm always wanting to go mining with a group, but I can never find anyone that either wants/can mine, so I'm always left with going to mine alone and being really, really bored.

So please, seek Valdimyr out. He's always around and is always looking for a group.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:34 pm
by Gregal
Can we orgainze a evil part to this rp as well? I would like to get some evils involved :)

Another trip to the Gnome Warrens?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:59 am
by Raona
IC, Raona has discovered that there remain a number of PC's who wish to get involved in the continuing Ardeep RP, but haven't yet had a chance to visit the gnome warrens. Ergo, I'm trying to organize one more expedition, subject to the interest being real on the part of enough players.

On the list of interested parties so far (most of these are hearsay):
Xryon (?)
Kamn (?)

Among those willing to return, to aid a group:

Amongst the first group are many fighters, two priests, and one thief, I believe. Missing is a mage, but Geneveve has volunteered if no new blood steps forward.

If you have not spoken about this directly with Raona, IC, but would like to take part, please PM me or send me an email, specifying your PC's name. (You do not have to be on the list above, but if you are, I'd appreciate confirmation that you are, or a clear statement that you aren't, really interested.) If I get enough confirmations, I'll work on setting up a time and theme! Better still, if anyone volunteers to lead the expedition, I'll have them take over the organization process.
New to the RP, having confirmed interest at this point:
Yuki (Fighter)
Caelyvar (Ranger)
Mitchell (Mage)
Frannkin (Cleric)

With those willing to return to help, this would be a group, save that we have no rogue. If you play an ICly appropriate rogue and would be interested in travelling to the gnome warrens, please email or PM me. (Neveson?) If that happens, I'll work on coordinating a time. If not...sorry to those who spoke up!

p.s. You're still in time to express an interest if you haven't already. If you've already been to the warrens, on using that mining skill!

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:47 pm
by Dalvyn
Copied from the other thread:
Harroghty wrote:Not sure if this is the right thread for this but...

The Friendly Arms situation, which I'll lump in the six-fingered daemon category, is at an impasse because the FAI area is competely closed right now. The command 'inn' from the outside doesn't work whereas earlier (right after the daemons appeared) we could still enter the yard outside the walls. There was an IMM there briefly but then they left without any coordinating instructions. Should we post here to arrange a time to pick up the SL?

EDIT: about two seconds after I hit post 'a powerful bar-lgura' wandered out and now there's a message when you cannot enter the inn area, still, I'm curious how to go about picking up the SL with IMM support. Cheers.
The situation is supposed to be slightly more complex than what a group of 4 or 5 characters could solve by just bashing down a dozen demons. The area was closed so that the whole thing does not get "solved" (or ruined) by people who would just consider the code aspect of it (just like some already did by running through the area yesterday while invisible and flying, not giving any time to make the mobs react cleverly). That is: codewise, those are just dumb mobs, who won't react to specific actions by the players; ICly, they are clever enough to use their spell-like abilities in a more interesting way.

So... it remains OOCly closed for now, till the situation can be fixed by a suitable roleplay (involving, if possible, more than only 4 or 5 character), and it was also closed while I was sleeping. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:12 pm
by Harroghty
Ah, that explains it then (the sleeping part) because shortly after when I suspect you left we had a more than able group (3 clerics, ranger, warrior, paladin, 2 spellcasters, usw.). Still though, we'll coordinate with you here?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:53 pm
by Dalvyn
To those who saved the Friendly Arm Inn:

Please send a mail to with the name of your character, so I can fix the glittering gems you have been given and make them permanent. If they have already faded out, please mention their exact description in your mail.

Re: Another trip to the Gnome Warrens?

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:36 pm
by Raona
Raona wrote:IC, Raona has discovered that there remain a number of PC's who wish to get involved in the continuing Ardeep RP, but haven't yet had a chance to visit the gnome warrens. Ergo, I'm trying to organize one more expedition, subject to the interest being real on the part of enough players.

On the list of interested parties so far (most of these are hearsay):
Xryon (?)
Kamn (?)

Among those willing to return, to aid a group:

Amongst the first group are many fighters, two priests, and one thief, I believe. Missing is a mage, but Geneveve has volunteered if no new blood steps forward.

If you have not spoken about this directly with Raona, IC, but would like to take part, please PM me or send me an email, specifying your PC's name. (You do not have to be on the list above, but if you are, I'd appreciate confirmation that you are, or a clear statement that you aren't, really interested.) If I get enough confirmations, I'll work on setting up a time and theme! Better still, if anyone volunteers to lead the expedition, I'll have them take over the organization process.
The following folks have confirmed their interest to this point, and have not completed the warrens quest:
Yuki (Fighter)
Caelyvar (Ranger)
Mitchell (Mage)
Frannkin (Cleric)
Ketlic (Ranger)

With those willing to return to help, this would be a group, save that we have no rogue. If you play an ICly appropriate rogue and would be interested in travelling to the gnome warrens, please email or PM me. (Neveson?) If that happens, I'll work on coordinating a time. If not...sorry to those who took the time to speak up, but I don't want to organize a fool's errand! A trap-finder of some sort is needed!

p.s. You're still in time to express an interest if you haven't already. If you've already been to the warrens, on using that mining skill!

Update - Setting a Time

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:48 pm
by Raona
The following PC's have expressed an interest in visiting the gnome warrens to aid in the Ardeep Demon RP:

Yuki (Fighter)
Caelyvar (Ranger)
Mitchell (Mage)
Frannkin (Cleric)
Ketlic (Ranger)
Neveson (Rogue)

Such a group should cover all the needed skill areas, I think! So, it comes to setting a time! I have two to propose, though option one offers very little lead time:

(1) ... c=0&p1=159
(2) ... c=0&p1=159

Frankly, Raona's presence isn't needed, I'm just OOCly coordinating all of you getting together! So if these times don't work for you, suggest a different one! (Please use the instructions earlier in this thread.) I'd be delighted if, knowing that there's enough interest, one of you stepped forward to lead the group and took it from here (as I have my fingers in plenty of other things already!).

That said, let's assume the first time. If you want to join the expedition (even if you are not on the list above), have not aided the gnomes previously, and can make the first time, please send me a PM or Email saying so.

If you are on the list above, but can't make the first time, please let me know if the second would work for you.

I'll send out a go/no-go message tonight, based on the replies I get. If you see anyone on the list above who may not get along with your character ICly, please warn me! Those who I know should get along, though...very well, even!

Re: Update - Setting a Time

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:57 am
by Raona
Update: I got only one confirmation and one new interested PC (a cleric) for this time, but nobody said they couldn't make it, either. That's little information to go on! So...I'll ask any involved, who get this message in time, to try to be online for this proposed time. If we don't have the critical mass needed to journey to the warrens, and can't raise it IC, we'll work out an alternate time to try for.

If you would have to go out of your way to be online at the time above, please don't do so - I can't guarantee that the expedition will be a go, but I also think this may be the best time and opportunity we have for at least a week!


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:17 am
by Raona
My big mistake at the end of the last session having been patched up ICly (many thanks to the Gods and the servants of Lord Death!), I'm hoping to organize a follow-up expedition for this weekend.

If you were part of last weekend's group, and would like to return, please let me know if you could make it for ... c=0&p1=159

If you have started the gnome warren quest, but not completed it, and would like to join this returning group, please PM me on the feasibility of the proposed time, and include some information on how far along on the quest your character is (or the group they were participating in got) and what class they are.

Edit: Updated to an earlier time, which is the only option for a key group member.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:19 pm
by Larethiel
As the forum does not let me send a pm, I'll ask here :)

Is it possible to get along, even if you've not done/started/whatever the Gnome Warren quest?

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:39 pm
by Raona
Larethiel wrote:As the forum does not let me send a pm, I'll ask here :)

Is it possible to get along, even if you've not done/started/whatever the Gnome Warren quest?
Alas, not really...the background information needed in that case would be substantial. If you have learned the tale from the quest offerer, I think you are in a position to join this group. If you have never been to the warrens, please consider organizing your own group, as per the instructions earlier in this thread, or purely IC. If your group gets part-way through the quest, and then gets stuck, sometime before Sunday, you could then join this group.

I know there are quite a few others still interested in going that haven't yet started the quest. Among them may be
Xryon (?)
Kamn (?)

Sorry that we can't add you on mid-quest!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:12 pm
by Dalvyn
I'm quick to point things that - in my opinion - are not good, so it's only fair if I also point out things that I consider very good for the mud.

I have already mentioned this more or less vaguely in other posts, but I'll try and make it clear here. Long roleplays do not have to be restricted to when the imm in charge is online. Many characters are quick to take up arms and quick to react in a "Let's go there, kill them, do this and do that" manner when they know the imm is around, even sometimes acting too rashly and ignoring what was said before.

I will take a simple example. A few days ago, there was a short roleplay on the Market Square where people got an opportunity to learn about the roleplay and discuss plans for the future. Several things were discussed and plans to try and get more organized were laid out; it was also said that spreading the information, and setting up gatherings and so on should be done first, before any other action. A few characters joined in the roleplay late, only picked a few bits from the discussion (which had been ongoing for the past two or three hours), and decided to go and act as a small group, completely ignoring what had been said earlier.

As an roleplay-running imm, it sure is nice to see people motivated about the roleplay you try to set up, but motivation "on the spur of the moment", which is limited to when the imm is online, is not sufficient in a long-term roleplay.

What would be good to help support the roleplay would be to also roleplay about the events when the imm is not around, to spread the information (by telling other characters about it, by posting on the in-game boards, ...), to set up gatherings between key PCs to discuss future plans, and so on. Some characters have done that (I'm thinking mostly about the many posts, mails, and roleplays set up by Raona. Raona's player did a wonderful job to support the roleplay, and I want to take this opporitunity to express my thanks. I'd like also to mention Harroghty's posts about the Friendly Imm).

So, if there are a few things to remember about this post :
  1. If you come up late in a roleplay, make sure you know all that has been said before setting up plans for actions to be taken immediately.
  2. Roleplay about the events even when the imm is not there. It's make no sense to pretend that your character is deeply concerned about a problem when the imm is there if, when the imm is not there, you never talk about it.
  3. Spread the news. That might be the best thing you can do for the roleplay!
  4. Take initiatives; set up gatherings to have the roleplay move along; do not wait for the roleplay to come to you. Events between players, that do not require the imm presence can be planned by players (meetings to discuss things, expeditions, gathering to work on something, ...).