Numbers or words? Or both?

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Post by Emrys » Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:33 pm

I'm weighing in on the side of numbers for one reason only: spell casting. As Tavik pointed out earlier, certain spell levels require a specific numerical score in the related attribute to cast them. It just don't seem fair to make a player guess based on word descriptions if he has what he needs or not.
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Post by Taerom » Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:05 am

I strongly support being able to see numbers. A config option would be ideal to me.
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Post by Glim » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:38 pm

I'd like to bump this to the surface a bit, especially considering AC.

I think, especially with Dalvyn's post, being able to see the numbers of our stats, or at the least being able to see the numbers of our AC would help to prevent people from wearing "useless" equipment, since it seems like in the future a few ac values will not stack. I only have a vague idea of the changes being made, but I can forsee people having a hard time differentiating between natural ac, deflection ac, armor enhancement ac, so alot of people would be combining useless items that would not stack. I think that being able to see our ac would help in this greatly.

Almost everyone who posted here favored either a toggle or being able to see numbers, so would it be that major of a change to allow this?
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Post by Larethiel » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:30 pm

I totally agree, I would love to see my AC somewhere as I always wondered how heigh/low it is and what influences it. Being an active d&d-player...I miss the AC on the score sheet ;)
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Post by Selveem » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:41 pm

You bring up a very valid point, actually.

With the introduction of the AC system rehauled, I think this is a very important change. Not just for stats and AC, either. In my opinion it might be best to also include the actual numbers for resistances and % til next level. Because of this wide array, I do think toggle would be best and the easiest compromise to please both the chicken AND the egg. :)
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Post by Orplar » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:13 pm

I too would love to have either a toggle in config or see both in the score sheet. As well as the AC, exp % and resistances. :)
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Post by Leohand » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:23 pm

I like the system of words, but I agree with numbers too. Well, I'm not sure how hard it would be to code, but perhaps a command could be entered to see a spellcasters effective casting level?


Player bob is a priest

player bob types clevel

Player bob's casting level is 6

This would mean that bob has the stats, and the levels, to cast level six spells. This way player bob might hit level 41 and find out his clevel is still 8, and he'll need to find a trainer for Wisdom once more.

Paladins, I believe, are charisma based, right? As are bards? And Rangers and druids are wisdom, and wizards are intelligence. This way they only get to see the one stat. Sort of, hehe.
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Post by Nysan » Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:11 pm

I prefer words myself, but not words that describe several values such as the skill words describing 3 levels. Numbers are short hand mostly, easier to place when one does not have the time or patience to list seperate words for every 20-some-odd points in a chart.

Short answer: I can live with either.
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