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Post by Solaghar » Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:23 am

I think a large part of the problem is that sometimes real life intersects with this game in a way that makes people conscientious or defensive. The key is to remember it's just a game, none of us own it, none of us need to sabotage the characters of another player, no one threatens other people purely by existing, we're not in competition with one another over the affections of other people, or for IC positions, or for OOC loyalties. It's a text-based D&D roleplaying game played over the internet, not something to base one's life or emotional state around.

As a human being who plays here, there are a few people who I have spoken with who I might find annoying IC'ly or OOC'ly, but I prefer to ignore them if I must do anything. I'd certainly never go out of my way to contact them or harass them, that is far, far over the line for me, as I'd imagine it is for most people. Have things made me mad on FK? Sure... I've lain awake upset for an hour from a forum argument or two in the past, I've been mad at things that happened to my characters, because of the time and energy I've put into building them this only makes sense. But you get over it, you either learn to work with people you dislike or you ignore them, just like in real life.

One thing that has never appealed to me here is to have a deep emotional relationship with another PC. Why? I don't know, it just seems kind of weird to me. I hear about gossip from Waterdeep, X person is cheating on Y person, this one loves that one, this one now hates that one, and I honestly don't get it. It seems like way too much emotional commitment to put into a text based game, and it introduces all sorts of strange jealousies and rivalries. I understand that characters might want to get married, have children, date... but for those who are constantly searching for love from other characters, is it about what your character wants or some sort of search for validation or attention one isn't getting OOC'ly? This is where I think the problem comes to a head, because for those who mix up IC and OOC, who are using the game to fulfill real life needs and when other people interfere with those needs, feel threatened in reality and respond emotionally and erratically.

I am not a method actor dedicated to my craft, I am not looking to build a stable, emotionally healthy relationship here, I am someone who has a casual hobby of wasting his time on a fun, interesting game which I like very much, but which I recognize as being nothing more than a game.
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Post by Mariela » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:06 am

In slight defense of some of the "Deep relationships" on the game...

No offense, but those who have relationships with my characters I hope you aren't looking for that out of character connection....

especially since I realize that some of you are girls. (Ick! no offense. Not my style.) And a couple of you are OLD.... (ick. No offense. I have a eight year range on both sides of my age. Bust the age group and yer out!) And some of you are married! (ICK. used merchandise. Ew!)

The fun of some of the relationships, and this is why they are fun and convient to have is... well to be honest. *shifty eyes* you always have someone to drag on those quests you have to have like 5 people to do. It's a constant pocket of at least two charcters who interact constantly and a few more of their "friends" who are also at your fingertips.

Yes. It's a game.
But it's also text based. At the base of every good adventure story there is at least one romantic tangle. Granted, sometimes we take the drama a bit high, but bleh. It's acycle. It rises and lowers. Women are evil. Men are gossips and the world keeps moving.

On a completely random note. You want dedication to RP? And dedication to making your own fun. Get one of your female character's pregnant. You can't even do a THIRD of what you used to for fear of screwing yourself up. I thought I was going to lose my marbles when a bee attacked me randomly! PANIC! :)

Okay. Back to point...
Defense of permante relationships...
I will be the first to point out that I haven't met a gamer of ANY kind yet who wasn't a bit touched in the head for some reason. Everyone carries along their emtional baggage. It's why we like the tales of high adventure where at the end of the day, the hero not only wins the day, but also gets the girl.

And there is a sunset.
Confusion heard his voice, and wild uproar Stood ruled, stood vast infinitude confined;
Till at his second bidding darkness fled, Light shone, and order from disorder sprung.
--John Milton
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Post by Kohadon » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:24 am

^^ <3 this chick :D

Wish I had sumthin valid to add to this, but my point has pretty much been thrown out there least 7 times now. Just a game. You don't know these people. For the ones that do, one probably got the other started or sumthin. Sure, I've had bad days and didn't want to be bothered with certain things. But when that occurs, either have the forethought to keep it to urself, or just don't play right then. Tis all
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