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Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:30 pm
by Duranamir
I Yzdis Tlabbar call the students of the academy both current and recent graduates to a meeting in the bazaar to discuss there ongoing training and place within the great scheme of Lloth queen of spiders.

Yzdis Tlabber priestess favoured of Lloth

OOC keeping up the idea of Friday RP's ... c=0&p1=136


Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:46 pm
by Duranamir
There will be a hunt in the wilds surrounding the city of Ched Nasad. Yzdis Tlabber intends teaching the pitiful creatures of that place what it means to live in the shadow of our great city. Any other citizens of the cities of Ched Nasad or Menoberranzan will be of use in this endevour.

Yzdis Tlabber priestess favoured of Lloth

OOC keeping up the idea of Friday RP's ... c=0&p1=136


Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:23 pm
by Aunala
I will be there. A hour or two early maybe to see whos all there.

Its good to see that some Drow keep coming back for this, and for those that wish to make a Drow and get caught up in some of these RP's I would encourage greatly. But also for some of those OLD Drow players! I, and perhaps even Durananmir, get giddy when we finger an old Drow to see that they have been on lately. I would love to see more of that happening and these Drow Fridays are the way to do it.

So you priestesses grab your whips, you casters grab your wit, and males bring respect. (A bit tacky.. I know)

A soon to be very happy drow

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:46 am
by Peverell
I'll get on as early as I can :)

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:49 pm
by Velius
Sorry big time about being gone guys, I should be back next week though to make that friday. I feel bad about not being able to come on :( .

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:48 pm
by Aunala
Talk spread of I, Aunala Tlabbar, Priestess and favoured of Chaos is calling upon
the Holy City of Lloth for it's weaponmasters and skilled Drow in the blade ,or
in other skills of worth, to come to the city's bazaar. A Fighting Championship
has been called to take place ,granted by myself, in the Melee Magthere.
Entrance to the glorious event will cost only 5 platinum to those of noble Houses,
commoners may enter at the price of 8 platinum. The result in 2 defeats in
combat will have the male promptly removed from the championship.

Only the males will be competing.
Any armour, any weapons, any spells.
Binding spells are limited.
Do not die.
Fight for the Great Mother.

Winner: Will be noted the greatest warrior in the Holy City and 20 platinum to go to
their training to glorify Chaos.

Contact Aunala Tlabbar to announce you participation.

OOC: Just a little tourney to get some RP back. Keeping up with the Friday RPs and
will be held on the 16th of this month. The first 4 rounds of each fight will have to
be sparred then you may go to stun. Start training! :D
(Again, binding spells will be limited and the rules will be gone over once everyone
has shown up)

Will be held: ... c=0&p1=132

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:32 pm
by Peverell
Still on tonight...?

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:51 pm
by Aunala
Yup. Starting very quickly.

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:10 am
by Aunala
Whispers spread throughout the True City of Lloth that Finidinal of House Q'Xorlarrin was named Champion of Menzoberranzan. During the Championship dedicated to Chaos the fighters that contested were:

The Commoner Gaurhoth.
The Warrior Szorvyll of House Faen Tlabbar.
The Invoker Ilphae of House Q'Xorlarrin.
The Warrior Llyscin of House Baenre.
The Bard Cyprianus, a commoner.
The Warrior Finidinal of House Q'Xorlarrin.


The first battle was of Ilphae and Llyscin which ended in Ilphae winning.

The second battle was a three way battle of Gaurhoth, Szorvyll and Cyprianus. The winner was Gaurhoth.

The Warrior Finidinal made an appearance then and was set to fight Gaurhoth. After the match the winner was Finidinal.A

A brief fight with Cyprianus and Llyscin ended with Cyprianus the victor.

Next was the Invoker Ilphae against the Warrior Szorvyll, the winner was Szorvyll.

A vicious scramble then took place when Cyprianus and Szorvyll took up their weapons. Szorvyll was the winner.

The next collision was fought by the two Q'Xorlarrins, the Invoker surprisingly fought well and used a series of spells to aid himself and to also hurt his warrior House member when touched. The victor still came out to the warrior Finidinal.

The next battle was of another three way fight of Gaurhoth, Szorvyll, and Finidinal. Gaurhoth and Szorvyll both concentrated their skills upon the unbeaten Finidinal. With only enough energy to stun Szorvyll, Finidinal fell just as he turned to face the blade of Gaurhoth. Gaurhoth came to be the winner.

For the championship! With revenge in his eyes Finidinal continued resting until he felt he could do away with Gaurhoth. Though Gaurhoth was a formidable foe, an elixir that made flames protect his very corporal form made him nearly unbeatable, Finidinal used his might to overpower the magical Gaurhoth. The victor at the end of the bloody and heated battle was non other then Finidinal of House Q'Xorlarrin. Crowned the Champion of the Holy City he was given coin to continue his training.

All of these males dedicated their victories to the Great Weaver of Chaos. Death unto heretics and praise Lloth!

OOC: Need I say how great the turnout for this RP was!? Thank you very much for those of you that came. This -is- the funnest and crazed RP event I have ever participated in. (I hear I missed the funnest part.. I need a copy of that song Cyprianus!!) If anyone has a log of it or the entire event I would be very thankful to have it. Sorry I couldnt have stayed longer or have given a 10 second warning that I had to go. :P Would love the next RP to have the same faces and more if possible.

Signed Aunala,
In Duranamirs words, "A very happy drow"

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:24 am
by Peverell
I'll send you my log - Cyprianus's ditties included :)

PS Watch your back, Finidinal :wink: All the hot-headed young males of Menzo are going to start challenging you in the street.

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:50 am
by Aunala
Alright, I have my fair share of ideas and have briefly talked with other Drow players about the continued Drow Friday RPs.
But, I want to know EVERYONES ideas. Then myself and some other players know just what to plan for to try and make everyone happy.

A simple PM would be welcomed.

Thank you.

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:56 am
by Duranamir
The tournament was i think a great success and after having some more feedback from other players the suggestion is to have a tournament like the recent one about once per month. This will allow the males of the city a means of impressing the priestesses with there prowess and increase the general RP as well. No doubt a few rivalries will develop as the competitions go on.

Given the chaotic nature of the city and the whims of the priestesses any form of competition can be expected from restricted weapons and unequal sides through to anything else the devious mind of the presiding priestess can come up with !.

I am proposing that the tournaments should be run on the second Friday of every month, unless anyone has any better ideas for timing ?

Yzdis priestess of Lloth

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:24 pm
by Ilphae
I would like to see these events become regular too. I had a really fun time at the last one. And it will be fun to see the new drow improve and climb higher in the ranks.

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:51 pm
by Peverell
Just a heads up, I'm probably going to a birthday party next Friday, so Szorvyll won't be around.

(Or he'll turn up really late and drunk)

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:23 am
by Aunala
Either one of those separate are not too bad... The two together is hilarious. :P Looking forward to see you there. But.. My birthday is also next Friday. Chances are that I will probably be able to make it. If not, not a huge loss.

On the continuation of the fighting championships with altering the weapons, I am in complete favor of this. I am more then willing to help find a time for these.

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:31 am
by Duranamir
Duranamir the merchant will be returning to the great city of Menzoberranzan with items to trade and sell including magical weapons, components and other assorted items gathered from the farthest reachs of the underdark and beyond.

He will be in the bazzaar around about the following time. ... c=0&p1=136

Duranamir Mage and Merchant

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:32 am
by Cyprianus
Thanks for coming out today for this event. It was fun and mathematically sound!

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:43 am
by Aunala
On this Friday will be the 2nd Friday in February, thus the 2nd Championship.

Dust off those old Drow and log. :) ... c=0&p1=132

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:33 pm
by Peverell
Szorvyll is waiting for the Menzo crime bug to be fixed :(

Re: [EVENT] Drow a call to arms

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:42 pm
by Aunala
I hope it gets fixed soon. :( Missin you.