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Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 7:44 pm
by Tazmin
I can see the point Tempus is trying to make. Having to be civil, at least barely, to another priest because of who and what they are makes sense. Tazmin may hate Tempites to the core of her being, but the person is a priest. I am not particularly religous in real life, but that does not mean I am going to go smack a nun, why tempt fate?

However like Mystra said any of us, or any apposed faith, priests raiseing people of the opposed faith is going to get you in deep kimchee with your god. I think this would be similar to an ethos violation on a paladin. Also you need to consider said raised person would probably promptly kill themselves again to avoid the humilation of having such a hated person raise them. That and there own god would be having a word or two with them as well, and probably not pleasent ones. =)

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:44 pm
by Lea
You know I play a Druid who has the ability to raise dead and and I have never had anyone give me a hard time or treat me disrespectfully when they need to be raised and I charge them for the price it takes for the gem I need to raise them.

I will tell you the one thing that really annoys me though. When you send a tell to a cleric who then sits on the mud for over an hour and never responds to your tell and then they log off to only log on an alt. I had someone who was new to the mud send me a tell that he had fallen. I had sent a tell to a cleric that did not even have the courtesy to reply to tell me that they were not able to help so I could possibly find another cleric that was on at that time. During this time I had looked at the who list several times. So since I had given this person all of the informtaion I had assumed that they were going to help until after an hour went by and the person who was dead asked me if we were getting his corpse. I then looked at the who list again only to see that the person had logged on as an alt.

So all I have to say is if you want us to respect you then perhaps you should at least have enough courtesy to respond when you may be the only priest on that can help and not log onto and alt just because you see someone else you would rather role play with.


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 1:03 am
by Rhytania
I agree with Lea a 100%on this, I beleive that as priests or clerics we have a duty both IC and OOC to look after the general public. Even if its not in your best interest to help someone do it anyway, you never know who is on the other end of that keyboard and it sucks to be a newbie with no one to turn. And if not, relay the message to someone who can help; everyone benefits from this in one way or another even if its just looking out for the fellow players.

RE: Respect for each other in general

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 2:05 am
by Andreas
I'll throw in with Rhytania and Lea on this: Treat each other as you would want to be treated.

If you've died, please don't send tells to EVERYONE for help. It just makes for mass confusion.

Also, please be patient. Sending a tell every five seconds "Did you get my corpse?" "Are you going to raise me?" is not only annoying, it's just plain rude and inconsiderate. Player corpses last for a long time, so there's no reason to stamp and fuss over not being raised within five minutes of dying. If you have a pressing need to sign off, ask nicely and someone (maybe even an Imm) will get your body and hang onto if for you.

IF several priests happen to respond, please give first consideration to the priests of the same faith as the deceased. Think of it this way... if you're Jewish, would you want to be shrived by a Roman Catholic priest??!

As much as I'd like to be a nice person and help out everyone, I'm only human and I DO have my limitations. I have a job. I have a family. This is a game and while I enjoy it immensely, it doesn't pay the bills! ;)

Don't forget that IC actions have IC consequences. If you've done something IC to earn the emnity of someone IC, asking them for help probably isn't the brightest of ideas.

Conversely, keep your OOC issues to yourself and out of the game. You might not like someone, but at least have the courtesy to play fair with them. Snubbing and other outlandishly rude IC behaviour only makes for more problems.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 2:13 am
by Mele
I agree, IF the cleric got the tell. We all know I am the queen of having a HORRIBLE connection since I moved, and I miss almost all of my tells etc. There can always be circumstances in which the cleric never recieved the tell, like, dropping link, refreshing, spammy walking, etc.

So, what I'm saying is, if you need a priest you should always always send a second tell if the first is not answered, because it is a common case tells are missed. :)

As for calling several priests, called priests should be considerate of the members of the faith? Honestly. Don't call several Priests if you're just going to ditch the first one you called. That feels like the first called priest is not good enough. Nobody wants to sit around preparing to raise a player just to be turned away. I completely agree with Andreas' statement about ooc feelings. Don't not call a priest, or make a priest leave because you dislike the player behind the character. :)


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 3:50 am
by Lea
Well I sent the preist more more than one tell with all the information that they needed. My normal begining is an apology for disturbing them. Then I start giving details as to who fell and I had to find out where so I sent another tell with that information. And I never said that I was going to leave the preist hanging but it would have been nice to know if the person was not coming so I could have found someone who could have helped and not left the person that died hanging when I thought they were already being helped.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:16 am
by Selune
While, on the whole, giving preference to the faith is a good idea, if you call a priest and later a priest of your faith logs in, you are not bound to go to your faith. In fact, it is very poor form to switch priests after keeping one waiting to raise you - particularly among aligned faiths. It is highly disrespectful and apt to cause hard feelings both IC and OOC. Consider how you would feel if you sat for an hour real time waiting on someone only to be shoved aside because someone else logged in.


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:14 am
by Nysan
Yep, even priests get busy. A fight might be consuming the screen, making tells missed rather easily. Yes, the player might be afk or something irl and missed the tell, even two or three. But, yes if your little priest gets a tell and you see it, a simple 'nope, cant do it' is common curtesy if your about to log out or something. BUT...a priest has an ic and ooc obligation to help people? Umm no. A priest has an obligation to be a priest of his/her faith, and from what I recall, not ever faith around is overflowing with 'brotherly love' and a 'giving attitude'. Granted, older players should help out the newbies when they can. BUT, should a priest drop everything to help out that newbie who wandered into undermountain alone, for the fifth time, and died again? Not in my opinion. Yes, be helpful, sometimes. Yes, answer tells you notice. BUT, play what your character is, not a happy little helper 24/7 just because your a priest, unless thats what your faith does. After all, its your character that you put time into and made into a priest. Just a thought.....


Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 11:38 pm
by Bugoron
You have to keep in mind that every single class has its benefits and advantages over the others. Warriors offer their strength, mages their spellcrafting, rangers their navigation, and so on. This doesn't exclude Clerics and priests, who can play vital roles in a group, considering they are the representative of a deity and look after the well-being of all in their party with their healing magic. To abuse this is foolish.

Let's put it in perspective, shall we? A mage who, for some reason or another (we'll say he's battling something) orders a warrior to help him, bossing him around like he's a tavern wench. One of two things is likely to happen: One, the warrior will look at the mage, laugh, and maybe get a snack as he watches the ignorant puke die, or Two: He'll run in, sock the mage between the eyes, then let him die, odds the difference. The moral here: no one wants to take abuse off of anyone, including clerics, and there is no difference between mistreating a priest from any other class. where a warrior will bring a sword down on your head for your disrespect, a cleric can just bring down the wrath of his deity on your head.

That's my piece, I just hope things get cleared up, if they haven't yet.

Raising Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 6:55 pm
by Penryn
Curiousity, Over the past few months my character has raised at least 20 to 30 people. He normally gives a requirement that corellon told him for the raising. It isnt anything too hard to do if someone has patience and wishes to explore a bit. But over the times of the 30 people raised only 3 have ever paid off this debt. Some have even died twice and still havent paid it off to the Faithful of Corellon. What should I do for this instance? As a protector of elves I am supposed to always help elves yet if they are disrespecting my god can I not raise them? Not help them?

It is supposed to be a huge deal really as it is raising the dead, a miracle in all aspects. Yet, at the same It is something that is needed in game aspects. I am sorta in a quandry over it, balancing of mechanics vs ic realism. I would appreciate any words of advice before I decide what ic stance my character will take.

Rper of Penryn

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 8:53 pm
by Bugoron
This is serious RP, and a mortal bringing back another mortal from the dead is a miracle in any respect. Such a thing should be recompensed in almost any circumstance, as it is extremely taxing on the priest and something that no average joe can do. For me, when I am asked to raise, I tend to ask for no more than what can repay the component(s) used, but if they would like to add more to that, they are most welcome (seeing as how the WERE dead, and kinda owe you :-=). I guess it varies from cleric to cleric, but I think it's only right to at least be repayed for what was used in the raising.

Raising Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 10:06 pm
by Rhytania
Ok Im gonna try and state my words carefully here, Penryn. Myself having performed too many raises to count have learned to trust less and less in the average character. Too many have died and called me and had me stop whatever im doing to go and raise them and I dont mind, I love that aspect of the RP, I even incorporate that into my RP as almost being expected of me. However how many of them do you see afterwards? They say they will repay, they say they'll do whatever you ask but it hardly comes true. The rare few that do keep their word and repay or donate or do anything remotely kind in return I will risk neck and limb to bring them back. However after spending countless hundreds of Plat on buying gems to not see them returned or repaid, I started feeling no quandries in picking through the corpse to find money or the component itself. I have even gone so far as to not carry them anymore so when people ask me to raise I will go into their belongings and pull out only what is neccessary to buy the gem. I explain this to people and it seems to work better since you do not lose anything and they will not have anything owed to you. The tricky thing about this is to no look like a looter so that is why I always try and have a witness by to insure that I do not get blamed for something I did not do.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:29 am
by Rhelian
This was discussed on the old boards if I remember correctly. A suggestion was if you raise people and they don't repay what was asked, you don't raise them again. You pass word to other faithful, and they won't either. If things are serious enough, you give an account to your God and let them know - but you have to be careful incase some are trying to get the coin together, find an item to replace the gem, or simply haven't been on the same time you are.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 9:25 am
by Cret
Also, as some of the evilys know, If they dont pay.. Kill them again. Every thing has a price...

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 2:55 pm
by Stayne
I tend to agree with what Rhelian has said. Though I would add a modifier. When I raise someone, I make a note of name, and whatever I sent them for or asked. Depending on my char and the situation I will ask for lots of different things. Sometimes easy - sometimes impossible (the later I often do with long term players, or good RP'ers just to see what they do ;)
While I do expect alot of the older chars and player should have NO problems meeting simple requests, I often do not expect Newbies to be able to do so. Like Rhytania - I have worked in raising dead as a function of my char. I have had newbies that I have been encouraging die 3-4 times in the space of a few hours, simply because they are that unfamiliar with the game, or where rushing around and not being carefully (the amount of people that drown because they type a direction one too many times is stuipd!). In many cases if I know a player is newbie, my request will be something like - go see <x> PC and ask about something. ie. I will try and do something to get them more familiar with the game. Rather than a RP task. Often I might not do anything, as I tend to encourage newbies as often as I can (Sometimes to the point of dropping RP altogether just to help them).

But for the non-newbie char. If they have not done the request then I would shun them IC. Let them know they have offended your god. Do not raise them again. etc.

And as Cret said - for those who have been raised by an evil PC like Stayne. Expect to get a visit... :twisted:

That aside here is what I would encourage all players to remember :
Priests -
Try and judge the newbie-hood of the person you are raising and take that into account to their RP and compensation.
Make sure all players understand the effort it is to raise them even if you have to let them know OOC.
Assign a quest appropriate if you do so. Even something presenting a parchment with the names of 3 NPC's in waterdeep that repair armour, is a great way to teach a new player.
Let other players know IC that you raised someone. If someone well known has failed your God in a task for their life, that info will get around and the player will feel its affect. Praying to your God to let them know might also be on the cards.

Players -
DO NOT expect that just because a priest can raise a char, that they WILL drop everything and attend you. If they can't, please do not berate them in any form. Those who have had long term priests have made alot of sacrifices that you might not know of, please show some respect to that player.
If a priest does raise you and requests something. It is of paramount importance, for to not respect a god can lead to the wrath of that god, and in turn possibly the wrath of your own should you have one.
If you have problems fullfilling the requirements, do not be afraid to go back and say so. I have often given out quests that I did not realise where too hard, we are not tyrants (mostly ;)
Do not look at these quests as being a "task" that you have to get done to get back to playing. It is not. It is RP. Use it as a chance to explore your char more. Perhaps even create a story based upon your exp. Involve others in your quest perhaps.
Finally - if a priest does come to visit you, even if they are of a "Good" god, about your quest, show respect. Even if it is a level 1 priest and you are a level 50 and could wipe the floor with them, code is not relevant. That priest has been sent by their God as to why you have no respect for the effort the God went to to bring you back. Even if the God is not there, RP-wise I am sure they are, and backing that priest with their powers ( a scary though always). Even "Good" gods get angry ;)

Remember - the mud is only limited by your imagination - have fun :)


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:45 am
by Tychina
I used to carry some of those pink gems around with me, I would have atleast one on my person no matter what I was doing, just in case. It was the only component I knew of that was needed. I cannot seem to find them any more though; I think something else is used now. Whenever I figure out what, and where it is sold, I will likely go back to doing that, just to cut down on their expenses when resurrecting me or a friend. *shrug* It just seems like common courtesy to me.

On the other side, how does one offer a priest/cleric payment/compensation for their services without offending them?

More then one of my characters had this experience, and offending the priest that just helped them was certainly not their intention. In the end I stopped offering payment/compensation, and just started asking if there was anything I could do for them in return. it seems to not offend them as offering payment did. But I am always told there is nothing I can do anyway. Which often has me offering the use of my help/services should they need it at some future date. For the most part that is fine, but it isn't exactly IC for some of my characters. In these instances, would asking them to accept a donation, in the name of their chosen deity/church be acceptable? And if so, again, how does one who tends to be lacking erm.. tact (me) do this without offending the person whom was just kind enough to resurrect you and/or your friend/s etc. Also, how much of a donation should be offered?

Just a thought, but if priests DON’T charge for their services, then how in the world do they make their money for living? Personally, I would have no problem with paying for services rendered, would in some cases, prefer it actually.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 2:41 pm
by Tierney
I havn't been raised in a very very long time, but when followers of a particular god help me with something, I'll real quick read the help file on that god and find out what the god likes. Then I'll offer that to either the priest, or offer to make a donation of it to the temple. Like flowers for Sune, swords for Tempus, or even gems for Lloth

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 11:57 pm
by Tychina
When you as a priest bring a player back from the dead, does it cost you favor?

As a player, when a priest brings you back, does it cost you favor?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 1:43 am
by Lea
To answer your question no neither lose favor. Since there are many who die that do not follow gods.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 3:35 am
by Jadom
That might actually be a good idea though. Have a minor (or maybe bigger) favor cost for the spell. Would make it clear for all involved that the Gods don't grant the power to bring back the dead lightly.

Of course, that is my opinion as someone who doesn't have to worry about favor :P