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Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:47 am
by Harroghty
The way I see it, the major point of this whole discussion comes down to how much of the "Who List" we use in character. This is the pertinent part of the help file for the "who" command:
Please note the information in your title is considered IC information through
. It does not mean the very first time your character meets someone and
are not greeted by them that your character will know all the rumors about an
unknown character by the who list information. It is expected that the who list
information be considered a rumour after a few roleplayed encounters with a
particular character, whether they greet you or not. This does not place them
under any obligation to confirm those rumours, however! (i.e., to GREET you!)
So, the help file states that information from the "Who List" can be considered a rumor, but I would argue that it does not have to be. There is much that we can rely upon the discretion of other players for and then adjust, in character or with a quick word out-of-character. I believe that it is better for all faith managers to be visible with a white title on the "Who List" and for a change to be made to the "who" help file in order to reflect that while a Steeleye of Helm might be well known, a Demarchess of Mask may not be. This way people can figure out who all of the faith managers are out-of-character and decide the best in-character way to approach them. Role-play is enabled, but people's hands are not tipped unduly.

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:15 am
by Nearraba
I also agree with this, the white Faith Manager titles should be added back for the purpose of players to know whom the leader of the faith is. But also, I think a small change to the helpfile of who, as Harroghty suggested, should also be added. And much appreciation to Ave and company for updating the faith helpfiles! Implenting Isaldur's idea, about all the different ranks of faith for each class, would also be neat for the faith helpfiles.

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:36 am
by Raona
Yevel wrote:It is possible, to have it toggle on and off with that white faith title, that way people can know when the faith manager is "on duty" or "off duty" same could be done with watchmen (IDEA!)
I'm not sure how appropriate this would be for Faith Managers, but it's a great idea for Watchmen and Lords and possibly other roles; however, perhaps a different color - we want to keep the faith managers very much distinct. Yevel, thank you for the suggestion, I will ask that you seed it as a new topic in the suggestions forum, so that we don't derail this discussion with it! I think the issue will not be a technical one, but rather whether we want to clutter up the WHO list with this additional information. (My instinct is yes! One should be able to find a Watchman when they need one, at least if they are online and on duty!)

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:52 am
by Melusine
I agree wholeheartedly that any FM, regardless of class should have a white title. There's plenty of cases where it appears that there isn't a FM when there actually is, the white titles just make it that much easier OOCly... and then your character can take steps from there to try to meet the appropriate person. So very much for this idea :)

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:52 am
by Kelemvor
As a player I'm all for this change. Anything which facilitates faith hopefuls meeting their FMs is all to the good.

Currently, the white title exists in code as the different clerics guilds' 'heroname' which is why no titles exist for non-cleric FMs.

I'd say that the best bet code-wise would be to stick to one single title per faith manager. We do not have to slavishly adhere to canon, but using titles which folk can relate to and look up for background info is always useful.

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:39 pm
by Melusine
It would probably be easiest for everyone if the same title were applied to the FM of a faith, regardless of class... It'd mean there'd be less questions of 'Which faith does that one go to again?' Ease would be the biggest reason to forward this idea, I think. Just to make the faithing process easier, and more friendly to those needing a faith, when the FM isn't a priest.

That's my two cents :)

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:03 am
by Kinni
Alaudrien wrote:Wouldn't it be easier for in this instance to give those with the rank of FM to be able to set there own title in the place where race shows on the who list? And have a list of titles appropriate for clergy and other classes in here helpfiles so a new fm can set it there or if they don't wish to have it there toggle it off to show NONE or (race)?

As I go throug this board, I like this option best!

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:12 am
by Alitar
I also like that one.

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:41 am
by Casamir
This would be great, and allow us to get away from confusing speciality priests with FMs.

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:28 am
by Harroghty
The first thing that a new player looking for information on a god might do is either ask someone or just type help godname. I feel that most FMs are well known enough to be named by someone, or that they would be available in the help file.

I believe that white titles would be cool (speaking as a non-priest FM), but it's not a big deal really IMO.

I disagree with FMs being able to set their own titles. FMs are free to submit an application to change their title though. Given appropriate justification, that's not beyond the pale.

Re: White Titles for Faith Managers

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:53 am
by Melusine
Wow, old topic revived!

I think it isn't that big of a deal to use the current faith manager titles for any class. It gets the point across without being confusing, as having multiple options dependent upon class would definitely be. It is a simplified way of easily seeing who is FM of a particular faith. I like the titles we have now, they have good tradition around them, and it'd be nice to see them shine.