Funny moments!

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Nysan » Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:19 am

You sell a electrum coin for 1 electrum.

What a deal!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anguin » Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:26 pm

The Great Altar
N-Behind the Alta S-The Grand Templ W-A Short Hallway
This large temple is decorated with finely crafted statues of the
deities of Faerun. The statues of the deities of law and order are
crafted of alabastar, those of neutral deities of polished lapis,
and those of the darker paths of gleaming basalt. These fine works
surround an altar of polished gold inset with silver runes of
exquisite beauty. A small stand of polished mithril allows the
placement of a holy symbol, for the temporary worship of a particular
deity with the allowance of the crowd and the priest who provides the
A golden altar is here. (perfect)
A priest of the temple is here.
The groom stands here.

You hear the sound of footsteps from the south.

The bride walks in from the south.

The bride and groom face the priest as he begins.
A temple priest says 'We are gathered today to join this man and woman in matrimony.'

A temple priest asks 'Does anyone object to these two being married?'
The priest pauses waiting for a response.

The priest turns to the groom.
A temple priest says 'Do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded'
A temple priest asks 'love slave for good?'

The groom says 'I do.'
The groom places a ring on the bride's finger.

The priest turns to the bride.
A temple priest asks 'Do you take this man as your lord and master forever?'

The bride says 'I do.'
The bride places a ring on the groom's finger.

Hymns to the gods of Faerun rise to the heavens.

A temple priest says 'I now pronounce you man and wife.'
A temple priest says 'You may kiss your bride.'

The groom softly kisses his new wife.

The bride and groom run quickly out of the temple toward their honeymoon.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Lysha » Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:42 pm

< HfElf > Arael Second Husband of Faria
< Doommaster > Elistina Darville, Faria's favorite husband
< Human > Gorwin Willowsong, Husband of Faria

Ahem...I didn't know I was that good
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Peverell » Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:36 pm

Your crush beats a bandit to a bloody pulp.
A bandit is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Drenn clears his throat.
A bandit is DEAD!

You say, OOC, 'That was some powerful throat-clearing, Drenn O_O'
Drenn says, OOC, 'Right. Don't make me clear my throat again. =)'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Lysha » Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:07 am

13) an expensive leather backpack 1 gold, 1 copper

Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anguin » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:32 pm

A rakish male halfelf asks A sinewy, angular male human 'Might I borrow you to the fields for a short while?'

A sinewy, angular male human shrugs a bit and asks, 'What's your business there?'.

A rakish male halfelf dusts off one shoulder as he stands, 'I would like you to do your best to thrash me to within a sliver of my life.'.

A tall strong male human looks up into the night sky a moment.

A sinewy, angular male human nods a bit. 'Gladly. I will fetch something appropriate to the task, my lord.'.

A rakish male halfelf says 'Excellent. I will await you there.'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Nearraba » Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:12 am

Rule Nicholette learned tonight... always use the buddy system in Taverns! <3


N-Breaching Whale E-Breaching Whale W-Breaching Whale

The tavern is fairly typical as dockside taverns go. It is

crowded with hard drinking sailors out for a bottomless mug

of ale.

A male barhand is here.

A male barhand asks you 'Hey there, wanna go upstairs and have a good time?'

You look at a male barhand with a blank face.

You ask a male barhand 'Uhm, no thank you?'

You tsk at a male barhand.

Later that evening....

Firehawk Inn

E-Karlaggar W-Firehawk Inn St U-Above the Fireh

This inn provides a decent meal for a cheap price. There is large

bar, behind which are shelves full of bottles and kegs. Simple

benches and trestles are arranged around a large fireplace.

The floor is bare boards covered with a spattering of sawdust.

The barman looks at you enquiringly.

Gerto sits here.

The barman says to you 'I can give you a clean room for 10 copper.'

Gerto looks at you.

Nicholette hrmphs, walking in making her way to Gerto.

Gerto tilts his head up smiling happily to you 'Again greetings, I trust you are alright?'.

Nicholette sighs a little dramatically and brushes a stray tendril out of her eyes, 'Men. They cannot take no for an answer.' She goes wide-eyed as she tells Gerto, 'The bardhand in that Whale Tavern kept asking me to go up stairs and..' She uses her fingers to quote, 'Have fun with him.'.

Nicholette smirks and shakes her head of curls, 'And he so did not mean he wanted to play cards.'.

You regain enough power to cast air walk.

Gerto tosses his head back letting out a long hearty laugh 'Oh dear me no.' he continues to laugh, huffing and cackling as he brings his hands up to rest on his belly 'Sounds as if you get that quite a bit miss Nicholette.'.

Nicholette pffts and waves a hand of dismiss, 'Not really. How DO they keep business?' She is really surprised by the look on her face.
Autumn is a second spring where every leaf has its turn to be a flower.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anguin » Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:45 pm

Kitalya and Nicolette were supposed to give Everett a pizza for his help in getting flour...

You tell Kitalya 'Kitalya... This is your CONSCIENCE speaking... you feel very guilty...'

Kitalya replies to you 'Why am I feeling guilty this time, oh conscience?'

You reply to Kitalya 'This time? Er, I mean... THIS TIME. Yes. You remember something about a pizza...'

Kitalya replies to you 'Hmmm pizza sounds yummy, it is a shame Nicholette has them all'

You reply to Kitalya 'A delicious pizza made- What! I mean... er, as you conscience I know that.'

Kitalya replies to you 'And as my conscience you would remember that she was going to deliver them to everyone we promised them, too'

You reply to Kitalya 'Your conscience is sulking and not talking to you anymore.'

Kitalya replies to you 'Awww. Poor conscience'

Kitalya replies to you 'I am sure you might get a pizza too, but course since you have no belly and are a part of me I guess mine will have to do'

Kitalya replies to you 'You really are going to be bad for my figure, conscience'

You reply to Kitalya 'Maybe your conscience should have thought this through better...'

Kitalya replies to you 'The things a girl does to keep her mind happy'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Selveem » Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:58 pm

A carnal, bloody-furred male bugbear eats a honeyed comfrey flower.

Sorry man, I had to!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Selveem » Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:51 am

Nothing like the Forgotten Kingdoms base code to call out my Talona follower's bluff:

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> teach test Semita honor
That is not a skill that you know.
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Rictinta » Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:01 pm

~Rictinta~The Black Rose of Destruction~
~Aliaga Hunishal~Hopeful of Oghma~
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Theleus » Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:28 am

Yesterday after leaving Golden Oaks, after some people helped Elminster repel a troll attack there, we encountered Zarafae, and someone, possibly Elminster himself, was using Ventriloquism to get me into trouble.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious peers around.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae looks at Casious.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to Zarafae 'Beautiful beast you have there'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious looks at Zarafae.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human asks Raza 'If I may ask, what is going on?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks south.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks in from the south.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to Zarafae 'I think of heard of you'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae smiles to rugged as she lifts up her mask, 'Why thank you, you have a discerning eye.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae stops using a long-beaked featureless plague mask with green-rimmed eyes.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks northeast.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae pets Abyssa, an ebony griffon with red pinions on the back, smoothing her feathers.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto human That pointy ear bares the symbol of the evil spider queen.
You say to A male human 'That pointy ear bares the symbol o' the evil spider queen.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human says to you 'Oh.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Someone sounds like you saying 'Aasimar, kill this wretch! Make her pay fer all she an' 'er rotten kind've done tae the Dwarves! Do it ye cur, I havenae the strength'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn blinks.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks in from the north-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human looks very confused.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to you 'She is very powerful my friend'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv> say Ventrilawhatsit!
You exclaim 'Ventrilawhatsit!'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious says to you 'All must be given a second chance to find thier right path with the world'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae frowns and shakes her head, 'I am saddened that you feel this way Master Dwarf.'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says 'First Elmister now this'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human exclaims to Raza 'At this rate, it may be that I never leave the Deep again!'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south-east.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae says 'So few people truly understand the place of Araushnee, the Lost Seldarine as we call her in our loving homes.'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Bofkin walks in from the south-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza laughs at A male human.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human looks at Bofkin.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae looks at Taryn.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn looks at Zarafae.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to Zarafae 'Araushnee? I have never heard of this plac'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto zara I didnae say that, there was foul magic afoot. You can pay a fine of 25 silver for bothering me and continue on your way though
You say to Zarafae 'Ah didnae say that, there wer foul magic afoot. Ye kin pay a fine o' 25 silver fur bothering me an' continue oan yer way though'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae smiles as she looks at Taryn, 'A fine dagger, is it Elven make?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
The chirping of crickets stops suddenly and ominously.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae hmms a moment as she looks through her purse.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn nods at Zarafae.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae says 'Twenty five silver? Let me see...'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae pulls out some things as she looks through her portfolio.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae gets a rib bone from a portfolio with Zarafae sewn in phaerimm and hellcat hide.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza visible braces himself.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae says 'Hmm, a dwarven rib bone, that's not it... I need to clean this thing out'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae puts a rib bone in a portfolio with Zarafae sewn in phaerimm and hellcat hide.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Bofkin walks northeast.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto zara I looked in your pockets, know you have it
You say to Zarafae 'Ah looked in yer pockets, know ye have et'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae gets a wavy sacrificial dagger with an obsidian hilt from a portfolio with Zarafae sewn in phaerimm and hellcat hide.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn blinks at you in disbelief.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae says 'A sacrificial dagger for sacrificing dwarves... nope, that's not it.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks south.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae puts a wavy sacrificial dagger with an obsidian hilt in a portfolio with Zarafae sewn in phaerimm and hellcat hide.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto zara I've a keen eye where money's involved
You say to Zarafae 'Ah've a keen eye where money's involved'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae gets a peaceknot from a portfolio with Zarafae sewn in phaerimm and hellcat hide.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae asks 'A peaceknot? Why do I have -this- thing?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae drops a peaceknot.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> look
Misty Forest
N-Plains E-Misty Forest S-Misty Forest W-Plains pppppppww
NE-Misty Forest NW-Plains SE-Misty Forest SW-Plains pppppwwFb
Towering trees arch overhead high above cutting out most of the ?ppwwpFFF
light that might have reached you. The underbrush that often \wpppFFFF
clogs forests is absent as a result, and the ground is covered in w\pp@FFFb
a leafy mulch. pp\pFFFFb
The sky is sultry and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A peaceknot is lying here. (perfect)
Raza sits here.
A male human is standing here.
Zarafae is here, upon Abyssa, an ebony griffon with red pinions.
Taryn is standing here.
Casious is standing here.
A small cardinal is here.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn puts a grey wool smock in a cloth pack.
Taryn puts a copper coin in a cloth pack.
Taryn puts a travellers water skin in a cloth pack.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> in
You are carrying:

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza puts a silver coin in a cloth pack.
Raza puts 3 copper coins in a cloth pack.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza asks Zarafae 'What brings you to us this day?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> take charc pack
You get some charcoal from a cloth pack.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae says to Raza 'I caught sight of your group here, and thought I might espy what you were up to here at the edges of the forest. I did not know there would be a toll.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza asks 'Troll?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says 'Oh...toll'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn glances at Casious.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious smiles at Taryn.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says 'Sorry my mind was on other matters we just dealt with'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Someone sounds like you saying 'Ye sun-lovers'll be payin' a toll as well, or ye'll be feelin' the smack o' me mace'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> smote hurls a lump of charcoal at $Zarafa with all his strength.
give charc zara
sayto zara Pay the fine already pointy-ear.
Endrin hurls a lump of charcoal at Zarafae with all his strength.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> You give some charcoal to Zarafae.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> You say to Zarafae 'Pay the fine already pointy-ear.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn smiles.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
an amulet of communication glows briefly as A male human activates it.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn blinks at you in disbelief.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious says to you 'Excuse me'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn says to you 'I believe you many not want to throw things at people. It isn't very nice at all.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to Zarafae 'We were on our way to the peaks but we grew tired and rested here, for a moment'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn says to you 'I fear what she may throw back at you.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious says to you 'Incredibly rude in fact.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza nods his head in agreement with Taryn.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Someone sounds like you saying 'A'right, ye've asked fer it. This dwarf ain't havin' none of this. gimme yer female ye big silver git, or I'll force her from yer hands, there's yer excuse me'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> y stop with the ventrilowhatsit!
You yell 'stoap wi' the ventrilowhatsit!'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious opens his eye in rage.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn places a hand on Casious's arm.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto tary That weren't me!
You exclaim to Taryn 'That weren't me!'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human says to Raza 'I think we should go...Before we are forced by our friend here into someone else's fight.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to you 'Try and be resonable my friend, were not an a position to demand much, though you are brave there is a find line between that and being foolish'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza rises from his rest.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae chuckles and says, 'Ever a band of more incompetent highwaymen? I don't imagine so. Even the bandits on the road put you to shame Dwarf.'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto tary What knave here knows ventriloquism and be imitating my voice?

You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv> You ask Taryn 'Whit knave here knows ventriloquism an' be imitating ma voice?'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious sighs loudly.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious looks at Zarafae.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn asks you 'I am sorry, but why are you asking me?'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza asks you 'It wasn't you talking then?'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza gets a peaceknot.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human asks you 'What cause would we have to believe you?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human says to you 'It sounded much like you, in fact.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto Zara Because of the ventrilowhatsit, I'll reduse your fine to 20 silver, payable now, pointy ear.
You say to Zarafae 'Because o' the ventrilowhatsit, Ah'll reduse yer fine tae 20 silver, payable noo, pointy ear.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae asks 'I don't understand, are you really demanding money from me or is someone forcing you to say this?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn asks you 'Is this really a wise course of action?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn pushes her glasses up a bit higher on her face.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza asks you 'I hate to hurry things along but she isn't paying...I suggest we move one...ok?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto Zara Twenty shiny silvers.
emote holds out his hand expectantly.
sayto zara My language be the language of money.
You say to Zarafae 'Twenty shiny silvers.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> Endrin holds out his hand expectantly.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> You say to Zarafae 'Ma language be the language o' money.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza grins at you.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says 'Crazy dwarf'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious asks 'what exactly are you charging for anyway?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious asks you 'Are you tolling people?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae glances to Casious and Taryn, 'Is one of you using a spell to make this dwarf get himself killed?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
The chirping of crickets stops suddenly and ominously.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn shakes her head.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
an amulet of communication glows briefly as Raza activates it.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
an amulet of communication glows briefly as Raza activates it.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious looks at you.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human looks at Zarafae.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae glances to Raza and A male human, 'Are you two in on this? You waylay travelers on the road, and try to force them from their hard-earned money?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto cas The spider-kisser needs to pay the fine for coming before her. Spider-kissers come a close second to ugly squid heads on list of things I hate
You say to Casious 'The spider-kisser needs tae pay the fine fur coming afore her. Spider-kissers come a close second tae ugly squid heads oan list o' things Ah hate'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
an amulet of communication glows briefly as Raza activates it.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human gasps 'Me? I have never left the safety of the city walls until today! I swear upon it!'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious asks you 'I see. So you are prepared to do battle then?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to Zarafae 'No...I think he just doesn't care for your kind'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn says to you 'I would advise you against ths course of action.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human asks Zarafae 'What reason would I have to accost travellers?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to you 'As would I'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto zara It's a fine, no need for fighting words, just pay and go on your way.
You say to Zarafae 'It's a fine, nae need fur fighting words, jist pay an' go oan yer way.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious says to you 'I say pray that she finds the light and look for the good that hides in all people'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks in from the south.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae says after a pause, 'I don't know any of you, I have no idea whether you would seek to steal my money or not...'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
an amulet of communication glows briefly as Raza activates it.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks northeast.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae nods her head to Casious and says, 'Every day as I see people do small good things I am learning of this more and more, but then Dwarves like this who seek to attack me merely for my heritage... it just makes me want to rage at the world.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious says to Zarafae 'Its the people hardest to love that need it the most'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to Zarafae 'I have heard of you, and we both know there aren't many who could demand anything from you'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious says to you 'and that goes for you too'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks in from the north-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks south.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to you 'As you friend I ask you stop this...hell I'll pay the toll'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says 'Twenty you say'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza gets 25 platinum coins from a cloth pack.
Raza gets a electrum coin from a cloth pack.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza puts 25 platinum coins in a cloth pack.
Raza puts a electrum coin in a cloth pack.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza gets 13 gold coins from a cloth pack.
Raza gets 51 silver coins from a cloth pack.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto zara I'd bring stronger allies if I intended to do battle. I don't hate you for your race, I hate the symbol you choose to wear around your neck
You say to Zarafae 'I'd bring stronger allies if Ah intended tae dae battle. Ah donnae hate ye fur yer race, Ah hate the symbol ye choose tae wear roon' yer neck'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae smiles and wipes away a brimming tear, 'What say you dwarf... will we bury this hatchet between our people? Can there be a peace between us?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza gives you 20 silver coins.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae opens her arms wide and says, 'Can we embrace as friends?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Bofkin walks in from the south-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to A male human 'I'll explain it to you later'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious says to Taryn 'see everyone is happy again'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto zara Would you melt down your holy symbol and pledge ne'er to serve the spider queen again?
You ask Zarafae 'Wid ye melt doon yer holy symbol an' pledge ne'er tae serve the spider queen again?'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Someone sounds like you saying 'No! Ah'll never touch a disgusting wretch of a woman such as yerself! Yer everything loathsome an' horrid and cruel and wrong with the world. Ah'd kill ye ifn ah had the strength'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn glances at Casious.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv> y stop with the ventrilowhatsit!
You yell 'stoap wi' the ventrilowhatsit!'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza asks you 'That is strange..did it happen again?'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human blinks at you in disbelief.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says 'I don't think its him saying both of those lines'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Bofkin walks east.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south-east.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious says to Taryn 'Lets let tehm work it out'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv> smote watches Bofkin go east with suspicion
Endrin watches Bofkin go east with suspicion.

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Zarafae shakes her head and takes on an icy demeanor, 'To melt down my holy symbol? I can not believe you would ask me to do such a thing, my pledge to the Gods is worth far more than twenty five silver coins.'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
Casious says to Taryn 'My services are not needed for this.'

<99%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> look e
You see Misty Forest.
Bofkin is nearby east from here.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks in from the south-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A bear walks northeast.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north-east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
an amulet of communication glows briefly as A male human activates it.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv> sayto zara I could be friends with a half-drow, but not with a spider kisser
You say to Zarafae 'Ah could be friends wi' a half-drow, bar no' wi' a spider kisser'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn looks to Raza, you, and A male human 'If you continue on your way to the Peaks, I am confident you will find more than what is demanded of in this fine.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says to you 'I really don't want to leave you here...but this is growing tiresome, you've admitted you cannot best her...what point is ther in making further demands'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
A male human exclaims to Taryn 'I'm not so worried about the money, but what this ill tempered man will do to this poor woman!'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn raises an eyebrow at A male human.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says 'I save you from yourself my friend'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn glances at you.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Raza says 'We go well everyone'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Taryn glances at Zarafae.
Arandor Gwaviel, Ranger of Tangled Trees, Ranger of Corellon
Bhelen Anvilcracker, fighter o' the Halls
Orgrim Orebreaker, Arcane o' the Halls
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anguin » Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:49 am

Best part:

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
The chirping of crickets stops suddenly and ominously.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Selveem » Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:14 pm

To prove beyond any doubt, I found proof that Peverell is Magical:
(Magical) Peverell is standing here.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Nearraba » Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:21 pm

lol! I knew it! <3
Autumn is a second spring where every leaf has its turn to be a flower.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Theleus » Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:24 pm

Nelix, a young wizard, was training in Golden Oaks and the Goblins were harsh on his robes, lol.

<100%hp 100m 100%mv>
Nelix tells you 'There go my trousers'

<100%hp 100m 100%mv>
Nelix tells you 'There goes my tunic'

<100%hp 100m 100%mv> reply Too much information. Talking to me while you are with a girl. Tsk.
You reply to Nelix 'Too much information. Talking to me while you are with a girl. Tsk.'

<100%hp 100m 97%mv>
Nelix tells you 'And now my belt...(laughing)'
Arandor Gwaviel, Ranger of Tangled Trees, Ranger of Corellon
Bhelen Anvilcracker, fighter o' the Halls
Orgrim Orebreaker, Arcane o' the Halls
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Dovan » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:07 am

*edited to get right to the point*

A lanky, jet-haired male human says to Gwain 'Sometimes when I cannot sleep, I choose a number and try to multiply it by itself in my head over and over.'
A lanky, jet-haired male human says to Gwain 'It leads to pleasant, orderly dreams.'
Gwain says to A lanky, jet-haired male human 'I count pi.'
Axala says 'Axala know many number, Priest of Oghma teaches all the way to hundred, then start over'
Gwain nods at Axala.
You get a bag from a cloth pack.
A lanky, jet-haired male human asks Gwain 'What is that?'
You get sunrise pie from a bag.
You give sunrise pie to Gwain.
You say to A lanky, jet-haired male human 'One pie'
You get sunrise pie from a bag.
You give sunrise pie to Karia.
You say to A lanky, jet-haired male human 'Two pie'
Karia says to you 'Oh, thank you.'
You get sunrise pie from a bag.
Axala looks at you.
You give sunrise pie to A lanky, jet-haired male human.
You say to A lanky, jet-haired male human 'Three pie'
Gwain says to A lanky, jet-haired male human 'The formula used to calculate the circumference of a circle.'
Karia eats sunrise pie.
Gwain holds the pie.
A lanky, jet-haired male human tells you, OOC 'Well played.'
Gwain exclaims 'One pie, One. Ha ha!'
Gwain coughs loudly.
Gwain eats sunrise pie.
"One life; Win or lose it's all a bet,
One chance; Don't show fear and do not forget" -Simon's Symphony

-Dovan, Burning Blade of Luck
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Selveem » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:17 am

<100%hp 74m 100%mv> l
Central woodlands
N-Central woodlan E-Central woodlan S-Central woodlan
The trees here while not all that large are among the oldest to be found in
these woods. They are gnarled and knotted and many are beggining to fall
as they dry out and are unable to support their own weight.
The sky is warm and stormy and a cool northern breeze blows.
A sharp blacksteel longsword lies here forgotten. (perfect)
The sliced-off right arm of a drow invader is lying here. (superb)
The corpse of A drow invader lies here. (superb)
A pool of spilled blood lies here. (superb)
Eyja is being protected by the horse demon.
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Andreas » Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:13 pm

So we're about to go to Skullport. Needless to say, two Paladins, an old man and a Moon Elf might stick out just a bit in that particular crowd.

Harroghty chuckles and says, 'Dare much, the Tymorans say.'.
You feel less protected.
Helm keep thee.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Selveem » Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:20 pm

Wait, I thought Andreas was a Paladin too?
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights
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