Funny moments!

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Theleus » Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:30 am

Spelling errors get funny

<100%hp 69m 100%mv> sayto niav Chauntea be more powerful, Mielikki be a subordinate to Silvanus.
You murmur to Niavo 'Chauntea be mair powerful, Mielikki be a subordinate tae Silvanus.'

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Everett asks 'Once morc?'

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Niavo nods his head in agreement with Everett.

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Everett nods his head in agreement with you.

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Everett says 'The Earth Mother predates Mielikki as well. She is ancient...'

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Everett shrugs.

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Niavo murmurs 'I've read about that, either one is suitable, I have some questions about chaunteas distane for fire though'

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Everett Hmmmms...

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Niavo says, OOC, 'distain'

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Everett says, OOC, 'Didain'

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Everett says, OOC, 'Oh god. DISDAIN'

<100%hp 69m 100%mv>
Niavo says, OOC, 'hehehe'

<100%hp 69m 100%mv> osay LOL
You say, OOC, 'LOL'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Rictinta » Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:25 pm

Goodies and Evils finally have something in common... Marital disputes:

Rictinta asks 'Have any idea where we are yet?"

A male wemic sits and relaxes.

A male wemic says 'I know exactly where I am.'

Rictinta folds her arms, "Do you now?"

Rictinta peers at A male wemic like a man who has gotten them lost, "Where are we?"

A male wemic nods.

A male wemic points at the ground 'Right here!'

A male wemic shakes his head, "Women..."

Rictinta shakes her head and throws her hands up in the air, "I KNEW IT! WE ARE LOST! YOU could have looked at a map! But No... You're a MAN and can't accept help with directions...'

A male wemic raises an eyebrow "You have a map!"

Rictinta peers at A male wemic 'The one who leads the group is supposed to BRING ONE!'

A male wemic shakes his head 'The one that leads asked the other to bring it...'

A male wemic rises from his rest.

Rictinta folds her arms at A male wemic 'Well the one who was asked to bring it has selective hearing cause her husband IS ANNOYING!'

A male wemic says 'I knew I should have left you back there!'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Brar » Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:38 pm

Lirith wrote:I managed to accidentally sacrifice the forge/anvil/barrel in Brian's shop in Waterdeep.
I dropped a few things onto the floor to junk them and instead of typing 'sac all.lead' which is what I had previously used, I typed 'sac all' which removed the permanent items from the room as well as the bits of lead intended for sacrifice.
This bug report made me remember once when a certain shadowy imm purged the room I was in to remove a loose avatar of himself... and purged my fellow horse with all my quest rewards and weapon collection at the same time. Now I laugh about it but I think I never cursed anyone so bad that this particular day :mrgreen:
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Eltsac » Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:57 pm

Yeah... I know of a fountain in a busy market square that disapeared because of an imm purge... ending in a strange rp of water elementals defending the poor city fontains that were not enough cleaned and such...

Long time ago

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Tyeslan » Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:39 pm

Vaelania says 'I'd like to say something I prepared for tonight..'
Vaelania says 'You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-woman wolf pack.'
Aryvael cheers for you.
Aryvael hugs you.
You look at Aryvael and say 'Eep!'
You hug him.
Vaelania says 'But when my sister Tyeslan brought Tandria home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack it grew by one.'
Mystery howls?
The Wave Runner pulls into the docks.
Tyeslan cuddles Tandria and Vaelania together.
Aryvael listens to Vaelania.
Vaelania says 'So there, there were three of us in the wolf pack I was alone first in the pack, and then Tyeslan brought Tandria and joined in later.'
Tandria nods.
You nod at her.
You are about a quarter of the way to your next level.
Vaelania exclaims 'And six months ago, when Tyeslan introduced me to you Tandria, I thought, Wait a second, could it be? And now I know for sure, I just added two more girls to my wolf pack. Three of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Waterdeep, looking for gypsys and colored mushrooms. So tonight, I make a toast!'

Tandria toasts her watermelon.
Vaelania holds a decanter of endless water in her right hand.
Vaelania toasts!
Tandria holds a large watermelon in her right hand.
Aryvael claps at Vaelania's performance.
Uleha looks at Caymaal, a blue and silver weasel.
Captain Jocelyn Crane yells 'In 30 minutes, the Wave Runner will leave Waterdeep for Corwell.'
Tandria says to Vaelania 'To you, Vaelania, who has the nicest melons in Waterdeep.'
Tandria holds up the watermelon in appreciation.
Vaelania exclaims to Tandria 'Hear hear!'
Tyeslan toasts to Vaelania and Tandria 'Hear hear!'.
The sky is getting cloudy.
The Wave Runner leaves the docks.
Vaelania drinks water from a decanter of endless water.
Tandria eats a large watermelon.
Tandria ate the entire watermelon. Yep.
Uleha blinks at Tandria in disbelief.
Aryvael asks Vaelania 'Do I get a lemon?'
Vaelania gets a large watermelon from a cloth pack.
Vaelania gets a large watermelon from a cloth pack.
Vaelania gets a large watermelon from a cloth pack.
Vaelania gives a large watermelon to Aryvael.
Vaelania gives you a large watermelon.
Aryvael cheers for Vaelania.
Tyeslan toasts her melons.
Vaelania gets a large watermelon from a cloth pack.
Vaelania gives a large watermelon to Tandria.
Vaelania toasts her watermelon now, too!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Selveem » Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:57 am

Who said priests can't dual wield?

Varissa is using:
<worn on finger> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on finger> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on ears> <edit> (perfect)
<worn around face> <edit> (perfect)
<worn around neck> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on neck> <edit> (perfect)
<worn as symbol> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on body> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on body> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on head> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on legs> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on feet> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on hands> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on arms> <edit> (perfect)
<worn about waist> <edit> (perfect)
<worn around wrist> <edit> (perfect)
<left hand> a Creamsicle (perfect)
<right hand> (Glowing) (Humming) a black warhammer (perfect)
<floating around> <edit> (perfect)
<worn on belt> <edit> (superb)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:03 am

Ice lolies can be deadly, ask the Punisher.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by volric » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:40 am

Was exploring Waterdeep the other night, and got the Thann quest.

Did the first part, then went to see the wizard, figuring out the what the keyword I had to ask him was, opened notepad and typed it on.

So go to see him, and spent the next 20 mins trying to get him to help me.

Keyword I typed didn't help etc. So carried on, various combinations, using say, sayto what not, tried using qlog to see if there was something else I had to do. Was I just supposed to show him the item and not give him it to him etc?

Finally (and luckily I had the logs enabled) I went back to the quest place, and realised I had typo'ed the apparent keyword.

Laughing at myself, I just type it out, and BOOM works.

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Selveem » Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:54 am

Oh, I sincerely _hate_ when that happens. You know, logging has become my best friend on FK due to my memory. If you have a client that allows it, I'd highly recommend it. It can save a few minutes (sometimes hours!) of frustration.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Rictinta » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:18 pm

I had that happen a few weeks ago... don't feel bad... I ended up standing there... being my evil little elfness jumping up and down, and waving my hands in front of the quest person, and saying everything I could think of, finally, I sat down, stared for a minute, said one word out of fustration, and it worked. Go figure.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Raona » Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:46 am

One must be familiar with Gwain's hobbies to fully appreciate this...
Gwain says to A charming, lithe male halfelf 'Alcohol makes me do stupid things.'
Gwain says to A charming, lithe male halfelf 'To you when you sleep'
A charming, lithe male halfelf raises his hand up to his <mouth>, then checks a few teeth carefully.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:54 am

Raona wrote:One must be familiar with Gwain's hobbies to fully appreciate this...
Gwain says to A charming, lithe male halfelf 'Alcohol makes me do stupid things.'
Gwain says to A charming, lithe male halfelf 'To you when you sleep'
A charming, lithe male halfelf raises his hand up to his, then checks a few teeth carefully.

May not be suitable for all audiences.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Selveem » Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:45 pm

(Posted with permission!)

You tell A raven-haired, pale male human, OOC 'Related to Chester?'
A raven-haired, pale male human replies to you, OOC 'Chester?'
You reply to A raven-haired, pale male human, OOC 'Ah, type help chester'
You reply to A raven-haired, pale male human, OOC 'I thought your character might be related because of the same last name. :D'
A raven-haired, pale male human replies to you, OOC 'oh no lol'
You reply to A raven-haired, pale male human, OOC 'Third cousin, twice removed? :D'
A raven-haired, pale male human replies to you, OOC 'His mother's cousin's grandfather was my aunt's sister's husband's sister'
You reply to A raven-haired, pale male human, OOC 'OMG we're twins!'
You reply to A raven-haired, pale male human, OOC ';D Anyhow, was just curious. Thanks for humoring the question. :D'
A raven-haired, pale male human replies to you, OOC 'Of course :D!'
A raven-haired, pale male human replies to you, OOC 'Title updated ;)'

< Unknown > Cinnashee Taharial
< Unknown > Derissa Silvershield, Galdim's ale love[AFK]
< Unknown > Everett Oxtongue
< Unknown > Falgorn Felldew
< HfElf > Nymaeril the Poetic Voice
< Unknown > Rab Rab, warrior errant
< Unknown > Slavus Muddlebrook, No relation to Chester
< Unknown > Sylvaen Traveller

You reply to A raven-haired, pale male human, OOC 'ROFL!'
You reply to A raven-haired, pale male human, OOC 'Who knows, you could always convert to Yondalla. ;D'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Andreas » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:46 am

Selveem wrote:Wait, I thought Andreas was a Paladin too?
Should have wrote it as "two Knights" since technically Harroghty's Knighthood is secular rather than ecclesiastic.

Yes, Andreas is a Paladin. Harroghty was granted Knighthood by the Crown of Cormyr.

Regardless, it was two men tromping around in shining armor in SKULLPORT.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Dapher » Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:21 pm

Rilm says to Jarris 'Eh, just clearing something up.'
Jarris asks Rilm 'Who was asking?'
Rilm says 'I was having an argument with a Sunite.'
Jarris nods at him.
Rilm says to Jarris 'She said your Lord wouldn't allow you to raise without a body because he was weak or something like that.'
Jarris asks Rilm 'A Sunite claiming to know about Tempurian traditions?'
Rilm laughs.
Rilm says to Jarris 'So of course I had to defend.'
Rilm says to Jarris 'I'll make sure I rub it in her face next time I see her.'
Jarris says to Rilm 'Thank you.'
Rilm winks at Jarris.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Raona » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:47 pm

A richly clothed merchant enters, look down at you, then goes to sit down.
You say to a richly clothed merchant 'Hello, good sir, and good evening.'
A richly clothed merchant farts loudly then looks accusingly at Raona.
Your cheeks are burning.
You say 'Excuse me.'
You say 'Must have been the beans.'
A richly clothed merchant farts loudly then looks accusingly at Raona.
A richly clothed merchant farts loudly then looks accusingly at Raona.
You sniff.
You ick.
A richly clothed merchant farts loudly then looks accusingly at Raona.
A richly clothed merchant farts loudly then looks accusingly at Raona.
You say to a richly clothed merchant 'Don't try that, we've played this game afore.'
You begin to chant.
A warhammer and scales on a shield pendant glows briefly.
A yellow glow surrounds you, protecting you from intense heat.
You begin to chant.
A warhammer and scales on a shield pendant glows briefly.
A resilient aura shields you from caustic substances.
You say to a richly clothed merchant 'Nothing personal...'
A richly clothed merchant farts loudly then looks accusingly at Raona.
You begin to chant. <Remove curse>
You wonder if your spell had any affect.
You cough loudly.
You cough loudly.
The caravan reaches Proskur.
A richly clothed merchant walks out without a look back.
You wave.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Bellayana » Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:34 pm

Who says Kelemvorites are not lovable? Watch out Sunites!

Temple of Garl Glittergold
E-Near the Altar S-Path in the Fri W-Temple of Garl
The ceiling of this temple is rather low... at least for non-gnomes.
Large tapestries depicting the Joker and embroidered with golden thread
hang on the wall. Several small globes of light float near the ceiling,
casting ever-changing reflections in the well-polished marble floor.
Gellena Mirrorshade, the priestess of Garl, stands here.
Kailana sits here.
Cirei sits here.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You say 'I believe I am alright.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You say 'Thank you both.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Kailana says to you 'I'm glad we could help.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Kailana says to you 'I'm just sorry for the circumstance'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Cirei nods his head in agreement with Kailana.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
What's bothering you ?

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You say 'I am sorry for the pain'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Kailana says 'Aw.'

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Kailana best-friend cuddle hugs you.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Slavus best-friend wuggles Kailana !

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Cirei smiles at Kailana and you.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Kailana pulls Cirei in to make it a group cuddle wuggle huggle!

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Kailana adds luffles!

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Slavus loves luffles more!

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Cirei eeks and is pulled into the group cuddle wuggle huggle snuggle?

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Kailana thinks it's a super cuddle wuggle snuggle double luffle huggle!

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You hear goblins and hobgoblins yelling outside the inn.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
Slavus suddenly feels like a carebear on sugar!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Mele » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:15 pm

Dear self;

Don't read funny moments during breakfast.


Love; me

(I'm joking, it's a joke barf.)
Beshaba potatoes.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Tandria » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:43 am

Geez, and Gwain thought Lathanderites were bad...
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Lysha » Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:01 am

You notice others react to you more positivly.
(a taffeta bodice gets damaged)
You grunt as a goblin warrior's kick lands.

Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
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