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Re: Merchants Inventory

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:49 am
by Duranamir
Given the issues with shop inventories filling up (a particular problem in the underdark). I have just had a bright idea .

The idea is to code scrap merchants, these would be mobs who would buy items based on there weight and the material they are made of and then melt them down/ recycle them so acting as an item sink (thanks Gwain for that idea). The price they would offer would not be huge but it would be consistent as there inventory would never fill up.

This is not a complete solution to the shops filling up issue but would provide a means of removing items from the game and allowing some generation of cash at the same time.

It has been suggested that they should be tied into the local economy system so giving some limits on what they might buy/sell over a given time period, so as not to give out too much money all in one go.

They could also have a secondary function of providing smelted metals or other trade items based on what has been handed in. i.e. If loads of iron objects has been handed in then some smelted iron will be allowed to be bought though certainly not on a one to one basis, say about 25 % chance of one piece of ore per item. I would propose that any created ore/materials be of low quality, so that PC miners are still the only source of high quality ore.

Can anyone see any problems with this, the code looks fairly easy if a bit long winded...

Is there anything that scrap merchants should not accept, magic items or flagged items or player created items ?

Is there any way anyone can see that in the long term this would unbalance the economy ?

Should each scrap merchant accept different things, i.e. only a Dwarf scrap merchant would accept Mithril ?

Should it include things like wood, cloths, leather armour ?

Any feedback welcome !


Re: Merchants Inventory

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:25 am
by Nysan
I like the idea of scrap merchants, definately opens up a means to get rid of trash items, like rusty daggers and crude armour. I would ensure they don't take expensive items, like magic flagged stuff. The 'whoops' factor is too high.

Truthfully, I don't want to see player crafted goods taken. The thought of potential pay and return of raw materials in the same exchange doesn't feel right. Not opposed to raw goods randomly given, as long as it is low quality metal. I like ideas that might bring in usable goods and take out 'trash', but GM quality trade goods for trash would be pushing it, hehe.

Not sure how quality would matter if the item was cloth or wood. Far as I know, wood is the same to the code. Maybe cloth, wood, and other nonmetal items can given something else. I've kicked an idea around in my head lately of patch kits, items of certain material, like wood, cloth, or hide that are one time use. When used, they raise the condition level of the target item of similar material.

Re: Merchants Inventory

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:36 am
by Nysan
Oh, I don't see a reason to restrict materials, like mithral, if it is a looted item, goal is to remove unwanted items after all. If crafted items are taken, then yes. It rides the abuse line mighty close for rare and restricted items, at least in my eyes. The old 'safe than sorry' line rolling in my head.