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Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:11 pm
by Selveem
Looks like most of the ones were fixed, but I ran into another today on Kiert, my CG Priest of Tempus:
A bandit wizard is here.
A lone traveller travelling along the road here.
A merchant caravan guard is travelling along the road here.
A bandit wizard begins to chant.
You guess a bandit wizard is casting armor.
You attack a bandit wizard as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your crush beats a bandit wizard to a bloody pulp.
a bandit wizard is covered in cuts and bruises.
You weave out of the way of a bandit wizard's punch.

<100%hp 96m 93%mv>
A bandit wizard utters the words, 'armor'.
a bandit wizard's armor begins to glow softly as it is enhanced by a cantrip.

<100%hp 96m 93%mv>
You attack a bandit wizard as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your crush beats a bandit wizard to a bloody pulp.
a bandit wizard has blood gushing from several grievous wounds.
You weave out of the way of a bandit wizard's punch.
A bandit wizard begins to chant.
You guess a bandit wizard is casting chill touch.
A merchant caravan guard joins the battle!
A merchant caravan guard's punch violently beats your left arm.

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 4:05 pm
by Talren
Was told I should post this here, happened to Talren, LG Wizard in Golden Oaks. First time in the area, hadn't attacked anything or otherwise done anything against the law.
<100%hp 100m 98%mv> n
Wild path
N-Wild path S-Wild path
All you can see around you are trees. The nature seems undisturbed. Here
and there are some hollow trees. To the south you see a larger hollow tree.
If you take the time to listen, you will hear the cheerful song of the
birds, perched on the higher branches of the trees. A light breeze
blows through the trees.
The sky is hot and rainy and a hot southerly gust blows.
A small kobold wanders around here.
A badger is looking around.
A white-tailed doe is grazing on some herbs here.
A priest of Garl tries to keep the peace in the village.
<100%hp 100m 98%mv> e

A priest of Garl Glittergold joins the battle!
You attack a priest of Garl Glittergold as he gets within your weapon's reach.
<100%hp 100m 96%mv>
A badger joins the battle!
<100%hp 100m 95%mv> No way! You are still fighting!
A priest of Garl Glittergold begins to chant.
A small kobold makes a nice kick, but your crouch places his foot a mile above
your head.
It seems that he was assisting the kobold, though I didn't get a message about the kobold attacking until the failed kick attempt.

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:06 am
by Raona
Ok, I can reproduce this; here's the deal - The code, as currently written, is working: but it doesn't make sense.

The current code tries to decide who is most likely to help whom based on alignment overlap. The Priests of Garl and the kobold are both true neutral, so their alignments better overlap than the priest's does with your LG. However, in this case (and a good number of others), the conclusion just doesn't make sense. It is a good general rule, but not universally sound.

I'll get to work on trying to come up with nuances to add to that code. We found a bug in it and hoped that would fix all the problems, but it only fixed most of them, it seems. This particular manifestation is going to need more work.

Thanks for the reports, this will take some time. I may ask for more reports as I come up with ideas.

Moving this back to Bug Reporting.

p.s. Good news is, as best I can tell, you should not have a flag set on you in Golden Oak for this misadventure.

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:23 am
by Brar
This is now the topic but Priest of Garl being true neutral?

Garl says:

Code: Select all

Cleric Allowed Alignments - LG, NG

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:02 pm
by Raona
Hmmm. Good point. Presumably there is a reason for that, but if not...should be changed!

I think all coded law enforcers are TN?

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:25 pm
by Harroghty
All mobiles are, by default, TN.

I have changed all the priests of Garl in Golden Oaks to LG and tested their reactions (they attack the attacker).

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:58 am
by Raona
Gahr...that sorta does the trick for the PC (evil PCs will be attacked by the guards in most circumstances, but that seems appropos), but the guards will now fight against the wildlife, like raccoon m13611, if it sides against the PC (as it seems prone to do, just as the guards did when they were TN). That may be unavoidable, but methinks we need a better decision process for deciding if they fight at all, and if so, on who's side. Hard code! So, in my court...putting my thinking cap on. :idea:

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:43 pm
by Adabelle
There are a lot of Orcs, goblins, and even skeleton NPCs wandering around Waterdeep. With all these posts people are afraid to attack them in case the guards should turn on the PCs for it. Should we be able to attack these monstrous NPCs in Waterdeep without any issue from the guards?

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:51 am
by Selveem
Granted I'm playing a monstrous race (Wemic), but Wemics are all required to be good-aligned I believe. None can be evil. Even still, the caravan guards are now assisting bandits again against my LG Wemic.

A merchant caravan guard is travelling along the road here.
A bandit wizard is here.
A bandit wizard begins to chant.
You guess a bandit wizard is casting armor.
You attack a bandit wizard as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your slash nearly bisects a bandit wizard's abdomen.
You weave out of the way of a bandit wizard's punch.

<100%hp 0m 98%mv>
You attack a bandit wizard as he gets within your weapon's reach.
You realise a bandit wizard is close to dying and pull your blow.
Your slash nearly bisects a bandit wizard's chest.
A bandit wizard is stunned, but will probably recover.
You weave out of the way of a bandit wizard's punch.
A merchant caravan guard joins the battle!
You duck under a merchant caravan guard's slashing attack.

<100%hp 0m 97%mv>
A bandit wizard utters the words, 'armor'.
A shimmering suit of armour coalesces around a bandit wizard.

<100%hp 0m 97%mv>
You realise a bandit wizard is close to dying and pull your blow.
Your slash nearly bisects a bandit wizard's abdomen.
A bandit wizard is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
You duck under a merchant caravan guard's slashing attack.

Re: Merchant Caravans in league with Bandits?!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:10 pm
by Shayloh
Dusk Road
N-Plains E-Dusk Road S-The Reaching Wo W-Dusk Road
NE-Plains NW-Woods SE-Plains SW-The Reaching Wo
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A merchant caravan guard is travelling along the road here.
A bandit is here.
A bandit cleric is here.
A bandit cleric begins to chant.
You guess a bandit cleric is casting bless.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your pierce nearly bisects a bandit's left arm.
A bandit's severed left arm falls to the ground!
Your pierce minces a bandit's chest.
A merchant caravan guard joins the battle!
A merchant caravan guard's slash deeply gashes your chest.
This is still happening. :(

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:11 am
by Raona
Adabelle wrote:There are a lot of Orcs, goblins, and even skeleton NPCs wandering around Waterdeep. With all these posts people are afraid to attack them in case the guards should turn on the PCs for it. Should we be able to attack these monstrous NPCs in Waterdeep without any issue from the guards?
This is actually a different issue - if a mobile is flagged as a "citizen," the local authorities will pursue you for attacking or killing them. We've tried to keep citizens limited to those that make sense, but if you run into one you are not sure of, please PM me their adjective (their name, or what you see when you look at them) and I'll check for you.

On the issue of mobiles taking the wrong side in combat: I need a reproducible new test case; the bull from before now works as it should. When I try attacking a bandit in the presence of a merchant caravan (including with a lawful good wemic), the merchant caravan stays out of it, which is what I think should happen. Those of you who are experiencing otherwise - is it every time, very rarely? Shayloh, could you please specify the alignment of the PC in your example?

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:00 pm
by Shayloh
Raona wrote:Shayloh, could you please specify the alignment of the PC in your example?
The PC in question is lawful neutral.

Recreating the situation is very difficult simply because bandits and caravan guards to not frequent the same sections of road as often as they used to. I can't get them in the same room without introducing special circumstances that could skew the results.

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:18 pm
by Lirith
I just had a merchant caravan guard join in with a bandit. This happened on the Trade Way just outside Waterdeep south gate. The PC in question is NG Chauntean rogue. Log below.

Code: Select all

Trade Way
 N-Darkness        E-Darkness        S-Darkness        W-The Queenspire 
NE-Darkness       NW-Darkness       SE-Darkness       SW-Darkness       
The road is clear of grass and heavily rutted from the passage of many
wagons bearing their heavy loads.  There are several potholes that you
must take care to avoid tripping in.
To the west a towering structure, apparently made of shells and corals,
hunkers at the mouth of the Waterdeep docks, a thin spire raking at the
The sky is cold and clear and a cold northern gust blows.
A merchant caravan guard is travelling along the road here.
A lone traveller travelling along the road here.
A bandit is here.
A lone traveller travelling along the road here.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your crush beats a bandit to a bloody pulp.
    a bandit is covered in cuts and bruises.
You weave out of the way of a bandit's punch.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
A merchant caravan guard joins the battle!
A merchant caravan guard's slash lacerates your head.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your crush beats a bandit to a bloody pulp.
A bandit is DEAD!
You get 3 silver coins from the corpse of a bandit.
You get 3 copper coins from the corpse of a bandit.
You get a bandit scalp from the corpse of a bandit.
You duck under a merchant caravan guard's slashing attack.
A lone traveller walks northwest.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north-west.
You duck under a merchant caravan guard's slashing attack.
With a bonecrunching sound your crush smashes a merchant caravan guard's chest.
    a merchant caravan guard is slightly scratched.
With a sickening sound a merchant caravan guard's slash violently shreds your abdomen.
A merchant caravan guard dual wields a cruciform longsword in his right hand.
No way! You are still fighting!
 N-Plains          E-Plains          S-Darkness        W-Darkness       
NE-Darkness       NW-Darkness       SE-Plains         SW-Darkness       
Grass covers the plains like a thick carpet might cover a nobles floor.
Few trees dot the landscape and as such building made of wood are not.
an option in this region.
The sky is cold and cloudy and a cold northern gust blows.
You flee from combat!
You aren't fighting anyone.
I believe that the merchant caravan themselves aren't a problem. However, if they are attacked directly and a merchant caravan guard appears to protect them, that guard will then stick around and join in even if the merchant caravan isn't present.

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:27 am
by Raona
Aha! Bless you, Lirith, this is reproducible! Updating the bug with this information.
Lirith wrote:I just had a merchant caravan guard join in with a bandit. This happened on the Trade Way just outside Waterdeep south gate. The PC in question is NG Chauntean rogue. Log below.

Code: Select all

Trade Way
 N-Darkness        E-Darkness        S-Darkness        W-The Queenspire 
NE-Darkness       NW-Darkness       SE-Darkness       SW-Darkness       
The road is clear of grass and heavily rutted from the passage of many
wagons bearing their heavy loads.  There are several potholes that you
must take care to avoid tripping in.
To the west a towering structure, apparently made of shells and corals,
hunkers at the mouth of the Waterdeep docks, a thin spire raking at the
The sky is cold and clear and a cold northern gust blows.
A merchant caravan guard is travelling along the road here.
A lone traveller travelling along the road here.
A bandit is here.
A lone traveller travelling along the road here.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your crush beats a bandit to a bloody pulp.
    a bandit is covered in cuts and bruises.
You weave out of the way of a bandit's punch.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
A merchant caravan guard joins the battle!
A merchant caravan guard's slash lacerates your head.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your crush beats a bandit to a bloody pulp.
A bandit is DEAD!
You get 3 silver coins from the corpse of a bandit.
You get 3 copper coins from the corpse of a bandit.
You get a bandit scalp from the corpse of a bandit.
You duck under a merchant caravan guard's slashing attack.
A lone traveller walks northwest.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north-west.
You duck under a merchant caravan guard's slashing attack.
With a bonecrunching sound your crush smashes a merchant caravan guard's chest.
    a merchant caravan guard is slightly scratched.
With a sickening sound a merchant caravan guard's slash violently shreds your abdomen.
A merchant caravan guard dual wields a cruciform longsword in his right hand.
No way! You are still fighting!
 N-Plains          E-Plains          S-Darkness        W-Darkness       
NE-Darkness       NW-Darkness       SE-Plains         SW-Darkness       
Grass covers the plains like a thick carpet might cover a nobles floor.
Few trees dot the landscape and as such building made of wood are not.
an option in this region.
The sky is cold and cloudy and a cold northern gust blows.
You flee from combat!
You aren't fighting anyone.
I believe that the merchant caravan themselves aren't a problem. However, if they are attacked directly and a merchant caravan guard appears to protect them, that guard will then stick around and join in even if the merchant caravan isn't present.

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:38 am
by Brodnur
Just had an instance happen with my CN Mage, half-orc race. Due east of Triel, walk in on a bandit, the guard was already there, but didn't begin to attack til after I'd cast a spell, not sure if that's related or responsible. Part that made me really curious, was when the merchant caravan guard drew his sword, stopped using it, wielded it again, and dual-wielded two swords during the battle. Didn't stand a chance gainst them kinda odds ;). Anyways, including log below for this

Dusk Road
N-Trielta Hills E-Dusk Road S-Plains W-Dusk Road
NE-Trielta Hills NW-Trielta Hills SE-Plains SW-Plains
The road is clear of grass and heavily rutted from the passage of many
wagons bearing their heavy loads. There are several potholes that you
must take care to avoid tripping in.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
Some horse tail hair lies in a knot here. (perfect)
A merchant caravan guard is travelling along the road here.
A bandit is here.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
You weave out of the way of a bandit's punch.
A merchant caravan guard walks west.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
A bandit makes a nice kick, but your crouch places his foot a mile above your head.
Your crush skillfully shreds a bandit's abdomen.
a bandit has a few small cuts.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
You weave out of the way of a bandit's punch.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your crush violently shreds a bandit's chest.
a bandit is badly injured.
You weave out of the way of a bandit's punch.
Your crush beats a bandit to a bloody pulp.
a bandit is bleeding freely.
You grunt as a bandit's kick lands.
You begin to chant.
You throw your conjured ball of acid at a bandit, but it misses and splatters harmlessly behind him.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
You grunt as a bandit's kick lands.
You begin to chant.
You throw your conjured ball of acid at a bandit, but it misses and splatters harmlessly behind him.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
You weave out of the way of a bandit's punch.
A merchant caravan guard walks in from the west.
You grunt as a bandit's kick lands.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your crush beats a bandit to a bloody pulp.
a bandit has blood gushing from several grievous wounds.
A bandit's punch powerfully beats your abdomen.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
A merchant caravan guard joins the battle!
A merchant caravan guard's punch nearly removes your left leg.
A bandit makes a nice kick, but your crouch places his foot a mile above your head.
You attack a merchant caravan guard as he gets within your weapon's reach.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
A merchant caravan guard's punch nearly removes your left arm.
A merchant caravan guard wields a cruciform longsword in his left hand.
A merchant caravan guard's punch nearly removes your right arm.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
You weave out of the way of a bandit's punch.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
A merchant caravan guard walks in from the west.
You grunt as a bandit's kick lands.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your crush beats a bandit to a bloody pulp.
a bandit has blood gushing from several grievous wounds.
A bandit's punch powerfully beats your abdomen.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
A merchant caravan guard joins the battle!
A merchant caravan guard's punch nearly removes your left leg.
A bandit makes a nice kick, but your crouch places his foot a mile above your head.
You attack a merchant caravan guard as he gets within your weapon's reach.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
A merchant caravan guard's punch nearly removes your left arm.
A merchant caravan guard wields a cruciform longsword in his left hand.
A merchant caravan guard's punch nearly removes your right arm.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
You weave out of the way of a bandit's punch.
You attack a bandit as he gets within your weapon's reach.
A bandit evades your crushing attack.
A bandit's lands a heavy punch in your chest.
A merchant caravan guard's slash nearly bisects your right arm.
A thick wooden quarterstaff spills out onto the ground.
Your severed right arm falls to the ground!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
A merchant caravan guard dual wields a cruciform longsword in his right hand.
You learn from your success and improve at brawling!
A bandit weaves out of the way of your punch.
You duck under a merchant caravan guard's slashing attack.
A bandit makes a nice kick, but your crouch places his foot a mile above your head.
A merchant caravan guard's slash tears a gaping wound into your abdomen.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
A merchant caravan guard stops using a cruciform longsword.
A merchant caravan guard dual wields a cruciform longsword in his left hand.
You weave out of the way of a bandit's punch.
You duck under a merchant caravan guard's slashing attack.
Your punch nearly removes a bandit's right leg.
a bandit is leaking heart-blood.
A merchant caravan guard's slash nearly bisects your left leg.
Your severed left leg falls to the ground!
A bandit's punch violently beats your abdomen.
A bandit's lands a heavy punch in your chest.
...Everything begins to fade to black.

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:16 am
by Harroghty
This has been resolved on a hard code level, but there may be instances of mobiles that need their alignment tweaked in order to adjust their reactions. (Simple mobiles are aligned as true neutral by default.) Please continue to update this thread with instances.

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:44 pm
by Atraos
I think this has affected something in Bligdenstone. An issue where a mob has assisted where they shouldn't have done. I have logged a bug report with full details.

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:31 pm
by Harroghty
Then post it, please?

Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:08 am
by Atraos
This was posted yesterday. Titled deep shadows. Has it been received?


Re: Elves assisting Drow in Alaron?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:15 am
by Harroghty
Yes, and the update (fix) went live today on the game port.