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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:25 pm
by Vaemar
Oh and from the help file about exotic weapon proficiency:
A character using one of these weapons without having also having the 'exotic
weapon proficiency' appropriate to that particular weapon (not the
appropriate weapon skill) will be considered to be unskilled with that
The second "having" is not necessary.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:04 pm
by Vaemar
Again qlog:
Give a mackeral to <xxx> of Lower Skullport.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:35 pm
by Yemin
East of lorelie's at south end of street of whispers in waterdeep.

Reading Room
A small and cozy room that is both well lit and comfortably furnished.
The walls are covered in rich tapestries that relfect the glory of Selune
in al of her phases. The floor is covered with thick rugs woven of pale
blue and silver. Comfortable chairs and couches are scattered about the
room, offering spaces to sit and relax in luxury. Locked cases against the
walls hold a wide variety of books, tales and poems from bards throughout
the Kingdoms. A large crystal chandelier hangs down from the ceiling,
tethered on a silver chain, casting light and the dancing of raindbows
from the prisims. A door to the west leads back out in to the garden.

*reflects* *all* *prisms*

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:22 pm
by Vaemar
a High priestess walking in the ruins of House Oblodra, or better, in the Dark Dominion outside:
The high priestess turns away, dismissing you, but
.then suddenly reconsiders.
There is a unncessary dot and the sentence goes on the following line.

Also in her description:
She glares at you coldly but then move on.

A room near her to the north:
This is one section of the thousands of miles of passages that make up the
dark dominion, this one a cavernous natural hallway through the stone.
This one *is* a...

Kobold scout death emote:
The huge kobold lunges at you viciously in its death throes and manages
.to shatter his sword on a stalactite.
Same problem as with the priestess's emote above.

The room two times south from the small water elemental:
Whatever the source of all the moisture, it is collecting here. The northern
section of this natural cavern is impassible.
Impassable. Impassible has another meaning.

Ched Nasad →

Dangling tower:
In the large dias there are also quite a few
apprentices at any time, practicing their skills and demonstrating
them in impressive feats of invokation
Dais. Invocation.
correcting them as to proper pronunciation and
gesturing when performing the delicate art of invokation.
Pronouncing? Invocation.
power involved in the art of invokation.

Wandering drow necromancer's emote:
A drow necromancer walks slowly through the city,
Appraising all those he passes.
No capital and all on one line.

Wandering invoker:
A drow invoker walks boldly through the city streets,
Others drawing back from him in apparent fear.
Same as above.

Drow illusionist (wandering):
A drow illusionist creates and dissipates lights
As he walks through the streets.
Same as above.

Faerie fire lamp:
it's hand closing

Chalantar Godet'ar
for her daliances with the lower classes.

Female drow commoner of Ched Nasad:
her station above all but the nobles of thecity and
it is expressed in her sneering derision at [...]She is dressed in simple cloths anda spidersilk cloak.
Need a space after that the, and "and" is not necessary. Clothes. And a, with the space.

And same story in the female drow priestess:
her station above all but the highest Matrons
of the city and it is expressed in her sneering derision [...] She is dressed in elegant
No need for that "it is". Clothes.

Two rooms up from where one arrives:
None but the Priestesses of Lolth are allowed into this part of
the temple,
No typo here, problem is that my character is not a priestess and got there without any problem. :P

And since I was already in, this is a real typo in the room west of it:
by specially
trianed priestesses

Phaerolin Everhrae:
and he
dreses in a casual and unconcerned manner.

Xulrina Zaughym:
This black-skinned, red-eyed female Drow is traveller
Is *a* traveller.

Mindum Shieldbreaker: he's a merchant but he doesn't understand darkspeak!!!

Summoned Shadow, room to the west:
the Summoned Shadow brings with it the resources
of the city of dark weavings, Sshamanth.

Tzzar'nt Nobraddrin
reknowned resterautneur

Flickering Flame Compound:
each other with unimagineable force.

Barkus Yipper:
reknown throughout
the city

Selendorn's Elemental Component
a frazzled yet competant-

Selendorn himself:
His personal maner

Vuznolu Lltonar of the Seventh Scepter: the description of the room where he is suggests he sells archery equipment, in particular crossbow stuff for guild members. However he doesn't sell anything.

Disciples of Pheltong, third room to the west:
drawing of life energise

Weaverspinner Academy:
an upsetting
and even dangerous occurance

In front of the White Spider Company:
a heavily-defended caravan makes it's way

Damnal Aleback: another Duergar merchant who doesn't understand darkspeak.

In front of House unnamed Inn:
it is covered in small windows the entirety of it's

House unnamed Inn:
A drow guard exclaims to you 'Hey you cant come up here without paying!'
A drow guard says to you 'Go down and pay your copper before trying to sleep up here.'

Same place:
Sabalnitra says to you 'For 3 measley copper you can may survive the night.'
Can or may? I don't know honestly. Maybe it's can?

Laelar El'lar (present in many rooms unfortunately):
ramshakle constructions

Slave Bazaar:
Numerous strands of calfified webbing running from wall to wall
converge here, creatings a large plaza.

Kilmaniel Rolintzz:
Some claim he
hsa discovered

Large Passageway (three rooms at least)
without any visible stalagtites

edit: removed the ogre in Braeryn.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:22 pm
by Yemin
entry door to kelemvorite temple in tantras
Door itself looks fine, but this happens when you manipulate it from inside the temple.
You close the .

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:23 pm
by Vaemar
Syntax: discern

It is the ability to detect hidden passages and items that are
in the same room as you are. It is NOT for detecting hidden
mobs like it was. This was changed to more closly match the
D20 rules we are drifting to.

(A) Thieves Skills

Sayeera on Skull Island:
A blue-skinned and highly appealing sirine women.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:46 pm
by Vaemar
Hunting spider in the Skull Caverns:
looking for it's next meal.
You say 'Check'
Limric Hmmmms...
Limric takes a look at the large registry in front of her.
Limric shakes his head in response to you.
Limric says to you 'We have nothing for you.'

Carrion crawler:
abberant creature

Dro wilderness patrol, priestess:
An fine adamantine suit of armor seems to melt into her
pure ebon shade of skin.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:33 am
by Yemin
applies to all the npcs in the air temple in undermountain

A priestess of Akadi exclaims to you 'May Akadi poison the air your breathe!'

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:54 pm
by Vaemar
Another little typo from the questlog:
Tazqurri will buy bat wings.
The mob is called Tazquirri.

And another epic unnoticed typo:
Vhurn Bhaelyndryn's Beastiary

Again qlog:
Answer Sarpy's riddles in order to trade with him in the Dark Dominion.
You answered Sarpy's riddles in order to trade with her in the Dark Dominion.
Now, the sentences are fine, but I think a definite position about Sarpy's gender has to be found.

The mob is female by the way:
point sarp
You point at her.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:30 pm
by Benorf
In the Umberlee helpfile:

If they are extremely favored, they may ask for and recieve
artifacts of Umberlee.

Should be receive

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:45 pm
by Vaemar
From "areas":
Zhentil Keep Cemetary

Ruins of House Oblodra, small water elemental:
a manifistation

Dancing globe of faerie fire:
for sensative drow eyes.

Acid Aerie, "the edge of a simmering acid lake":
dificult to breathe. [...] more viscuous than water.
Difficult. Viscous.

Black leather scabbard sold in Melee Magthere:
Well balance and made with soft black leather, this scabbard
has been made so it can be worn as well on your left or on your
right side.
I think it should be "balanced"

Duril, in Menzoberranzan:
poke out of the
aprons pocket.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:06 pm
by Yemin
You must be holding suitable container to brew a potion.
*a* suitable container

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:38 pm
by Vaemar
Grilled rothe in mushroom wine sauce:
Rothe steal grilled to medium rare, and covered in a brown mushroom sauce.

You told the giant Krom that Karga was alive.
Grom. :P

Violet waterskin:
This waterskin is made of leather and has been dyed black. On one of
its front surfaces has been stitched decorative violets.

Underdark Wilderness (in Ched Nasad, the yellow room just east from the outside entrance)
completely unnavigeable
save for a thin, twisting stone pathway

Orog who wanders there:
it has a far sharper glean of intellect in its eye than most
any orc one could claim to have met.
That "most" is not needed.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:22 am
by Yemin
room just east of the effirgy in 11th tombs. second floor down.
and in the embalming chamber in the lowest floor.
Broken caponic jars litter the floor. Though their contents have long since turned to dust, the numerous engravings of various body parts and organs hint at what they may once have contained.

11th tomb guardian
An ancient, animated corpse bound in filth-stained bandages. It walks with an ungainly stride, as though many of its limbs are a lot less flexible than they were in life. Adorned with

*Random out of place Adorned with at the end of the desc there*

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:04 am
by Yemin
You get a book - "Elements of Evocation" by Fyzul from a large yellow bag.
l book
l one

All the other pages seem fine though.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:27 pm
by Vaemar
Valtyrr pokes around one of the rotting piles of tack.
This happens in the grotto near Menzo, with the mushrooms. It is the same emote of a room in House Oblodra where there are mushrooms under some tacks. Problem is that in the cave there isn't any tack.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:54 am
by Yemin
Sedesti in undermountain - underground forest
This rather small and hefty man has long brown hair that are mixed with
small twigs and leaves. His hands are large and seems to have been used for
hard work.
*hair that is mixed*
*hands seem to be used for hard work*

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:02 am
by Vaemar
Undeground River under Ched Nasad:
No is visible here,

Apprentice wizard in the pits of Shadowdale:
Dressed in red robes this young wizard likes to boast who he actually once met
the great sage of Shadowdale.
I think it should be "that"?

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:56 pm
by Yemin
You make one of your spells last all day.
Your spell will last 24 game hours.
Spell of instantaneous duration are not affect by this feat, nor those whose
effects are disharged. A persistent spell uses a spell slot 6 slots higher
than the base spell.
Note that this feat only affects spells with a range of "personal" - it
cannot be applied to ranged spells or those that can affect other people.

*discharged* *affected*

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:30 am
by Yemin
In berdusk
Ondraer asks you 'Greetings! How many I help you?'