A facet of the reason I also started this thread is partly that the MKC due to game culture has become a central meeting place. Part of the environment there is not really condusive to what the room is being used for.A market is loud, wide, open and serves as a good place to meet up to plan or then go elsewhere if you need somewhere central to meet. It has buyers and vendors moving all over the place. At most hours of the day, it is also crowded and likely has a pick pocket or two. It isn't normally where people would usually meet to talk for long stretches of time.
For anyone who's spent any length of time with Mers in different settings, you will note that he doesn't cast much to at all if say he's in a meeting, back in his days when he was in a faith.
I personally don't take it well when people break that line between IC and OOC. As you can see, it just causes confusion and toxicity. I want to address it here since it has come up and I feel no need to pretend I wasn't one of the ones asked to stop, both IC and OOC. Continuing to do so has a level of conceitedness I'm not comfortable with.
At first I was asked to stop IC, which as I've highlighted make sno sense for the setting. I responded in an IC manner that my character naturally would. Had it been any other character, Lustria, Soelle etc. They probably would not even been asked, because its not in their nature or personality to go out in public expecting trouble. This is mostly why I said it is down to roleplay.
I was then asked to stop OOC and the situation became toxic. Which, naturally it always does. I have literally never had the IC / OOC barrier break in any positive way in the past. If something is OOC The only way to solv it constructively is to begin and end it in that sphere. Looking back at the log of the affair, I can say that there was wrong done from both ends when things went there. Both from mine end and the person asking me to alter my IC behaviour.
With all that said, there is a very similar parallel between the line of conversation between this thread, and that conversation from a year ago. And that is when the issue came up. I did then as I have in this thread offered a solution that would both make sense and solve our issues. Back then it was offereing to help the person figure out gag client commands, and now it is having the market simply mute casting. And this time at least in part I have been met with a very similar response, if not in wording but in spirit.
Asker from a year ago in a PMto myself:
Code: Select all
My short answer: No. If you can't be considerate that is your own issue. I will not use triggers considering I have never had to in the several years I have played, and shouldn't have to because someone feels the need to prove a point? I will send in a complaint next time I see you casting in the market, and ask that anyone else that I have heard complain about your actions, do the same.
Its Ironic that Lorelie mentioned that the answer given to a seemingly reasonable request was screw you, because personally, this is all I see to what I think is a reasonable request to fix both problems. The solution I offered back then to that individual is probably easier than what i'm asking for now code wise. And coming from the perspective of someone who's written a half done soundpack just so I can play a game in my spare time with a similar experience to everyone else. The response is simply unbelievable.
Had I wished to prove some kind of grand point. All my characters would probably start behaving the same in *spamming* spellcasting. But as I log on here to roleplay each character to their own personality and have fun while doing it, I don't.
With that said, i cut everyone slack unless its clear they don't want me to. I think well of the majority of people who have had a contrary want to my wants in this thread so far. But from where i'm standing, the only reason people insist on using the market in a weird way which contributes to this issue is that some of you have been here a really long time and had things the way there are a really long time and so any request to shift may come off as obsurd.
As the asker said, they've been here for years and never had to use triggers. To clarify for the less tech savy, client side triggers dont' send commands to the MUD so no rules are broken. Personally, I don't find not having to have done something for years as a legitimate reason for anything. Suddenly the great terrible something will come down and tare down your world. New things come up that you might not have noticed before. Its not a big deal to change with them.
Would it, with all this considered be unreasonable to begin perhaps meeting up somewhere with four walls and a door? Even if said door is uncoded. Waterdeep is full of such unused places. A bunch of them really close by if your character or you are bothered by the legitimate noise that occurs in a market.
If anything, there should be a lot more casting goign on in the market. People can go there to buy spells, or the spells of a group ready to head out.
In summary, some people equate casting in the market as rude because it OOCly annoys them. I find the people who ask Mers to stop casting when outside faintly confusing OOCly, perhaps annoying when it crossed the IC/OOC barrier, but I don't equate my annoyance to people purposefully being rude. The two things are seperate affairs entirely. Something outlighted by OOCly lumping of all people Areia in the rude section. From what I'v seen the guy / girl is nice to the point of getting taken advantage of whenever OOC has popped up in the past. The assertion of rudeness is unfounded. If perhaps some begin acknowledging the IC environment they're playing in and finally go visit Filiar as the town crier keeps yelling. There would be no coded response deemed necessary at all. Either muting, gagging or the current MKC wards.
Occasionally even I forget and start meditating right infront of an enemy just because he is not coded aggressive, but its not something that I or anyone should be doing in spiting the environment in way for convenience really.
As a side note, i do Concur with Areia's mention. The only spells I ever refreshed regularly were the defensive ones, which take perhaps 40 minutes to an hour rl to drop? It was confusing to me at the time when I was seemingly singled out when I saw some people walk in with mirror image active. And well, you think spell spam is annoying..., oh boy. Look over there at those 10 ****s. And to further clarify, I find this annoying but it also does not make me think they're being rude. The person who did this was an evil, walking into an area that was predominantly populated by Goods and neuts. He/She could have just relied on the OOC PVP policy to give fair warning but that would be pretty close to Metagamming in my book so I saluted her/his props to understandable behaviour.