Important Area or Code Upgrades

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Post by Dalvyn » Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:42 pm

Minor fixes and changes

Some new food items for your favourite pets have been added to Longsaddle (check the market).

You should now be able to have the luggage clerk "store" your bag from the ground. That is, you no longer need to hand it to them; you can have it simply on the ground and ask them to "store" it.
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Post by Dalvyn » Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:45 pm

Caravan lines

Just like we used to have shipping lines, we now have caravan lines. Caravan depart from and go to "caravan fields" placed in the major settlements.

Currently, there are caravan fields in the following cities: Waterdeep, Silverymoon, Longsaddle, Daggerford, (Baldur's Gate), (Candlekeep), Zazesspur, Darromar, Silkhole, Berdusk, (Proskur), Applehill, Westgate, Hillvale, Highmoon, Shadowdale, and Zhentil Keep.

(The cities between parentheses are not built yet; it's not possible to enter a caravan from there, but you can exit a caravan TO there).

To use a caravan, buy a caravan token from the seller. When you are about to depart, give the token to the seller and climb in the caravan. Wait till you reach your destination ... and exit.

You can eat and drink IN the caravan (they sell basic goods), but if you leave the caravan, you will need to get another token before you are allowed back in.
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:03 pm

Pebbles aplenty

After the next area update, you should be able to hold a stone (smooth, sunstone, startstone, ...) and SMASH it into pebbles usable with slings. You would need to hold a suitable weapon to do it, naturally.
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Re: Important Area Upgrades

Post by Dalvyn » Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:17 pm

New wizard school

A new wizard school has been added to the game today (for abjurers), as well as a batch of publications.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:55 pm

Character Generation
The character generation area has been slightly modified to make it less linear and marginally less compulsory - any feedback or bug reports on this would be appreciated.

Should now work again.

Has been removed from the game and replaced with 'darkvision' which should be much more useful than infravision was.

Race information
All races are currently being reviewed and changes being made to bring them closer to 3.5d. For example, Halflings just got their saving throw bonuses, and both drow and shield dwarves now have darkvision. All PC race files are being re-reviewed at the moment to add more.

Imm-run roleplays
Many more of these will hopefully take place over the next few weeks and months.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:44 pm

Spell Resistance
Spell resistance has been added, both as a spell and as a racial ability. At the moment, only a few races have spell resistance, but any others who lack it and should have it, should soon have it.

Low light vision
Has been implemented, and all PC races who should have it should notice it. While you are outdoors on a moon-lit night, you should notice a substantial difference.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:13 pm

Spell Resistance
A command called 'lower' has been added to allow people with spell resistance to temporarily drop their spell resistance for 2 rounds to allow them (or their friends....and enemies!) to cast spells on them without being affected by spell resistance.

Low light vision
Low-light vision and darkvision are now 'ranged' and enhanced in a couple of interesting ways.

Character generation
All of the 'not yet playable' races have been removed from character generation, as have Centaurs, Wemics, Bugbears and Hobgoblins. Goblins are the only option that remain from 'Rare races' and have been moved to 'Orcs'.

Level adjustment
Kismet cost keeps the 'rare' races rare but after that, to keep a balance between races to some extent, we have implemented the 'level adjustment' called for by the SRD. This is implemented as follows: characters with level adjustment will level more slowly and have a lower maximum level. Centaurs, for example, currently will have a max level of 45.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Lathlain » Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:00 am

Because I know this'll excite some of you as much as it does me - and I don't want it to go unannounced!

Input Buffer
The input buffer has been increased from 254 characters to a mighty 1024! Gone are the days of impromptu speech impediments and breathless monologuing. Thanks to Mask for his on-the-fly fixing of this age-old gripe.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Sat May 01, 2010 2:40 am

Thieves, backstab and circle stab

A number of bugs in backstab and circle stab have been fixed, and it has been updated to echo when a sneak attack has been attempted but failed - a vast improvement on never knowing if anything was working.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Lathlain » Sun May 02, 2010 2:36 pm

Teacher and Scholar Feats

After some debate, we've decided to open up both ranks of the teacher and scholar feats to be taught by NPC trainers.

To those of you with outstanding applications, we apologise for the delay - but we hope this opens up the gates to those closet lecturers among you!

Additionally, a few more of the previously unavailable spells are now trainable, with more to come in the future.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Thu May 06, 2010 9:58 pm

Hide and Seek

Continuing the May theme of 'thief love', hide and seek have been revamped - they will now appear in 'affects' and on your vt100 interface if you are using it. Both skills are now 'opposed' by anyone who could have heard or seen you. This means that if you sneak into a given room, hidden, it is possible that some people in the room might see you, and some might not.

Additional skills in this area are being developed and new feats finalised. This is something of a work in progress that will slowly be finalised over the course of the month.

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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Sat May 08, 2010 11:22 pm

New planetouched feats

5 new feats have been added for Aasimar and Tieflings: celestial bloodline, feathered wings, eyes of light, fiendish bloodline and bat wings. Trainers for these will be added in the next couple of days!
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Sun May 09, 2010 10:14 am

Daily racial abilities

Some races have been given the ability to perform certain magical acts daily, for example, fire genasi can 'produce flame' once a day. To see your daily abilities use the 'abilities' command, and to use them, use the 'invoke' command.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Harroghty » Tue May 18, 2010 8:20 pm

Paladin Class

The Halls of Justice in Waterdeep has been updated on the game port and the paladin lessons are open for new students.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Thu May 20, 2010 12:58 pm


The armour hindrance area has been examined, updated, fixed and simplified. The weight classification of the armour you are wearing will now show up in 'defence'. You need the armour proficiency feat at '3' for heavy, '2' for medium and '1' for light.

If anyone continues to have any issues in this area, please post here: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=12470.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Mon May 24, 2010 11:24 pm

New area

New area added, and a bunch of long-standing typos and mis-spellings in areas fixed!
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Raona » Sat May 29, 2010 3:19 pm


Shields are in the process of being brought up to d20/3.5 Ed rules, with proficiency feats required to operate them without penalty (and these given automatically to the appropriate classes/guilds), different sizes having differing characteristics, and trainers for the new feats added throughout the realms. These changes should appear on the game port soon.

The helpfiles have been updated to reflect these changes. If (after you start seeing Shield Proficiency as a feat) you find they don't square with your experiences using shields, or are unclear on some point of importance to you, please report this in the Bug Reporting forum.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mele » Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:26 pm

The problem with goblins in creation was fixed, and the hometowns they were offered updated.
Beshaba potatoes.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Raona » Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:29 am

The mining process has been substantively changed, with veins of different materials being discovered and then mined until played out. Rarer materials are more rarely found. Ore has its quality in its description.

Smelting now produces ingots, whose description specifies their quality. The quality of the ingot produced hinges on smelting skill, ore quality, and luck.

Weapon and armour smithing now employ a new process, which we've coined the Craft Process. Read HELP CRAFT PROCESS for more information!

See also ... =1&t=12943 for more information on all of this.

Kudos to Mask for dreaming this up and making it come to be, and to Nysan/Gilian for testing it!

[It's still being perfected...but should be about ready for prime time!]
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Tavik » Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:28 pm

Potions can now be identified after being quaffed. You will not retain knowledge of all potions you've ever quaffed, only the most recent ones. The number of potions you can remember and identify is determined by your mental stats.

As an example, if you have three potions and two are bulls strength and the third is cure light you won't know what any are. Once you drink one of the bulls strength potions, you'll know then that the other bulls strength potion is a bulls strength potion, but you still won't know what the cure light potion is (until you quaff another cure light potion).
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