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Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:54 pm
by Layna
Spreading the news is good :)

As a 'Keep Rat' (as I was once 'affectionately' called ;)) I often find my character relying on news that's filtered down through notes and things to keep tabs on the 'Deep Dwellers - and I've really appreciated seeing these things popping up.

And if I might take the chance to just add: I know that groups organising things like this don't want their progress to be hindered by Evhuls getting in the way all the time, and I also know that what's best for the majority of players is ultimately what's best for the MUD... but if anyone ever wants an antagonist, there's a whole bunch of us in varying different flavours out and about. And I promise we're not out for the PK ^_^

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:00 am
by Raona
An anonymous evil citizen of the Deep (bearing NO relation, resemblance, or connection to Raona, mind you!) was heard wondering aloud about what sorts of things might spur the demons currently milling about in Ardeep to wander out and wreak havoc on Faerun...disturbances within the forest, perhaps, or temptations without, perahps???

Surely, were friends of the forest to overhear such (idle?) chatter, they might redouble their efforts and hasten to see to it that the demons are penned in, and quickly. But in the meantime...

There have been rumours and concerns of "infiltration" of the Ranger ranks by enemies of the forest, as well. Surely, just rumours.

Finally, (and boy, I don't know what I'm thinking bringing this up...) Raona herself heard a tale of some dark order taking an active interest in an artifact seemingly related to all this business. Whatever happened to that?

Kudos to the tieflings that have tried (and pretended to try!) to help with the Ardeep situation on the basis of their devil blood. This is a most interesting twist! Alas, Raona had an interaction with a tiefling that left a *very* strong bad taste in her mouth, and a lasting negative impression, so she's really not in an IC position to follow up on the tiefling fig leaf. (Book is in the works on that...someday it'll be done!) Perhaps some other PC, ideally a lawful neutral, might do so, though?

Just offering some ideas and encouragement to the evils out there to try a few things!

p.s. Thanks for the encouragement, Dalvyn! Don't anyone let it go to my (yes you, the person reading this) can do it too. You don't have to ask for permission to write a Kingdom's Journal entry, or organize a PC mining expedition, or talk about what's going on in the Realms!

(Mind you, some of the ideas I suggest above may require an application...but perhaps meet with others IC first to discuss them and debate their relative merits...and if a particularly devious plan comes out of it...submit it!)

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:11 am
by Sindri
Last weekend's expedition to the Troll Mountains was unexpectedly cut short. Would the people involved be available to finish the task we were given, meeting at, say, the same time as last Sunday?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:15 am
by Raona
Sindri wrote:Last weekend's expedition to the Troll Mountains was unexpectedly cut short. Would the people involved be available to finish the task we were given, meeting at, say, the same time as last Sunday?
Please see the message at the top of this link: ... 3&start=36

We're hoping to start an hour earlier than last time, so that Neveson's player can get some sleep once we are done! Please do PM me your availability!

Edits: Kept pointing to the wrong post! D'oh!

Gnome Warren Return Trip Tomorrow is On

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:59 am
by Raona
Following up, it looks like we are a go for tomorrow, so I'm just writing to confirm that we will meet up IC in Berdusk, at Hullybuck's Inn, at ... c=0&p1=159

That's an hour earlier than we started last week, in hope of letting Neveson's player get a little sleep before class on Monday!

Geneveve and Cerise will be unable to join us (alas!), but I've gotten positive replies from Mitchell, Neveson, and Frannkin: so we should have the critical range of skills needed to proceed. If you haven't replied yet, we won't wait for you if you are a little either be early, or RSVP!

Please arrive at Hullybucks fed, equipped, and with your steed stabled, so that we can start promptly. Thanks!

p.s. If you didn't participate in the first part of this RP, but are halfway through the gnome warren quest for some other reason, feel free to join us!

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:01 am
by Dalvyn
This roleplay did not progress much recently, and I take most of the blame for it.

Once everything is settled down with the new hosting system, I hope to be able to focus on it again, with a two-part roleplay:

- First a ritual to shield Ardeep,

- Second an adventure using some 350-400 new rooms to get rid of the demons for all.

(A third part - not directly linked to Ardeep - related to a mysterious purple globe seen floating through Waterdeep then through the wilderness recently might come in later if everything goes well.)

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:58 am
by Raona
I apologize that Raona, too, has not been about much to help move things along - my apologies to any of you holding metal for this RP, that I've been unable to collect it from. I fear my availability won't improve much for a couple more weeks - my life is tied to the academic cycle and I'll have very little time until finals start. Please please do carry on without me. Most of the collected metal is on my Watch horse because of a bug with the City Vault, so if the metal is needed please send me an email. I can pop on for short periods of time almost whenever needed, given a little notice. Have fun, everyone!

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:29 pm
by Dalvyn
The roleplay should continue some time next year... I mean... tomorrow. Around the following time (it's only an approximate time): ... ec=0&p1=48

Note that it's only an approximation. The roleplay might start a bit earlier, or a bit later.

This should be the last session before a major ceremony around Ardeep (find out the details ICly), that should take place in the following days. Both low-level and high-level characters will be able to find something to do.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:23 pm
by Yonna
I will not be able to attend the rp this afternoon due to work, is there any way that i can still participate in the ceremony if I miss this rp?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:25 pm
by Ninde
I know I was able to take part in most of the sessions for Ardeep, but unfortunately due to some religionous holiday I am visiting grandma, and I only have a very slow dial up connection here.

I am sorry that I missed that, and I will try to partipicate in the final session, if you guys'll let me.
Sorry again and have fun.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:11 am
by Velsavius
One of the truely great things about FK is that this game will work fine on almost any dial-up connection speed. Until recently I had a very bad connection as I had water in the lines or something between the house and the pole on the street, so even though I had a 56k connection, at most the best I ever got was around 21k but I averaged 14k and the game was always running fine.
Don't let the connection speed concern you :)

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:33 am
by Raona
Ninde, Yonna - No worries! While the foci are essential for the ritual, participation in their crafting won't be a pre-requisite for aiding with it. Ninde - very sorry that you, in particular, missed out, given all the work you've put into this RP, but we hope you had a meaningful day with your family!

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:30 pm
by Dalvyn
I suggest the following date and time for the ritual roleplay. Obviously, this roleplay can't happen if some people cannot be on at that time so, if you really cannot make it, please post below.

Also, this roleplay could happen in less than 30 minutes if everything is well organized and everybody knows precisely what they have to do, where they have to be, and so on. Some might have to make sure that they have all the required components and memorized spells. Others might need to make sure that they know exactly how they are going to communicate and share information with the other groups, and so on. Consider it as a challenge in organizing a group of people, and feel free to think on how best to go about it BEFORE the date of the roleplay. ... ec=0&p1=48

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:39 pm
by Caelnai
I desperately want to be there, but weekday business hours US time are just not a possibility for me. I can make it starting about two hours later than your posted time, Dal...or any time on the weekend.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:36 pm
by Dalvyn
Starting two hours later should be possible.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:34 pm
by Hviti
Ick. Back in school then and will be in transit during that time =/ . I know it's a big thing to ask, but is there any way it could be on a weekend?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:37 am
by Enaria
If this is the ritual I was recently asked to help with, I can not make it at that time, or two hours later. I'm PST and quite earlier than a lot of you guys, and have school.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:43 am
by Dalvyn
Alright... then what about the following date and time? ... ec=0&p1=48

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:01 am
by Aldren
That date and time work perfectly for my schedule.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:05 am
by Yonna
that would be cutting it really close for me, because I will be going back to university that day...perhaps if it was an hour, maybe two later than that? If not I guess that is fine...I will just have to get back to school really early so I can unpack and get ready for the rp.