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Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:32 am
by Ynaura
Alright, here comes the time again. Hopefully I'll make this one ;) . Anyway here is the tentative time I tried to schedule this one in the middle of the week so maybe different people could make it this time. I checked and I do not think this conflicts with anything else scheduled but if it does say so and it is easily changed. This festival should have some new things to offer if all goes as planned but you'll have to come to see what they are. It will be in the Concert Hall in Berdusk. And don't worry if you do not know where that is there will be plenty of people to help you get there.

If you'd like to perform in whatever manner, you have to tell Ynaura -ICly- at the very latest, the day before the festival. And the people who already know they are involved, have asked to be involved, or know you will be recruited..please PM me to tell me if that time works for you. And the sooner the better, if it doesn't work tell me what times you would need to be able to make it. If you want your character to perform but you are going to have to leave early or get there late, that is alright. We'll schedule you so that you can be at the beginning or the end of the performances. We'll try to find a time that can get as many people there as possible :)

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:23 pm
by Ynaura
New time already! The day seems to be working for most people, but a couple have said it was a bit earlier. So I changed it to this time which is two hours later than the time posted above. Thanks to those of you who have replied already to let me know! We can change it again if need be.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:46 pm
by Ramirus
That one works dandily for me.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:32 pm
by Ynaura
Starting in about thirty minutes from the time of this post!

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:09 am
by Ynaura
Thank you so much to everyone that came and to everyone that performed. And thank you to the imm for the flies and the food! It was a lot of fun. And the biggest one we've had yet. I cannot believe so many people stayed for so long. Nearly 6 hours of fun! I was trying to keep up with how many people made it and lost count after 22.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:08 pm
by Kelvan
Hey, sorry I was not there but the afternoon before that event I got into a rather huge fight with a friend that rendered me unable to attend. Very sorry. Glad you had much fun.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:06 am
by Ynaura
Time for another festival! We're looking for bards, or anyone who would like to participate. If you have a special talent you would like to show, dancing, singing, juggling, balancing things on your nose, story telling... please come find us and sign up to perform. to this festival, we are going to be having a joke contest. The audience will be asked to come up on stage and tell jokes, and when everyone is through the audience will vote on the funniest joke! So come with your jokes prepared! You do not have to be a bard to participate. Food and drinks will be provided, and there will be prizes as well! It will be in the same location, the concert hall in Berdusk. We hope to see you all there!

OOC: If you've participated before we'd definitely like to have you again, but new blood would be great! I'm going to post a time, but this is no way set in stone. If you want to participate and cannot make the time PM me and let me know and what times would be better for you. We've been very good about making the time so that everyone who wants to be there can make it. I'm just posting this time so we can have an initial time to work from. You HAVE to contact Ynaura ICly if you want to participate. Here is the time.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:45 am
by Raona
Could someone please provide more detailed directions on how to the get to the location of this event? Traipsing around on the testport, I couldn't find it. The first of these took place in the Seat of Lore, but not the second, and I just could not find it the second time.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:23 pm
by Ynaura
There will be people to escort you to Berdusk should you need it, and people in Berdusk showing people how to get to the concert hall. The past couple of years we put signs in the street to give directions, we can do that again this year as well. If you need a special escort from some other city, please let us know. You should be able to find the way easily, and if not, tell someone and let them come get you! We hope to see you there!

OOC: Not sure if I should just give directions on here ;) But really the last few have been really easy to get to. We put signs in the streets that said 'go this way to get to the festival' and put them going from every possible way you could come from. And have people escorting people from waterdeep, and people at the gates of Berdusk taking people to the Concert Hall. And I just checked to make sure it is still there..and it is!

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:44 pm
by Saranya
Is this the one that was to be abuted to the Trade Fair? They seem to be scheduled a day apart now.

Or maybe I'm just confused again as usual. :D Anyhow, looking forward to it!

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:31 pm
by Ramirus
As far as I know, this is a separate event, but I think Ynaura would be the authority on this matter.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:18 pm
by Aveline
Completely separate events

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:16 am
by Raona
Ynaura wrote:There will be people to escort you to Berdusk should you need it, and people in Berdusk showing people how to get to the concert hall. The past couple of years we put signs in the street to give directions, we can do that again this year as well. If you need a special escort from some other city, please let us know. You should be able to find the way easily, and if not, tell someone and let them come get you! We hope to see you there!

OOC: Not sure if I should just give directions on here ;) But really the last few have been really easy to get to. We put signs in the streets that said 'go this way to get to the festival' and put them going from every possible way you could come from. And have people escorting people from waterdeep, and people at the gates of Berdusk taking people to the Concert Hall. And I just checked to make sure it is still there..and it is!
Well, alrighty! I was late for the last one and couldn't find it for the life of me, and didn't want to disturb anyone in attendance...hence no press coverage. But I'll try to be on time, or at least more annoying if I'm late, this go-round!

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:41 pm
by Isaldur
Obviously the superstar bards are just very practiced at avoiding the FKrazzi.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:59 pm
by Ynaura
Alright here is a New time. Just made it start two hours later, if you have troubles with this time let me know.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:40 pm
by Isaldur
Heard rumours this isn't happening anymore, can you please confirm so I do not throw aside plans this weekend to attend something that won't be happening?

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:25 pm
by Ynaura
Sorry, I'm forum challenged. I had posted already, but saved it rather than actually putting it up. The festival has been canceled until further notice. We just did not have enough people to perform. We'll try again soon :)

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:29 pm
by Ynaura
Here is the new time we were hoping for to try to have this. Please see above for the other details. When the date is securely set there will be an in game post made. And if you want to perform, and are planning to please PM me with whether or not you can make this time. (please don't post this time to the calendar yet as it is likely going to change a few times)

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:52 pm
by Ynaura
There are a couple of people that had troubles with the time I posted. So we're going to try a bit later on the same day. If you have problems making it this late, let me know and we'll push it back to the weekend. People normally have an easier time making the earlier times on the weekend. But for now, lets try this time. If you've already PM'd me, no need to do so again unless this change means you wouldn't be able to make it.

Re: [EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:57 pm
by Ynaura
Ok :) We didn't like that last time either. Soooo, let's push the day back to Saturday and try this time instead. Give everyone a little more time to put some polish on those performances! We've got plenty of time to keep changing it until we get as many people there as possible, so keep letting me know.