Funny moments!

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Yemin » Thu May 07, 2015 12:18 pm

Jebus man.. i know your a dirty cop but seriously... taking money from other dimensions is a little sad.

A barbazu says 'Ten years it has taken since the golden acorns were found and locked the door.'
The Official says to the Gate Guard 'It was time I was heading off for the day.'
The Official says to the Gate Guard 'Guard the gates well and I will see you'
The Official says to the Gate Guard 'in the morning.'
The Town Official puts some papers into a bag.
The Town Official opens a small side gate and goes into the city.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Korwin » Fri May 08, 2015 4:44 am


A drow Bard meets a goodly knight for a sing-off, howling peaks. First Drow he has ever seen!
Rilyas is the drow bard

Alamentarius gets a roast boar from a cloth pack.
Rilyas quickly tunes his lute and strums a low tune " Beware the depths. Oozes, spiders, terrors that lair. Those of fair skin shall find grusome death there."
Alamentarius gives you a roast boar.

Alamentarius gets a jug of moonshine from a cloth pack.
Alamentarius drinks spirits from a jug of moonshine.
Alamentarius gives you a jug of moonshine.
Alamentarius gets a blue crystal vial of protection from a cloth pack.

--Rilyas sings " Wrapped up in a web, as the spider feasts, pulling away flesh. You squirm and screech."

Alamentarius gives you a blue crystal vial of protection.
Alamentarius admires lute playing and song.
Alamentarius hiccups loudly.

--Rilyas sings " No heros death, tae be eaten alive. Frozen and helpless, a withered husk left behind"
Alamentarius admires lute playing and song.

Rilyas finishes with a fast paced plucking on low and high notes, a skilled though chaotic finish.
You nod.
Alamentarius says 'Yes'
You stop using a small lute.
Alamentarius says 'Very nice'
Alamentarius claps his hands together.
Alamentarius claps his hands together.
Alamentarius claps his hands together.
Alamentarius jazz fingers.

*Zuldorrn Veladorn, Conjurer of Beshaba*
*Mungo, Outrider of the Hin*
*Rahlkemnon, Cleric of Shaundakul*
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Dranso » Sun May 10, 2015 6:24 pm

This happened quite a while ago, but I came up on it thought I would share it with everyone. Enjoy!

Part 1:

Roderick tells Mearki 'Mearki! Do you have some moments to help me talk Kaden out of doing something incredibly crazy?'
Mearki replies to Roderick 'Depends on your definition of crazy'
Roderick tells Mearki 'Well, we are in the Gond temple in the city...'
Roderick tells Mearki 'And he wanted to try some kind of new prayer on me...'
Mearki replies to Roderick 'What kind of prayer?'
Roderick tells Mearki 'And once I heard it was called Slay Living I regretfully declined because I have so much more to give, but now he insists on trying it on himself.'
Roderick tells Mearki 'I don't know what your definition of crazy is...but that pretty much sums it up in my book.
Mearki replies to Roderick 'Hmm, you're right. That's pretty crazy. I'll be there in a moment'

An anvil is here. (perfect)
Kaden is laying on the floor, seeming quite dead.
Roderick is is hiding behind the forge.
Roderick peeks up from behind the forge at Mearki.
Mearki gasps at Kaden.
Roderick says to Mearki 'Soo...'
Mearki runs to Kaden 'What happend!'.
Roderick says to Mearki 'He either passed out thinking about it, or it worked...or didn't work...depending on what your opinion is.'
Mearki shakes Kaden violently.
Kaden quickly jumps up as Mearki gets close and grabs at her 'Boo!'.
Mearki screams.
Kaden throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
Roderick screams maybe just a bit and jumps back behind the forge.
Mearki starts to beat Kaden with a flury of tiny fists.
Kaden laughs as he tries to block all the tiny fists 'Sorry! I couldn't resist!'.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Dranso » Sun May 10, 2015 6:31 pm

Part 2:

Roderick peeks back around the forge and mutters 'He is about to find out how fighters cast the slay living spell.'.
Roderick cracks his knuckles.
Mearki puts her hand on her chest as she breathes heavily.
Kaden smiles pulls Mearki into a hug.
Roderick shuffles around the forge and says to Mearki 'Now maybe you can talk or preferably beat some sense into him.'.
Mearki looks up at Kaden wiping her eye quickly 'Good prank, I thought you really were dead for a moment'.
Mearki says to Roderick 'I blame you though, and I will get revenge'
Roderick blinks.
Kaden frowns and awwws at Mearki 'I'm sorry.'.
Kaden squeezes Mearki.
Roderick asks Mearki 'But...what? I just wanted...what?? Are you saying I may have had some part of this dastardly plan??'
Mearki hugs Kaden.
Kaden nods to Mearki 'It was alllll his idea!'.
Kaden stares at the sky.
Mearki says to Roderick 'I'm coming for you, you don't know when or how or even why.... but I'm coming for you'
Roderick says to Mearki 'I will warn you then, there will be at least a sixty percent chance that I will be naked if you try to surprise me.'
Kaden asks Roderick 'I am not sure if you should be scared or excited?'
Kaden chuckles.
Mearki laughs.
Kaden pops up from the ground and stretches a little.
Kaden rises from his rest.
Mearki starts to calm herself down a bit 'So wait, whats really going on?'.
Kaden says to Mearki 'I am going to test out a new prayer on myself.'
Kaden nods.
Mearki asks Kaden 'Gnomes go boldly right?'
Roderick chuckles.
Kaden exclaims 'and Gondars do!'
Kaden winks.
Mearki ask Kaden 'What spell?'
Mearki say 'Prayer I mean'
Kaden glances at Mearki 'Ummm...slay living?'.
Roderick says to Mearki 'Called it.'
Roderick nods.
Mearki taps her lip 'Well as innocent as that name sounds, don't you think it might be a little dangerous'.
Roderick points at Mearki and nods furiously.
Kaden nods 'That is why I am now surrounded by friends I trust.'.
Kaden winks.
Mearki nods her head a bit confused 'Uh huh, so what role am I playing in this?'.
Roderick says to Mearki 'I was hoping you would be the voice of reason role.'
Kaden says to Mearki 'Well, if the prayer goes wrong and my head explodes...don't let it get on the workbench.'
A soldier walks in from the north.
Roderick sighs loudly.
Kaden points to a soldier 'Thank you for staying Jerry, it means a lot.'.
Kaden pats a soldier on his back.
Roderick says, OOC, 'Bwahahahhaaa!'
A soldier walks in from the north.
Mearki says to Kaden 'So I'm your workbench shield'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Dranso » Sun May 10, 2015 7:43 pm

Part 3:

Mearki furrows her brow, she senses the weight of wisdom leave her.
Kaden nods at Mearki 'Right! That and the run around the town screaming at the top of your lungs that I need help person too.'.
Kaden asks 'I am going to use just enough power to stun myself, but who knows with new prayers?'.
A soldier walks north.
Kaden jumps up and down a few times 'Ready?'.
Mearki takes her place next to the workbench, arms spread wide 'Ready'.
Kaden nods.
Roderick sighs and hides behind the forge again.
Kaden says 'Here goes nothing....'.
Kaden begins to chant.
Kaden utters the words, 'slay living'.
Kaden reaches out and touches Kaden, inflicting grievous wounds. (But really a fail)
Kaden blinks.
Roderick blinks.
Roderick looks at Kaden.
Kaden glances down at himself and frowns.
Kaden says 'Either I am just freaking awesome...or that prayer sucks'
Kaden sighs loudly.
Mearki says to Kaden 'My anticipation was pretty high for the results I think'
Roderick says to Kaden 'I cause more damage than that when I get out of bed in the morning.'
A soldier walks in from the north.
Kaden nods in agreement 'My harm prayer does ten times that.'.
You chuckle.
Kaden tries again.
Roderick says 'I don't know if I should boo him or cheer.'

Kaden begins to chant.
Kaden utters the words, 'slay living'.
Kaden reaches out and touches Kaden, inflicting grievous wounds. (But really a fail)
Kaden cries on Mearki's shoulder.
Mearki says to Kaden 'Try it on Roderick'
Kaden exclaims 'I was so excited!'
Roderick asks Kaden 'Now I am feeling somewhat inadequate that you didn't try it on....pardon?'
Roderick blinks at Mearki in disbelief.
Kaden exclaims to Mearki 'Great idea!'
Kaden reaches out for Roderick.
Roderick says to Mearki 'I always loved you.'
Roderick reaches out for Kaden.
Kaden begins to chant.
Kaden utters the words, 'slay living'.
Kaden reaches out and touches Roderick, inflicting grievous wounds. (But really a fail)
Roderick blinks.
Kaden sighs loudly.
Roderick exclaims to Kaden 'Sorry! That tickled!'
Mearki laughs.
Kaden asks Roderick 'Want to see my harm?'
Kaden winks.
Roderick asks Kaden 'If I caused terrible injuries every time someone tickled me do you have any idea how many dead barmaids there would be around here?'
Kaden hmms 'I wonder if it gets stronger the more I use it? It should be called slay peach skin'.
Mearki laughs.
Kaden pouts and stomps his foot once.
Last edited by Dranso on Sun May 10, 2015 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Dranso » Sun May 10, 2015 7:47 pm

Part 4:

Mearki says to Kaden 'What is it supposed to do..'
Roderick says to Mearki 'Judging by the title...and I am no expert mind you...'
Kaden exclaims to Mearki 'Well, I was foolish enough to think that, by the name, it was slay me!'
Kaden chuckles.
Kaden says 'But nooooooo, I might as well have hit myself with a handfull of berries'
Roderick says to Kaden 'It would have been more exciting.'
Roderick nods.
Mearki says to Kaden 'I've got a sack full of feathers somewhere'
Kaden says 'I have hurt myself worse hitting my thumb on the forge'
Roderick says to Mearki 'And that is my cue to leave.'
Roderick grins.
Kaden wiggles his eyebrows towards Mearki.
Mearki says to Roderick 'So soon? Don't you want to stay and recover from your recent tramatic experience'
Kaden nods his head in agreement with Mearki.
A soldier walks in from the north.
Roderick exclaims to Mearki 'I use that line on barmaids all the time!'
A soldier walks north.
Kaden chuckles.
Mearki plays the imaginary drums 'Duh duh ch'.
Kaden asks Roderick 'I thought you were their tramatic experience?'
Kaden grins.
Roderick says to Mearki 'Sadly yes, one man can only dodge death so many times.'
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north.
Roderick says to Kaden 'I don't remember the specifics of who said what to whom.'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Levine » Mon May 25, 2015 4:05 pm

I desperately absolutely very much love Edgar Allan Poe references, especially The Raven references:

Brelc drops a crowcage.
Levine blinks as she looks down at the cage 'Where did you get that?'.
Levine lifts the cage and blinks again, holding it up as she furrows her brows in thought 'It is beautiful. My thanks, Brelc.'.
Brelc says to Levine 'I was hopping to find you a Raven cage.'
Levine says to Brelc 'Then perhaps you should have been jumping.'
Levine places the crowcage next to her and pulls it close so it touches her thigh.
Brelc clears his throat, 'I seem to have stretched the wrong syllable there. It is just a gift and a trinket. I thought you would like.'.
Brelc opens the ramshackle door.
Levine nods gently, a faint smile curving her lips 'A crowcage is good. It rolls off the tongue well.'.
Brelc nods at what Levine said and exits without another word.
Brelc flies south.
The ramshackle door closes.
Someone knocks on the ramshackle door to the south.
Someone knocks on the ramshackle door to the south.
Someone knocks on the ramshackle door to the south.

You open the ramshackle door.
>look south
You see A Muddy Wagon Yard.
You close the ramshackle door.
You tell Brelc 'Nevermore.'

And then, while I idled..

Your AFK flag has been set automatically.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south.
Someone knocks on the ramshackle door to the south.
Someone knocks on the ramshackle door to the south.
Someone knocks on the ramshackle door to the south.
Someone knocks on the ramshackle door to the south.
Someone knocks on the ramshackle door to the south.
Someone knocks on the ramshackle door to the south.
You are devoured by a portable hole.
You hear the sound of eerie music nearby.


Brelc denies this. Dear imm (i suspect), do you know how creepy that is!?
Must I kill them
To make them lie still
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Lysha » Tue May 26, 2015 7:04 am

A long one...

Danilo walks in from the east.
Danilo Thann the Bard is here.
It's noon.
A silvery-haired, bearded male halfelf shakes his head, looking somewhat deadpan.
A dusky, ginger-haired male halfdrow looks at Danilo.
Wearing a flamboyant cape of deep purple and a deep black felt hat
with an ostrich plume, this tall and handsome fellow has a roguish
twinkle in his eyes. His voice and a glimmer of mischief in his eyes
radiate good cheer, causing the people around him to laugh and be

Danilo is in perfect health.
Danilo is using:
<worn as armour> steel light mail
<left hand> a light shield with complex silver designs (perfect)
<right hand> a turquoise halfspear embossed with a gauntlet symbol (perfect)
A short, thick male shield dwarf looks at Danilo.
Danilo exclaims to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'Whatever thshall we do with thisth beard!'
Danilo looks at A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Jarris looks at Danilo.
A silvery-haired, bearded male halfelf looks at Danilo.
A short, thick male shield dwarf exclaims to Danilo 'Ye ain goat nah beard!'
Danilo stops using a light shield with complex silver designs.
Danilo holds an ivory and silver hair brush in his left hand.
A dusky, ginger-haired male halfdrow gets a pair of decorated hair shears from a wellington hat worn at a jaunty-angle.
A dusky, ginger-haired male halfdrow gives a pair of decorated hair shears to Danilo.
Danilo stops using an ivory and silver hair brush.
Danilo holds a pair of decorated hair shears in his left hand.
A dusky, ginger-haired male halfdrow salutes Danilo.
A short, thick male shield dwarf offers a bob of his head to Danilo 'Ahn kin try ahn git ye a paste fer eht though.. Ye may nah like eht eht firs, bar eht'll grow oan ye'.
Danilo stops using a turquoise halfspear embossed with a gauntlet symbol.
Danilo holds an ivory and silver hair brush in his right hand.
Danilo says to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'Sthilly goosthe'
A short, thick male shield dwarf stares at Danilo.
Eyja takes a step back.
A silvery-haired, bearded male halfelf moves to stand next to Jarris, looking bewildered.
Danilo says to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'We thshall tame you yet.'
A short, thick male shield dwarf exclaims to Danilo 'Ye dun touch mah beard!'
A short, thick male shield dwarf backpedals a few feet.
Danilo swaggers up to A short, thick male shield dwarf, 'A little thshampoo and thshine!'.
A short, thick male shield dwarf exclaims to Danilo 'Ye dun chop eht aff!'
You drink whisky from a flask of firewine.
A short, thick male shield dwarf staggers back a few more feet, 'Ye kin braid eht! Ye dun cut eht! Ah trimmed oot a' tha burn spots alreadeh!'.
Danilo drops a small wooden three-legged stool.
Danilo points at the stool with his shears, 'Thsit misther, don't make Danilo go Manthshoon on ye arse!'.
A short, thick male shield dwarf peers up at Danilo 'Ye gonnae lea' mah beard oan mah face? Yer nah gonnae chop eht aff? Ah'll bite Manthshoons knees afore ye take mah beard aff'.
Danilo exclaims to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'We're going to turn it up to a whole nother level!'
A short, thick male shield dwarf asks you 'Whits tha mean?'
A short, thick male shield dwarf asks Danilo 'Turn doon fer whit?'
Danilo exclaims 'I am picturing a rainbow of ribbonsth with a waxed and trimmed mouthstache thshaped like a pegacorn!'
You say to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'Somethin' froo-froo'
A short, thick male shield dwarf gazes thoughtfully at Danilo and says 'Hmmm.'
A short, thick male shield dwarf says to Danilo 'Ye gonnae make Lirith jealous'
Caethos looks at A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Danilo exclaims to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'Peach cheeksth, no one will even remember her name when we are done with yet!'
A short, thick male shield dwarf sits on the stool, not seeming to mind the image that much 'Jus lea' tha beard. Thick n clean ahn lusterous'.
A short, thick male shield dwarf says to Danilo 'We talkin reaaal thoreal'
Danilo rubs oil from a small bottle of sandalwood oil on vergill.
A short, thick male shield dwarf plops on the stool with a thump and it creaks loudly under his weight.
A short, thick male shield dwarf sits very, very terrified still.
Danilo begins to oil and crimp A short, thick male shield dwarf's beard, going at it like mad.
Danilo starts to lace in new colors into the beard, tying lovely bows in butterfly and kitten knots.
A short, thick male shield dwarf cant see much, eyes closed tightly, he grunts as he is tugged on though.
Danilo exclaims to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'You've been a thsummer all your life, now it'sth time to thsay hello Winter!'
Danilo starts to rub some blue leather dye on A short, thick male shield dwarf.
A short, thick male shield dwarf mumbles through still lips, 'Ahm a durn dwarf, nah a season'.
Danilo starts to rub some pink leather dye on A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Danilo starts to rub some cyan leather dye on A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Danilo starts to rub some white leather dye on A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Caethos blinks, watching this atrocity unfold.
A short, thick male shield dwarf babbles a little, 'Jarris whit he doin' with eyes still closed.
Danilo twists individual starounds around the ribbons, braiding them in a multitude of hues.

Danilo exclaims 'Honey, you will be the envy of every gal at thisth year'sth cotillion!'
Danilo stops using a pair of decorated hair shears.
Danilo holds a powder puff in his left hand.

Danilo begins to powder out the whole affair, the ashen paste mixing with the dye and oil.
Caethos asks '... Anyway. What has the two of you lounging in the market square?'
Danilo exclaims to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'And we cannot forget the mothst important part!'
A short, thick male shield dwarf sputters a little, 'Whit tha. Dun make me look like a harlot!'.
Eyja can not answer, as her eyes are wide and glued to the scene before her.
Danilo starts to rub a small vial of foot perfume on A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Jarris says to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'Nothing you would want him to do'
Caethos snorts.
A short, thick male shield dwarf wrinkles his nose and sneezes, 'or a durn brothel in tha Keep'.
Danilo begins to interweave the rainbow ribbon braids in a style more familiar in basketweaving.

Danilo produces a small hollow in the smelly woven rainbow monstrosity.
Danilo exclaims 'The piesthtarethsithstance!'
Danilo starts to rub a handful of birdseed on A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Danilo drops a handful of birdseed.
Danilo drops a handful of birdseed.
Danilo drops a handful of birdseed.
Caethos says '...'
Danilo stuffes the half-basked beard full of bird seed, and starts a high pitched whistle.
Caethos is literally speechless.
A short, thick male shield dwarf opens his eyes, looking down at his beard, jaw -dropping-

A bird with bright blue feathers chirps here.
A bird with bright blue feathers chirps here.
A bird with bright blue feathers chirps here.
A bird with bright blue feathers chirps here.
A bird with bright blue feathers chirps here.
Danilo steps back with a grand gesture, 'Voila, my mathsterpiece!'.

A bluebird soars south.
A bluebird flies into A short, thick male shield dwarf's beard quiet readily, eating all the seed.
Caethos says 'I think you just declared war on the dwarven race.'
Danilo exclaims to Caethos 'No, no, no mister Pathos, I improved upon it!'
A short, thick male shield dwarf splutters and flails as the bird lands, 'Bah! Whit in Moradins name ye dun! Ye turned meh inta lawn ornament!'.

Danilo beams expertly, tucking the sheer and perfume under his arm. 'Thspeaking of lawn ornaments'.
Caethos slowly shakes his head.
A short, thick male shield dwarf bats at the birds, 'Sandstone ye dandi!'.
Danilo gives a tiny tin bell to A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Danilo gives a tiny tin bell to A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Danilo gives a tiny tin bell to A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Danilo gives a tiny tin bell to A short, thick male shield dwarf.
A short, thick male shield dwarf flails at another bird, 'git!'.

Danilo plants some tiny bells on A short, thick male shield dwarf's beard.

Danilo says 'For the thsquirrelsth'
A pink flamingo soars east.
A short, thick male shield dwarf suddenly sounds like his beard is full of bells and thousands of platinum coins.
You get a blank look on your face.
A pink flamingo soars east.
A short, thick male shield dwarf looks at a pink flamingo.
Caethos says 'Oh dear Goddess, what in the name of Ao is this.'
A pink flamingo soars east.
A pink flamingo soars west.
Jarris raises an eyebrow.
Jarris walks east.
A short, thick male shield dwarf stares at the flamingos.
Danilo skips about the market, 'Happy, happy day!'.
A short, thick male shield dwarf licks his lips, 'Ahm hungrey'.
A short, thick male shield dwarf exclaims 'Oi!'
You ask Caethos 'How d'ye thin' flamingos taste?'
A short, thick male shield dwarf exclaims 'Git ye back here durnet! Moradins beard! Ye ruined meh!'
Danilo gives a bag of oats to A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Caethos says to you 'I don't know, but I imagine they'd be just fine with enough liquor to forget this ever happened.'
You nod.
Danilo says 'Now you can eat nothing but cereal grainsth from now on, t'keep up the girth and texture of your beard hair.'
A short, thick male shield dwarf flails at all the birds, as he is handed a bag of oats, 'Ifn ye make tha cows come efter meh ahm gonnae feed tha orphans fer a week'.
A short, thick male shield dwarf stares at Danilo.
Danilo gives a bag of oats to A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Danilo gives a bag of oats to A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Danilo says to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'And ale doesth not count.'
A short, thick male shield dwarf exclaims to Danilo 'Yer daft dangit!'
Caethos turns to you , giving a look better described as haunted. 'Hold me.'.
Danilo pats A short, thick male shield dwarf on the shoulder, 'My work here isth done, citizensth. Remember when you think of Beauty.. think of Danilo Thann!'.
A short, thick male shield dwarf flails, birdseed and oats flying everywhere 'Ah'll send notice ta yer motha!'.
Danilo saunters off with a skip in his stride.
Danilo walks north.
Eyja casually drapes an arm over Caethos's shoulders.
Caethos tucks in against Eyja's side, hiding his face in her armor.
A short, thick male shield dwarf just stops and stares at you.
You say to A short, thick male shield dwarf 'Ah tol't ye, froo-froo.'
You say 'Canna say Ah dinna say so.'
A short, thick male shield dwarf just keeps staring at you a tiny tear beading in the corner of his eye.
You give a flask of firewine to A short, thick male shield dwarf.
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Lirith » Tue May 26, 2015 8:22 am

Sooooooo jealous!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Orplar » Wed May 27, 2015 3:22 am

"Be bold and let your feet guide you upon your own path. With any Luck, you'll wind up in a fabulous place. Work upon your skills, perfect them. You will be rewarded as you want" - Orplar Leafall, Lucks Guide
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Ungtar » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:06 pm

*a human* says 'Hello, Ungtar.'

Ungtar touches the sack full of meat and bloody skins at his shoulder and replies, 'Ungtar cannot stop to talk. Ungtar is hunting for little orphan children.'

*a human* stares at the sack in horror.

You chuckle.

You say 'No. You misunderstand. Is Feast of Stags. Ungtar is collecting meat FOR the little orphan children.'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Kinal » Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:00 pm

Gilin Battleaxe says to you 'Well done.'
Gilin Battleaxe says to you 'Iffen ye take this token to'
Gilin Battleaxe says to you 'Feindra, Birgit or Tanduil,'
Gilin Battleaxe says to you 'they will be takin it as proof'
Gilin Battleaxe says to you 'ye learned about Moradin.'
Gilin Battleaxe says to you 'And they may let ye join the'
Gilin Battleaxe says to you 'faith.'
Gilin Battleaxe gives you a steel token.

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*builds time machine*
Technically, we're all half centaur.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Lylena » Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:36 am

It's a long, funny one.

Day in the life of the incapacitated Battleguard. Thanks, Charissa, for putting it together. From Charissa POV.
Louie yells 'Quick, someone call the guards, Ashonn has invaded the tavern!'

Lylena says quickly, 'On topic of children, I'm with child and cannot help.' before saying, 'But I can offer whatever healing I can, just...not to be in the mix.'.
Lylena nods at you.
Charissa glances back to Lylena, 'Perhaps you've mind of who else would give to aid?'.

Lylena tilts her head from side to side before saying to you, 'Perhaps we can peek our heads in, see if it's as severe as the tender claims? Mers is near.'.

Mers walks in from the north.

Charissa inclines her head, 'Pardon... did you hear.. the yell?'.
Mers begins to chant.
You guess Mers is casting heroism.
Mers utters the words, 'pzfaugw'.
Mers is encouraged by a boon of heroism.
Mers begins to chant.
Mers utters the words, 'haiojzg'.
Mers's face brightens with understanding.
Mers begins to chant.
You guess Mers is casting darkvision.
Mers utters the words, 'eabratzuguai'.
Mers's eyes glow red as they grow accustomed to darkvision.
Lylena tilts her head, asking Mers, 'Did you see anything in your search?'.
Mers begins to chant.
Mers utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'.
Mers's skin hardens to a malleable stone.
Mers says to Lylena 'i've about to head out once more'
Mers begins to chant.
Mers utters the words, 'dragonskin'.
Mers's flesh assumes a draconian form.
Mers begins to chant.
Charissa trades glance with Lylena before looking to Mers, 'Did they in fact take one of my Church?'.

Mers says 'we will see'
Mers walks south.
Louie yells 'Our brave Kelemvorite confronts Ashonn and his hostage even now in the tavern.'
Charissa blinks rapidly.
Mers walks in from the south.
Lylena blinks.
Mers walks south.
Lylena glances at you.
Lylena says 'Unless there is another Kelemvorite...'
Charissa glances quickly back to Lylena, 'Should you away from the tavern? I'd forgive not myself if harm became your child.'.
Someone sneaks south.

Lylena sighs lightly before saying to you, 'Likely.'.
Mers walks in from the south.
Jarris flies in from the south.
Jarris nods.
Mers begins to chant.
Charissa makes to form small smile toward Lylena, though quickly looks toward Mers.
Mers utters the words, 'yang judiiilla'.
Mers's eyes glimmer with the wit of the foxs cunning.
Lylena looks at Mers.
Mers begins to chant.
Someone sneaks in from the south.
Lylena looks at Jarris.
Mers utters the words, 'axrg xugeaw'.
Mers grows serious as wisdom takes root within him.
Jarris looks around and salutes Lylena 'Battleguard.'.

Jarris nods at you.
Jarris looks at Jarris.
Mers speaks from beneath the rim of his hat, 'afraid he's nowhere to be seen'.
Lylena returns a salute towards Jarris, 'Warpriest.'.
Charissa gives bend of chin to chest before Jarris before straightening and looking toward Mers, 'And the other, claimed to have taken? Nothing left behind?'.
Lylena looks around with a frown before asking Mers, 'Neither the bartender, Ashonn, or the Selunite?'.
Mers shakes his head in Lylena's direction.
Jarris raises an eyebrow 'Taken?'.

You see Bar.
a construction worker and Boutell are nearby west from here.
Lylena nods to Jarris, 'The tender claims Ashonn had a Selunite as hostage.'.
Louie yells 'Get the guards, even Jarris and the Kelemvorite are not enough, Ashonn appears impervious!'
Mers just shakes his head.
Mers walks north.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north.
an amulet of communication glows briefly as someone activates it.
Lylena mutters.
Jarris smirks.
Jarris says to Lylena 'They joke'
Jarris flies south.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north.
You see Hallway.
a fat sembian merchant is not too far off north from here.
You see Stone Courtyard.
Louie yells 'Ashonn has driven Jarris off, woe are us all. The poor Selunite.'
an amulet of communication glows briefly as someone activates it.
Someone sneaks north.
Lylena opens the 'heavy curtain'.

Charissa glances back toward Lylena once more, 'I'd leave you not unattended. Words spoken lack the conviction of our faith and ring of false tongue.' She gives crane to neck, seeking through the curtain in Lylena's pull.
You see Backstage.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north.
Mers walks in from the north.
You see Hallway.
a fat sembian merchant is not too far off north from here.
Mers walks west.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Someone sneaks in from the north.

Lylena looks through the curtain with a frown before saying to you, 'And I am too nosey to leave. Despite how right you are with everything. But...yes. It sounds distressing, and yet, not.'.
Lylena says to you 'Mers it appears is having a difficult time finding him.'
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Mers walks in from the west.
Mers walks east.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.
Charissa's head bends to nod with Lylena, 'Indeed.'.
Mers walks in from the east.
You see Hallway.
a fat sembian merchant is not too far off north from here.
You see Bar.
a construction worker and Boutell are nearby west from here.
Lylena asks Mers 'No luck in the cellars?'

Mers shakes his head.
Louie yells 'There, he's right there, apprehend him Kelemvorite!'
A faintly delicate male human is in perfect health.
A shimmering translucent set of armour seems to enshroud him.
His skin has a grey pebbled texture.
His skin is covered in small, flexible scales.
Mers speaks from beneath the rim of his hat, 'I think he's been working a touch too hard'.
Louie yells 'Save that poor Selunite, call the guards.'
Lylena yells 'Where are you that you would be so loud yet so far out of sight?'
Lylena yells 'The guards should have heard everything!'
Mers raises an eyebrow.
Mers gestures north then east, 'he stands at his shop as usual'.
Louie yells 'Don't yell at me Ashonn, you scoundrel!'
Mers sighs loudly.
Lylena yells 'OH, I'M GOING TO END YOU.'
Mers says 'i take a grim view of hoxes'
Charissa curves lips to faint smile at Lylena.
Mers glances at you.
Mers walks north.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north.
Louie yells 'I am being threatened by Ashonn, help me!'

Lylena snorts and mutters under her breath as her hands ball and unball into a fist as she follows you.

Liqueur Shoppe
E-Darkness W-Hallway
This shop sells alcohol and buys empty containers. The walls
are lined with dozens of shelves. Near a table set up for doing
business are several bins of empty glasses, mugs, tankards, and
bottles. There is a very strong smell of alcohol here.
Louie stocks a shelf with bottles.
Mers is standing here.
Lylena walks in from the west.
Louie says 'Why are you not dealing with that monster!'
Lylena looks at Louie.
Louie grumbles.
Mers hesitates and says, 'my good man..., help yoursel to a drink or to yes?'.
Mers glances at Louie.
Louie ducks behind the bar, 'I don't want to be eaten.'.
Louie mutters something about working with idiots.
Mers asks Louie 'or perhaps you already have?'
Louie ducks away from Lylena.
Lylena glares at Louie, 'Then shut your mouth, I'm not Ashonn!'.
Charissa gives back and forth shake of her head, 'You preach falsely upon the Church of the Moon. Whom is it, you believe has been taken?'.
Louie blinks at Lylena, 'Wait, you're not?'.
Lylena exclaims to you 'You!'
Louie points at you.
Lylena hisses at Louie, 'No, I'm not, you loon!'.
You hear the sound of merry laughter.
Mers places hands atop his cane as he takes up a lean on it, 'What do you believe identifies her as such?'.
Louie says 'But I mean... you.. ah..'
Charissa blinks slowly, seemingly quite startled.
Lylena lifts her pendant for show and asks Louie, 'Does this look like a Talossan's symbol?!'.
Mers says 'I wouldn't end that sentence'
Lylena throws her hands up as she asks Louie, 'What?! I'm getting FAT?! Is that it?!'.
Louie looks rather embarassed, 'Um... well.. um..'.

Louie coughs, 'How about that sports ball...'.
Louie mutters.
Lylena growls at Louie lowly, the only words audiable are 'Wring.' and 'Neck.''.
Charissa clears her throat, side stepping to lift hands toward Lylena, 'Ah, my Lady... words impled surely are not meant as so...'.
Louie mutters.
Charissa glances at Louie and lifts shoulders lightly, 'Right?'.
Mers says evenly to Louie with no sense of levity, 'I think you owe the lady an apology, perhaps a bottle of fire quench?'.
Louie looks like he would rather be anywhere else, 'Um.. right.. er.. do that's -not- Ashonn?'.
Mers speaks from beneath the rim of his hat, 'I would hurry, before she does something regrettable to you my good man'.

Louie looks to you questioningly, 'You are sure you are not being coerced in some way?'.
Lylena just gives Louie the stink-eye.
Louie eeps and starts putting drinks on the counter.
A tall, ivory, tri-horned female tiefling snickers quietly, revealing her hooded silhoutte in the shadow of the doorway.
Louie drops a flask of firewine.
Louie drops a decanter of firequench.
Louie drops a decanter of firequench.
Charissa's brows give quick to furrow and shakes her head back and forth, recanting, 'Most certainly, not. We, the lovely Battleguard and I were simply in favor of drink and food.'.
Louie gets a flask of firewine.
Mers gets a decanter of firequench.
Louie gets a decanter of firequench.
Louie mutters.
Louie grumbles.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Lylena mutters distractedly and shakes her head at Louie.
Louie keeps his face buried behind the bar, trying to seem very small.
Louie says 'Um.. if you get a mail order.. about wagon parking violations.. er ah.. it wasn't from me'

Mers snaps the bottle up in a salute to Lylena and nods over to Louie as he resumes a stern visage, 'Let that be a lesson in observation' as he pops then takes a sip of his acquired loot, 'hmm, for a first tasting it is somewhat less sweet than I thought. perhaps it needs breathe' .
Lylena approaches the bar at a crawl and peeks over the edge to see Louie. She stares at him a moment before saying lowly, 'If you -ever- call me close to that fool again...'.
Louie dabs at his sweat heavy brow.
Mers beckons A tall, ivory, tri-horned female tiefling follow him.
Louie mutters.
A tall, ivory, tri-horned female tiefling nods at Mers.
Charissa keeps in straight posture as she awaits paitently in watching of Lylena. Her hands come to clasp before her waist and chin gives light incline.
Mers moves away from Lylena and Louie in disinterest, his gaze on the bottle of wine, humming softly.
Mers walks west.
A tall, ivory, tri-horned female tiefling walks west.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Louie mutters.
Louie grumbles.
Louie mutters.
Lylena flicks a few glasses from the top of the bar to behind the bar as she says to Louie, 'My words will not be empty. I should hope you understand that, at least.'.
Louie cringes away from Lylena.

Louie asks you 'What are you looking at?'
Lylena snorts lightly at Louie before she moves to pick up the decanters, glaring back at Louie a moment before nodding to you, 'I think we can go now.'.
Lylena gets a decanter of firequench.
Lylena seems to find trouble with the others. She offers the first decanter to you and asks, 'Mind holding this...?'.
Charissa's eyes give to show visable, though faint wince at the sound of tumbling glasses. She blinks slightly as she is addressed then by Louie, saying evenly, 'Beg my pardons.' She looks back toward Lylena, and offers hands, 'A pleasure to.'.
You are carrying:
a fine silk pale blue spellpouch (perfect)
a silvery blue sack (perfect)
a money pouch (perfect)
Lylena gives you a decanter of firequench.
Lylena gets a decanter of firequench.
Lylena gives you a decanter of firequench.
Lylena gets a decanter of firequench.
Lylena clears her throat lightly.
Louie grumbles.
Lylena nods once more to you, glaring back at Louie.
Lylena looks slightly ill.
Louie grumbles.
Lylena does her best to steel an 'I'm not sick.' face as she glares at Louie. She'll probably stay thils way until you leads her out.
Louie keeps mumbling and ducking behind the bar.
Charissa cannot help but to allow a slightly apologetic smile to Louie, but still she turns with Lylena, chin held high and confident in step.

N-Quiet Tavern Ro E-Liqueur Shoppe S-Noisy Tavern Ro W-Brewery
U-A Stairway in a
Busy tavern wenches pass through this hallway to serve the patrons in the
quiet room to the north. A wooden staircase missing a banister leads up to
the second floor. In a corner is a small shrubby tree with large pendulous
flowers. A large chunk of ore etched with the names of various adventurers
has been mounted onto the wall.

Lylena walks in from the east.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Lylena tears her glare from the man as they get far enough away and looks over at you, asking, 'Can you believe that?'.
A barmaid walks in from the west.
Charissa carries the decanters tucked in the crook of her arm as it holds across her chest. She glances down and then back to her side to Lylena, shaking her head back and forth, 'Quite a nerve. I'd... well, he certainly shalln't be claimed a gentleman a time, soon.' She considers a moment before daring further in words, 'You are.. alright?'.
A barmaid walks east.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.
A barmaid walks in from the east.
A barmaid gives you a notification.

You are carrying:
a fine silk pale blue spellpouch (perfect)
a silvery blue sack (perfect)
a money pouch (perfect)
( 2) a decanter of firequench (perfect)
a notification (perfect)
Lylena presses a hand to her stomach a moment in consideration before nodding to you, 'I think so. My stomach's a bit churney but otherwise, I think I'm fine.'.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
A barmaid walks in from the west.
A barmaid walks west.

You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Lylena glances after the barmaid and looks over at you, asking flatly, 'What did she hand you?'.
Charissa's full attention rests on the health or comfort of Lylena, though unaware, she naturally accepts as she is handed a peice of parchment, 'This ah?' She carefully arranges the decanters in the hook of arm as she also tries to make sense of the newly aquited notification, 'It-hm..'.

A notice and fine for improperly parking a wagon in the tavern room.

You hear the sound of footsteps from the south.
Charissa blinks quite suddenly, parting lips agape and quickly shoves the paper deep into her bag, 'It's uh- nothing to worry about. I uhm- It seems, she ah-'.
A barmaid walks in from the south.
Lylena squints at you very briefly before asking, 'May I see it?'.
A barmaid walks south.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the south.
A barmaid walks in from the south.
You hear the sound of merry laughter.
A barmaid walks east.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.
Charissa offers a seemingly nervous laughter and easily finds her curve of lips reassuring Lylena, 'Minstrel business. Barmaids, they have taste too, hmm? I..' She smiles a moment at Lylena and then glances again back toward the decanters, 'Should you rather find much more enjoyment handing these out? Perhaps... far away? The market?' She suggests, although not quite sly.

Lylena glances from you to her bag, to you a few more times. She squints at you before letting out a light sigh, nodding, 'Probably for the best, lest there be more uproars...'.
A barmaid walks in from the west.
a barmaid says 'Don't forget to make thay payment by tonnage.'
A barmaid walks west.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Lylena lifts an eyebrow after the barmaid and holds her hand out towards you, saying flatly, 'Let me see it.'.
Lylena arches her back uncomfortably.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.
Lylena sets the decanter down briefly to press both hands against the small of her back before holding one hand out again towards you, retaking the decanter.
Charissa follows once to the glance of the bag, where recent addition of notification had been placed. She glances over her shoulder, giving clear of her throat to the departing and then looks toward Lylena, 'My lady...' She parts a breath, 'Lylena. I stand as dear friend. Know that I only keep from that which may cause upset. I'd see you not distressed. This state or else.'.

Erallar Snome walks in from the east.
Erallar Snome walks east.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.
Charissa finds a small curve to her lips in smile and gives a tilt of her head, 'Let us rather, among friends, rejoice false tongue was not true. Hmm? Let us away from such place with ill manners.'.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Lylena watches you a long moment before there's a small slump in her shoulders, accompanied with a light sigh. She nods to you and murmurs quietly, 'You're right.' before tilting her head south, smiling slightly to you, 'By your lead.'.
A barmaid walks in from the west.
A barmaid walks east.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.
Charissa glances toward the barmaid and offers a dip of her head, 'I'd give further to offer you tutorledge in courtesy.' She straightens back with Lylena and finds smile, saying, 'A false qualm, unworthy of your time or mind.

Front Gate of The Lucky Drunk Beer Gardens
E-Walkway into th S-The Market Stre W-Golden Horse Sh
This is the front gate in the hedges that surround a large
area. Reaching twenty feet in height, the hedges block view
of what may lay inside. A sign wrought of iron hangs
overhead. Giant, limestone blocks pave the path that leads
into the hedges.
The sky is warm and stormy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A tavern guard stands here keeping order.
Lylena walks in from the east.
You are carrying:
a fine silk pale blue spellpouch (perfect)
a silvery blue sack (perfect)
a money pouch (perfect)
( 2) a decanter of firequench (perfect)
a notification (perfect)
A notice and fine for improperly parking a wagon in the tavern room.

You hear the sound of footsteps from the east.
Lylena rubs her belly unconsiously.
Lylena rests a hand on her stomach as she follows you, glancing around the place, though it's more like an unintentional glare at this time, shaking her head.
Lylena arches her back uncomfortably.
Charissa extends a notification out toward a tavern guard, 'In most kind regards... I believe this establishment needs quite a reform.' Her chin keeps lifted, 'And though once, it had been quite in delight. It ceases such and thus, so does our business as well until things are... rectified.'.
You give a notification to a tavern guard.
Lylena nods her agreement with you, telling a tavern guard, 'Dripping Dagger has the best pork, anyhow.'.
Lylena looks slightly ill.
Charissa nods singuarlly and after having said their peace, steps further through the gates and makes way through toward the marketplace.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I die, you are forgiven. If I live, I will kill you."
Such is the rule of honor.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Yemin » Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:55 pm

Aldo the Dung Sweeper asks Siveal 'Have you found any sign of our lost Dung Sweeper?'
Siveal says 'yes'
Aldo the Dung Sweeper asks Siveal 'What have you found?'
Siveal says 'no'
Aldo the Dung Sweeper says to Siveal 'Please, do not give up? He has to be somewhere.'
Siveal says 'yes'
Aldo the Dung Sweeper asks Siveal 'What have you found?'

Stop aplayin with ma emotions girl
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Vernon » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:08 am

A bandit is here.
A sorrel mule walks in from the north-west.
A bandit approaches a sorrel mule and prepares to engage him in combat!
A bandit makes a nice kick, but a crouch places his foot a mile above a sorrel mule's head.
A sorrel mule's kick nearly removes a bandit's head.
A bandit is DEAD!
As a bandit falls, his purse spills on the ground.

Unexpected mule bodyguard.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Zethanon » Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:04 am

They're getting smart!
Haltovar Street
N-Haltovar Street E-The Sutherlane S-Julthoon Street W-Gulzindar Stree
Though the houses are close together in this street its not as close as other
streets in the city. Every second house has a torch bracket above its door
and at night this street has a lot of shadows for thieves to hide in.
The sky is cool and hailing and a cold northern gust blows.
A whale swims here.
It is a huge sea mammal around 100 feet long with blue grey skin.

A whale is in perfect health.
a whale is using: Nothing!
A whale sneaks south.
You'll shed your blood, your bodies fall. That is the price you'll pay to cleanse you of your sins. Vicious and cruel, let's kill them all.
Let's kill them all.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Alitar » Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:28 am

Zethanon wrote:They're getting smart!
Haltovar Street
N-Haltovar Street E-The Sutherlane S-Julthoon Street W-Gulzindar Stree
Though the houses are close together in this street its not as close as other
streets in the city. Every second house has a torch bracket above its door
and at night this street has a lot of shadows for thieves to hide in.
The sky is cool and hailing and a cold northern gust blows.
A whale swims here.
It is a huge sea mammal around 100 feet long with blue grey skin.

A whale is in perfect health.
a whale is using: Nothing!
A whale sneaks south.
Of the many things one could possibly even, I can't.
"The noir hero is a knight in blood caked armour. He's dirty and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time."
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Althasizor » Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:22 am

Zethanon wrote:They're getting smart!
Haltovar Street
N-Haltovar Street E-The Sutherlane S-Julthoon Street W-Gulzindar Stree
Though the houses are close together in this street its not as close as other
streets in the city. Every second house has a torch bracket above its door
and at night this street has a lot of shadows for thieves to hide in.
The sky is cool and hailing and a cold northern gust blows.
A whale swims here.
It is a huge sea mammal around 100 feet long with blue grey skin.

A whale is in perfect health.
a whale is using: Nothing!
A whale sneaks south.
A wild challenger appears!
Ardeep Forest
N-Ardeep Forest E-Ardeep Forest S-Ardeep Forest W-Ardeep Forest
NE-Ardeep Forest NW-Ardeep Forest SE-Ardeep Forest SW-Plains
Other exits:Path Glade
Young trees rise overhead in this lightly wooded region. They are
spread fairly far apart and plenty of light filters through their
leaves. Small glades and clearings are common.
The sky is sultry and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A multifruit tree is growing here, but it's been picked clean. (perfect)
A pink-eyed lop-eared bunny hops about here.
A fish blows large bubbles as it quickly swims past you.
A fish blows large bubbles as it quickly swims past you.
A fish blows large bubbles as it quickly swims past you.
A fish blows large bubbles as it quickly swims past you.
A fish blows large bubbles as it quickly swims past you.
What are you talking about? What, that guy?
That was like that when I got here.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Benorf » Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:51 am

You ask the Constable 'Are you hungry?'
You give a chunk of yellow cheese to the Constable.
You give a chunk of yellow cheese to the Constable.
You say to the Constable 'Enjoy your cheese'

The Constable says to you 'Look, this has been coming for a while..'
You peer at him.

The Constable says to you 'I just wanted you to know, I'm not going to replace your father, but if you want to..'
The Constable says to you 'You can call me dad'

You blink at him in disbelief.

The Constable says to you ''Sport''
The Constable gives you a lolipop.
The Constable pats himself down and looks around grumbling.
The Constable says 'Where did I put those..'
The Constable pats you on the head paternally.
The Constable straps wire rimmed glasses around his head.

You exclaim to the Constable 'I always hoped my mother would find someone new. I bet your whole house is whimsical!'
You hug him.

You exclaim to the Constable 'Thanks for making her happy, dad!'
The Constable blinks down at you, 'You're not Timmy...'.

You whimper loud enough for the entire room to hear.
The Constable looks around in a panic, 'Agatha is going to kill me!'.
You exclaim 'My lollipop!'
The Constable runs north.

Waaaaah ...
You say, OOC, 'LOL'

Ariala flies in from the north.
Ariala blinks.
You blink.
You cough loudly.
Ariala asks you 'What did you do to the constable?'

You say 'He thought I was his son'

Ariala raises an eyebrow.
Ariala asks you 'Well are you?'

You say 'He gave me candy and told me to call him dad'

You blink at her in disbelief.
You say 'I'm a Hin, not a CHILD'
Ariala chuckles 'Stranger things have happened.'.
Benorf the Stout, Axe of Torm
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Yemin » Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:00 pm

Westgate Courthouse
E-Silverpiece Cir D-Door
The Westgate Magistrate goes through his paperwork here.
crime list
There are no unsolved crimes in Westgate.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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