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Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:30 am
by Jarah
Woo! This is happening tomorrow!

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 12:03 am
by Jarah
In about 1 1/2 hours! There will be some questions asked before the adventure where you can earn coin prizes! Woo!

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:44 am
by Jarah
Woo! Fun was had, coin was won, and adventure happened! Only one lost arm! Woo! We had a good turn out so let's try to keep it going. Same time next week!

We've all been there. Little Sally fell down a well and the village is begging you for help. You show up only to find the well leads down to a labyrinth that is filled with vicious water dragons so you vow to return once you have a group that can handle it. Do you have a task that you've been waiting to complete, but just never had the right group of people to get the job done? Well for this Lucky Adventures outing, we'll be gathering to get these tasks done. Show up, and we'll help as many of you with as many tasks as we are able! A day of heroics! If no one has a task they want to complete, we'll go find a town in need of saving!

Time link!

OOC: Thursday June 10th, 8:30 PM CST

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:51 pm
by Jarah
Happening tonight! Let's adventure! Woo!

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:31 pm
by Jarah
Instead of lions and tigers and bears... we had vampires and demons and devils oh my! Several tasks were completed last night, many cakes were consumed and lots of fun was had. Let's meet in the Lucky Drunk next week and we'll have a game night! I have a wide variety of games we can play together. I have a feeling we may bring back some classics. If you decide to join us, please bring a couple of small gifts. None of these gifts should be worth more than a few platinum in cost. Some of the games do have a gift exchange as part of the fun, so in case we play those... be prepared! Same time next week!

Time Link!

(OOC: Thursday June 17th 8:30 PM CST)

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:11 am
by Jarah
This is happening tomorrow! Don't forget your gifts! Nothing big, suggestions are things like trinkets, jewellery, snacks, fun finds from your adventures...


Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:56 am
by Jarah

Game night was a lot of fun! All rashes were cleared up in short order, dances were performed, and presents were exchanged!

(OOC: It has been fun starting this up again the past few weeks, but it might be another couple of weeks before I can host another one due to moving and getting into a new job!)

Lucky friends are invited to get together without Niccele in the upcoming weeks and have a lot of fun!

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 4:52 am
by Enig
Woo! Good news, everyone! The followers of Tymora will be reviving the old tradition of the Lucky Adventures, meant to bring fellowship to the tymorans but also quite open to friends and allies outside of the faith as well. The first meeting will be within the tenday and we'll be playing a new dice game called Snake Jungle, as well as sharing some exotic sweets and cakes, so be sure to come by if you're in the area of the Lucky Drunk!

(OOC time note: ... 610T013004)

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 8:44 pm
by Enig
This is happening tonight! Prepare your lucky socks else be ready to meet your doom!

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:08 am
by Enig
Hello, hello! We'll be holding another one of these on thursday, the 7th of july! These will also become weekly events, similarly to how they were handled in the past. Every thursday at the same time there'll be at least something for tymorans and friends of tymorans to do, whether it be truffle picking or dragon slaying, or just cake appreciating. So dust off your lucky dice and come on out!

OOC Time: ... 0220709T02

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:59 pm
by Enig
Just a note, this has been pushed back a day to: ... 0220709T02

Re: Lucky Adventures

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:22 pm
by Enig
Sorry I wasn't here for a Lucky Adventure! There was a huge Rogers outage in Canada that apparently hit people using the service across the country, so I was without internet for twenty-four hours or so. We'll be doing this again next week at the same time: ... T02&p1=%3A