Important Area or Code Upgrades

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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Lathlain » Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:19 pm

Westgate Fighters' Guild
Westgate has a new addition! It'll accept members of other schools - and although it's technically neutral-aligned, it's not advised for the "morally rigid".
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Brar » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:08 pm

Well, two majors changes today.

New website
See the adequate forum post to give your words on it and helps us improve it even more.

New Score Sheet
It looks like a much more closer to an actual 3.5 DnD character sheet.

Brar doing the lazy staff updates :)

PS: In case anyone did not understood, the last phrase is a joke :mrgreen:
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:58 pm

New areas
A new area has been added, travellers in the mountains east of Tantras have described feeling a strange throbbing sensation on their passage through.....
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Raona » Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:18 pm

Arrowheads replace darts as components

Spells previously requiring darts as a component now employ arrowheads (or they will, upon the next copyover). These work better as a component, and making them sought after helps weaponsmiths working to hone their trade.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:30 am

New Area
An underdark wilderness has been added to link up various Underdark areas - be warned - it is *extremely* dangerous down there - big groups and high level characters strongly recommended!

Quest reward randomisation
For many quests, we have increased the randomisation factor involved in the quest rewards, so expect the unexpected here!

Trade focus feats for mining and smelting are in
These are still undergoing playtesting, but available in-game as a sneak preview. They will likely change slightly as playtesting continues.

Magical item restrictions
In order to dramatically simplify a number of issues with regards to item balance, we have reduced the number of magical items it is possible to wear at any given moment. This gave us much more freedom which we took advantage in the 'quest reward randomisation' changes mentioned above!

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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:50 am

A number of bug fixes should have gone in today:

Formations and aggressive mobs
A number of long-standing issues have been fixed with aggressive mobs and formations, and in particular, how the two interact.

BABs for priests and thieves
A number of long-standing issues have been fixed with aggressive mobs and formations, and in particular, how the two interact.

Still/Silent feats
Should now be fixed.

Damage reduction
Echoes should now be fixed.

'Accept command'
If you accept an invitation to a group and you are not following anyone, you will start to follow the person who invited you.

Retroactive 'constitution' handling
Changes to constitution are now retroactive (from now on). Thus, if you train constitution such that your bonus increases, you should now get the same number of hit points as if you had trained at level 1. This also applies for spells which affect constitution such as 'trollish vigor'.

Area bugs
A number of area bugs that have been fixed and tested have now been updated to the game port.

Please let me know via the Bug Reporting forum if there are any issues with any of the above (or indeed, anything else :)).


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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Sun May 01, 2011 6:53 pm

A number of tweaks to assist and encourage group adventures have been added today.

Tactical updates
The tactical interface has been tweaked to show three columns of PCs/NPCs and a single column for objects. The left column is party members (and it will now show full % for group members) - this column will expand in size if your group has more than 5 numbers (and the column for objects will be removed). The next column shows who your party is currently fighting, and the final column is for 'neutrals'.

Affects in tactical
Affects in tactical has been split into 'Afflictions' and 'Benedictions' and Benedictions is moved to the bottom line of tactical (which was previously unused). Afflictions are anything negative that is affecting your character such as poison/disease etc.

Magical components
Have had their longevity greatly increased - components should last substantially longer before poofing.

If anyone has any feedback on this or additional suggestions on how to further improve the tactical interface for grouping, or any other suggestions for improvement in other areas of grouping, please post in 'Game Suggestions'.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Sun May 01, 2011 7:28 pm

One additional tactical update:

Tactical updates
For members of your party, their 'class' will determine the colour they appear in the tactical interface, to assist in quickly determining if one of your weaker party members is under attack and needs to be rescued.

Warriors = brown, wizards = blue, priests = purple, rogues = grey. NPCs are green or whatever they are set to in the builder file.

Hope it proves useful!
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Sun May 01, 2011 8:16 pm


To reduce the overhead of setting up groups, particularly when recovering from a reboot, you are now able to invite more than one person at the same time and also to 'invite all', which will extend an invitation to everyone in the room who is not already a member of your group.

When you 'accept' you will also automatically follow the inviter if you are not already following someone.

Finally, your mount is no longer required to be in the same formation as you to be able to mount them.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Mon May 02, 2011 11:14 pm


Paladins have three new nifty abilities:
  • Immunity to disease (should show up in 'affects')
  • A bonus to all base saving throws (should show up in 'score')
  • The ability to cure diseases up to 5 times per week (not day) - should show up in abilities
Disease immunity
Should now be fixed.

Saving throws in score
Have now been updated to show whether you are currently receiving a bonus to your base saving throw - in the same fashion as per ability scores.

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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Tue May 03, 2011 10:44 pm

Diseases will no longer stack - meaning that you will not contract two strains of the same disease at the same time.

Invis to undead
Intelligent undead will now correctly get a saving throw against this spell.

Sanctuary/Holy sanctity
Aggressors will now correctly get a saving throw against these spells.

Undeaths eternal foe
This will no longer grant 'invis to undead' but will give an AC bonus, immunity to drain, poison and disease.

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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Sun May 08, 2011 11:29 am

Fairly significant changes this time around!

0th Level Spells
0th level spells have been added for clerics, wizards, druids and bards. These spells are automatically known at 'amateur' by all casters. A number of new spells have been added for this, with more on the way. Thanks to Enig, Takket and Balek for their help with this.

Help files for the new spells will be added as soon as possible (but no sooner!).

The 'armor' spell has had it's echoes changed and will now protect the clothing of someone who has active 'mage armor'.

New skills
'Sense motive' and 'spot' have been added to the game and should be on trainers soon.

In a change of this magnitude (adding another spell category), there are likely to be a couple of teething issues, please post anything strange you notice to Bug Reporting and we'll look into it as soon as possible.

Thanks - Enjoy!
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Thu May 12, 2011 8:37 pm

In addition to numerous bug fixes:

0th Level Spells
2 new cantrips added (can someone add help files?): disrupt undead and acid splash.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Sun May 22, 2011 12:54 pm

A number of bug fixes have gone, and the following more signficant changes:

Spell casting
The level of the caster will now be correctly factored into the equations to calculate how effective spell casters are - ie, it will not be determinedly solely by your skill level, but by a combination of your skill level and your class level.

Will no longer be able to cast 1st level spells from forbidden schools (this is in preparation for other changes in this area).

Player run shops
These are now fixed, and their implementation has been greatly simplified. We have some plans to make these much easier to open and run, with some additional wrinkles coming.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Mask » Sun May 22, 2011 11:14 pm

Thrown weapons
Should once again perform correctly.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Enig » Mon May 30, 2011 7:58 pm

Hurray! Some new bug fixes to celebrate monday!

Spellcaster DC

The calculations of spell DC were a little off because spell level was being counted twice and there was a penalty/bonus being applied based on spell skill that ought not have been, both of which have been fixed.

Heighten Spell

This feat actually works now, luckily! Memorizing your spells as higher levels will give you a bonus to their DC if you cast with this option toggled and thereby make it more likely for your spells to defeat opposing saving throws.

Accidentally Killing in Stun Mode

This should be fixed now!

Special Abilities

Typoing or picking a target that isn't there or generally misfiring special abilities won't result in them being used up anymore.


A lot more races should be available to transform into now and since there's no longer a penalty for exploring your options it's encouraged that you give it a try! You should also be seeing clearer messages depending on whether the creature you're trying to turn into requires a higher skill or isn't available as an option at all.

That should be everything, thanks for your time!
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Harroghty » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:46 pm

The Inn of the Dripping Dagger

This inn is the future home of Waterdeep's adventurer's guild, but it has received a makeover in the meantime to support that slow shift. Notable is that Waterdeep now has a branch of Secure Storage (the luggage storage company from Shadowdale), another stable (its cheapest), and another trainer (the Snookery on Selduth Street) who trains just about every weapon skill (for Waterdhavians only). This little alley will form the nucleus of a new PC's experience in Waterdeep in the future.

P.S. I am an avid pipe smoker and so also upgraded the pipes sold in Waterdeep to some more traditional, period varieties (fans of Sherlock Holmes can enjoy a clay pipe like his, "which was to him as a counselor") that actually can be smoked more than once before going out.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Harroghty » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:38 am

The Waterdeep School of Combat

This guild has been overhauled. Old members are still members, but they will find some new goodies and quests inside. New members will find it cheaper in coins to join, but pricier in blood. Everyone will hopefully find it more to Waterdhavian standards of luxury.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Harroghty » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:37 am

The Waterdeep Museum of Knowledge

There are some additions to the Museum of Knowledge in Waterdeep. Namely, a new wing for demipowers and a telescope observatory on the roof. Thanks to the following for their contributions:

Bellayana, Gwain, Khelebhzed, Lirith, Lysha, Orplar, and Yvonne.
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Re: Important Area or Hard code Upgrades

Post by Raona » Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:12 pm

Story Council Powers Expanded

Mask has recently added some really cool functionality to the tools available to the members of the Story Council, who's job is to help bring FK's world to life! You can read about the Story Council and the new commands in the in-game helpfiles, but you can only use the commands if you are (or become!) a member of the Story Council. See

If you see an echo reading "A story event has begun:", it means a Story Council member is running a special event, and if it is ICly appropos, you might want to seek it out. Please keep it IC, though. (It's OK to switch alts on this basis, however please don't just drop the RP involving your current character in mid-sentence, if they are involved in one. These story events last a while, you have time!)
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