Funny moments!

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Zasheir » Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:11 pm

Anya gets a small air shard from a travellers pack.
Dovan says to you 'Look what we did with just the other one'
Dovan puts an ebony-handled steel pick in a large yellow silk sack.
Anya tries to rub a small air shard on you.
Anya puts a small air shard in a travellers pack.
You stare at Anya.
You exclaim to Anya 'WANT!'
Dovan mutters once more about his sack then looks up.
Anya gets a small air shard from a travellers pack.
Anya gives you a small air shard.
You cheer.
You try to rub a small air shard on yourself...
Anya grins.
You say to Dovan 'Hey. Hey.'
Anya says 'I need to go get more shards.'
Dovan asks you 'Oh?'
You say to Dovan 'Look what I found.'
You try to rub a small air shard on yourself...
Dovan exclaims to you 'I know!'
Anya blinks.
You cheer for yourself.
Anya gets a blank look on her face.
Anya gets a very old and dirty parchment from a travellers pack.
Anya tries to rub a very old and dirty parchment on you.
Anya tries to rub a very old and dirty parchment on you.
Anya tries to rub a very old and dirty parchment on you.
Dovan says to you 'It looks lonely'
You blink.
You exclaim 'EWW!'
Anya puts a very old and dirty parchment in a travellers pack.
You get a fragrant bar of soap from a cloth pack.
Anya laughs.
Anya rises from her rest.
You peer at her.
Anya begins to chant.
You guess Anya is casting fly.
Anya utters the words, 'fly'.
Anya rises into the currents of air...
Anya floats up to the ceiling.
You roll your eyes.
You gather yourself and stand up.
You ask Anya 'Really?'
Anya exclaims 'No!'
You launch yourself into the air!
Anya swins in the air to get away.
You peer at her.
Anya swims too!
Zasheir tries to chase after Anya. 'Hey! Come back!'.
Anya does a barrel roll!
You slam yourself into the wall.
Dovan tears off small pieces of bread and starts hurling them at Anya.
You say 'OWW.'
Anya eeps!
Zasheir shakes his head and goes after Anya again.
Anya dodges bread and you.
You eep!
Anya says 'Pyew pyew pyew'
Zasheir runs into Janssen.
You exclaim to Janssen 'Sorry!'
Dovan exclaims 'Remember... she's only got half your Luck!'
You peer at her.
Dovan exclaims to you 'You'll get her!'
You get a small wooden kazoo from a cloth pack.
You exclaim to Dovan 'She can't dodge them all!'
Anya gets a tree limb from a travellers pack.
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf is in perfect health.
She flies a few feet above the ground.
Anya glances at you.
You say to Dovan 'That might do it, though.'
Anya gets a tree limb from a travellers pack.
Anya duel wields tree limbs.
You peer at him.
You ask Dovan 'Do you know what time it is?'
Dovan raises an eyebrow.
You put a small wooden kazoo in a cloth pack.
You put a fragrant bar of soap in a cloth pack.
You say to Dovan 'Ultimate epic dual time.'
Anya gets a small piece of spiders web from a travellers pack.
Dovan sticks his head outside briefly then says 'By the sun. Nearing noon'.
Anya gives you a small piece of spiders web.
You stop using a golden wood feathered staff.
You blink.
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf is in perfect health.
She flies a few feet above the ground.
You get a strong wooden mop from a cloth pack.
Anya stares at the sky.
You get a strong wooden mop from a cloth pack.
You hold a strong wooden mop in your right hand.
You hold a strong wooden mop in your left hand.
You peer at her.
Dovan shakes his head for a moment muttering.
Zasheir rises up all anime style to Anya's level.
Anya holds the tree limbs like samurai swords.
You peer at her.
Zasheir's lips SO don't match his words. 'We must kung fu fight!'.
You are hungry.
Anya has a case of bad lip synching 'You dishonor us all'.
Zasheir gasps. 'Gwah!'.
Anya says 'Hyaaaaaaaaaaah'
Zasheir squeals all epic and... Stuff. Yeah.
Zasheir charges!
Anya pokes at you gently with a twig on the limb.
You blink.
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf is in perfect health.
She flies a few feet above the ground.
You say to Anya '...Ow.'
Anya blinks at you in disbelief.
Anya exclaims to you 'I'm sorry!'
Anya begins to chant.
You guess Anya is casting cure critical.
Zasheir sniffles.
Anya utters the words, 'cure critical'.
Your critical wounds close and your pain ebbs away.
You smile.
Anya hugs you.
You say to Anya 'All better.'
You hug her.
Anya puts a tree limb in a travellers pack.
Anya puts a tree limb in a travellers pack.
Dovan is thrown at the door by the sheer impact and force exuded by the battling forces.
Dovan walks west.
You say, OOC, 'Dizzy. Gimme a sec. X-D'
Anya snickers.
an amulet of communication glows briefly as Anya activates it.
Anya sits down and relaxes.
Anya sits in the air.
an amulet of communication glows briefly as Anya activates it.
Dovan walks in from the west.
an amulet of communication glows briefly as Anya activates it.
Dovan looks between you and Anya for a moment then says 'So who won?'.
You say to Dovan 'Good question.'
Anya exclaims 'Gojira!'
Anya exclaims 'Scraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!'
Anya flails her arms!
You say to Dovan 'I figure neither. We'll be archenemies and fight again every tend--'
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf is in perfect health.
She flies a few feet above the ground.
You stare at Anya.
Anya asks you 'Scraaaaw?'
You say to Anya 'We have serious issues.'
Anya says to you 'We do.'
Anya says to you 'But we're fun'
Dovan shakes his head then says 'I'm sure a large winged insect spawned from a cacoon while come and beat its wings upon the battlefield soon'.
You say to Anya 'Best. Issues. EVER.'


From Anya:
You tell Dovan 'Battle over'
You sit down and relax.
Anya sits in the air.
Other players will see your pose as 'Anya is sitting in the air.'.
Dovan replies to you 'Are you sure? Is everyone dead within a 5 mile radius?'
You reply to Dovan 'No, a giant lizard walked through with some fish-rice-seaweed rollup thing'
You reply to Dovan 'He said "Scraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!'
"Every time I almost die
______I feel so alive.
Why would I ever want
____to be more careful?"
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anya » Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:30 pm

Same day

Zasheir gives you a small piece of spiders web.
Ruilwyn says 'It sounds like ancient elven.'
You hear the marching of the Daggerford guard patroling the streets.
Zasheir puts a small air shard in a sapphire spellpouch embroidered with diamond stars.
Dovan raises an eyebrow at Ruilwyn.
Anya flails her arms!
Dovan says to Ruilwyn 'It sounds like no city or Myth that I recall'
Anya flails her arms and aaaaaaaaaaccidentally plops one webbing on Ruilwyn's head.
You give a small piece of spiders web to Ruilwyn.
Ruilwyn says to Dovan 'No, that's not what -'
Ruilwyn rubs his head, and his hand comes back down all webby.
A green-eyed male halfelf is in perfect health.
His skin has a grey pebbled texture.
His skin is covered in small, flexible scales.
Ruilwyn stares at you.
You exclaim to Ruilwyn 'You have head webs!!!!!'
Anya flails her arms!
You gather yourself and stand up.
Anya flails her arms and runs in a circle! 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!'.
Ruilwyn flails his arms. 'It's a trap!'.
Zasheir blinks.
Anya yells 'It's a trap!' and flails her arms wildly!
Dovan facepalms then mutters silently.
Anya does a barrel roll!
You descend and land.
Phew! That was too close for words...
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Brodnur » Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:10 am

ROFL Zasheir! That last post gets my vote for funniest of the week! :lol: :lol:

Ok, both the last two posts get a vote! :lol:
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:00 am

A dejected gnome servant walks in from the west.
You ask Adrius, a grey mastiff 'Did'nt I breed all the mastiffs to hunt gnomes and bring them to me?'
A dejected gnome servant looks at you and says 'Eep'!
Ariala looks at a dejected gnome servant.
A dejected gnome servant grovels before you, 'I pulled the weeds!'.
Arlen looks at a dejected gnome servant.
You say to a dejected gnome servant 'Hello Phlim Phlam.'
Allistair looks at a dejected gnome servant.
Damyanik looks at a dejected gnome servant.
Brodnur looks at a dejected gnome servant.
A dejected gnome servant squeals!
Ariala asks you 'One of your gnomes?'
Arlen looks at a dejected gnome servant with a blank face.
A dejected gnome servant yelps, 'He made me pick his nose hair! So he could save it for later!'.
You ask a dejected gnome servant 'Did you decapitate the rebellious grass and behead the indignant hedges?'
A dejected gnome servant speaks in gnome.
A dejected gnome servant exclaims to you 'Yes, sir!'
Vantessa looks at a dejected gnome servant.
Arlen exclaims to a dejected gnome servant 'Freeeeedom!'
A dejected gnome servant cowers in terror.
You ask a dejected gnome servant 'Did you bury all the clown costumes and darn my socks?'
Arlen glances at you.
A dejected gnome servant speaks in gnome.
A dejected gnome servant exclaims to you 'Yes, and yes!'
You ask a dejected gnome servant 'Sounds good, what brings you here then?'
A dejected gnome servant exclaims to you 'I WASN'T TRYING TO ESCAPE!'
You say to a dejected gnome servant 'Oh, there is no escape.'
You say to a dejected gnome servant 'You know that.'
A dejected gnome servant cowers away from you.
A dejected gnome servant squeals, 'I'll go back to work now!'.
A dejected gnome servant runs south
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Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Elke » Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:15 pm

Zorinar spins and decapitates an immaginary foe.
an amulet of communication glows briefly as A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf activates it.
You regain enough power to cast cone of cold.
Elke tries not to notice Zorinar.
Zorinar then stabs at the dying, beheaded corpse of the imaginary foe.
a red amulet of communication glows briefly as Damyanik activates it.
Damyanik waggles his brows.
Zorinar then kicks at it.
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf smiles.
Captain Jashun Windrunner yells 'In 30 minutes, the Wave Reaver will leave for Corwell.'
You regain enough power to cast mass bulls strength.
Zorinar jumps up and falls down with a flying elbow.
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf looks at Zorinar with a blank face.
Elke's face goes slightly red from trying to concentrate on the meditation and not laugh at Zorinar.
You regain enough power to cast disintegrate.
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf lightly shoves Zorinar.
Zorinar flexes.
Damyanik says to Zorinar 'Are you fighting or romancing.. it's getting kind of hard to tell...'
You regain enough power to cast fly.
Zorinar says to Damyanik while looking a little awkward with his helmet on says, 'Actually, those techniques can be used for both.'.
Zorinar nods at Damyanik.
Damyanik snickers.
You feel vibrations caused by something tunneling nearby.
Elke snorts, acks and chokes.
Zorinar glances north.
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf blinks at Zorinar in disbelief.
Tyeslan eeps.
You relax and sit more comfortably.
You regain enough power to cast cone of cold.
Elke starts giggling helplessly.
Tyeslan chokes, and coughs slightly.
Damyanik shakes his head, 'MMm, date a lot of hal ogres?'.
Tyeslan relaxes and sits more comfortably.
Damyanik blinks, 'Half even'.
Elke drapes herself on Tyeslan, laughing hysterically.
Zorinar looking a little awkward in his helmet says, 'Elven females are very strong'.
Zorinar glances north.
Damyanik glances at Zorinar, 'You sound like you had an.. interesting childhood'.
Tyeslan leans against you, laughing through tears.
Elke is clutching her belly, trying not to laugh.
Tyeslan snorts slightly, laughing harder.
Zorinar says to Damyanik while looking a little awkward with his helmet on says, 'I used to eat iron chips from the smithies. They say it gave me a unique perspective'.
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf gets a blank look on her face.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Skeas » Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:53 pm

You say 'I've got demons to drop the elbow on.'

Harelan stretches luxuriously. Makes you want to, doesn't it?

Christoph winks with a self-amused smile

Malfleur glances at you, 'The people's elbow or justice's elbow?'.

You say 'Both. That's what Christoph's cookin.'

Harelan says 'Ah think Ahm gaun tae go visit a temple fur a bit.'

Captain Jocelyn Crane yells 'In 30 minutes, the Wave Runner will leave Waterdeep for Calimport.'

Harelan waves happily.

Harelan walks west.

You say 'Justice serve y-'

Malfleur smiles faintly, 'The most electrifying slayer in dragon related entertainment today'.

You say 'Or ever.'

Malfleur clears his throat, 'Or ever.'.

Christoph dramatically flips up his visor and raises his eyebrow at Malfleur.

Malfleur tries hard to keep a straight face and failting miserably. 'Just look up if that old blind half elf pulls a
sock out of his pants and puts it on his hand'.

Malfleur has shifty eyes.

You say 'I can only imagine how terribly unsanitary that is... But a devastating attack

The Wave Runner leaves the docks.

Malfleur shakes his head, 'Well I'm going to beat some candy asses.. good day'.
Zorinar murmurs 'We need a fighter if we ever attempt that again'
Anya murmurs 'If Christoph were around, he'd be enough, I'd be willing to bet.'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Nearraba » Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:23 am

Thought this was pretty cute and funny.
Edited slightly, to keep short and to the point. =)

Melian asks a trim, gold-maned male human, 'May I pet you?
A trim, gold-maned male human's brow furrows. 'I am not a pet,' he replies, seeming mildly discomforted by the idea. 'What do you wish to pet me for?'
Melian frowns, ‘Your hair is like liquid gold, I must touch it.

Melian grumbles, staring at a trim, gold-maned male human, ‘I may keep your hair, and make a wig of it.
Melian says, ‘I will decorate a cow and pet him for hours.
A trim, gold-maned male human dons a Faerdalian helm upon his head.
You grin at Melian.
A trim, gold-maned male human puts on his helmet for obvious safety reasons before returning Fendrel's bow.
Melian eyes a trim, gold-maned male human's helm, ‘Your hair will be mine.
A trim, gold-maned male human peers at Melian.
Melian makes a cha-ching motion.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Mouat » Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:38 am

Rynn says to Gwain 'Sometimes I fall asleep on the bench here as well'
Gwain says to Rynn 'I know, I floss your teeth when you do.'
You raise an eyebrow.
Rynn rubs his teeth.
Rynn says to Gwain 'That would explain much'
Gwain says to Rynn 'I waging a war on cavaties.'
Rynn says to Gwain 'I hope you are not doing cavity searches'
Rynn says to Gwain 'I mean searching for cavaties'
Gwain says to Rynn 'Not without permission.'
Tyeslan blinks several times.
Gwain says to Rynn 'I mean holes in your teeth. I'm fighting them.'
Rynn asks Tyeslan 'What were you thinking?'
Tyeslan shakes her head at Rynn 'Not the right cavity obviously'.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Brodnur » Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:55 am

This one's short and sweet. :lol:

You ask Claraphina 'Chicken or lamb?'
Claraphina grabs the nearest container, vomitting into it.
You Hmmmm out loud.
Claraphina wipes her mouth off with a handkerchief.
You ask Claraphina 'Not to you liking, then?'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Leveran » Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:22 am

A slender, blue haired male moon elf wrinkles up his nose, hissing softly 'Get away and tell someone, idiot.'.

You say, 'Briek is already on his way.'

You say 'Although.. now that I think on it.. if you're going to call me an idiot... you can boil in the orc's pot.'

You shrug.
You say 'Enjoy your supper Garumsh.'
You wave.

Garumsh snickers.

A slender, blue haired male moon elf blinks.

Briek replies to you 'Where?'

You reply to Briek 'Eh, too late.'

Briek replies to you 'Last location?'

You reply to Briek 'Oh, I don't know. Somewhere on the road. You know. Long stre
th. All looks the same.'

You reply to Briek 'In fact, I may be mistaken. It might not have been an elf af
ter all. I think it was a bear, dressed like an elf.'

Briek replies to you 'Please do not jest.'

You reply to Briek 'I'm not. I feel confused. What were we talking about again?'

Briek replies to you 'We are talking about Garumsh and him having an elf.'

Briek tells you 'Try to remember everything you can.'

You reply to Briek 'Hmm. I think Garumsh tackled a bear for his supper pot, and
it called me an idiot. Very curious circumstanes.'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Ariala » Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:50 am

Mazikeen says, OOC, 'Mazikeen the Fighting Mexican Bean.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Leveran » Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:30 am

Not often we see a funny moments posted from the chatroom, but here goes a doosy:

03:17:26 ‹Arnof› I'm gonna go try and finish that cigar...
05/07/2009 03:17:34 ‹Arnof› I look like whatshisface from the A Team I bet.
05/07/2009 03:17:40 ‹Ariala› o.O
05/07/2009 03:17:41 ‹Arnof› It looked a lot smaller until it was in my mouth.
05/07/2009 03:17:48 * Arnof facedesks.
05/07/2009 03:17:52 ‹Arnof› No one say anything about how that sounded.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Leveran » Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:33 am

Leveran hmms looking around. 'I guess they went off to create new life, hm?'.

A slender, blue-haired female halfelf shrugs. 'Damyanik went for a midnight swim.'.

Leveran coughs. 'And Lorelen?'.

A slender, blue-haired female halfelf says to you 'Went later on to make sure he didn't drown.'

You blink.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Solonna » Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:44 pm

Tee hee hee...

Kesiel sits next to you and whispers, 'Mommy hates Daddy, and he doesn't ever see us... so at least you get to see both of them.'.
Solonna frowns, saying to Kesiel, 'That's really sad... I'm sorry.' She hugs her.
Kesiel hugs you back, 'Its alright. We never knew him. He was a bastard.'.
Miriel frowns at Kesiel 'Kesiel, I will not have you using that language around Solonna.'.
Solonna giggles furiously at Kesiel.
Kesiel nods, 'Sorry, mother.' She whispers to you 'He still is, though. '.
Raerumil chooses that moment to share a few other -vile- words for his father.
Miriel winces, 'Roo... what does that even -mean-?'.
Solonna covers her mouth to hide the giggles.
Kesiel winces at Raerumil 'He learned it in the tavern, mother. It basically means that when a man loves another man very much, they...'.
Miriel blinks, 'That's enough! Enough! Enough!'.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Bregga » Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:43 am

You say, OOC, ‘I want to see something can I cast a spell on ya?
Harguk says, OOC ‘sure’
You begin to chant.
An unblinking eye holy symbol glows briefly
Harguk dies from the harmful wounds caused by your touch!
Harguk is DEAD!
You sense that your patron approves of your actions.
You hear Harguks death cry.
You yell, OOPS!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Mele » Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:07 pm

Failing to see the humor...
Beshaba potatoes.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Briek » Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:14 pm

yeah, I think I would be more miffed than amused
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Arnof » Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:34 pm

Just a game, kids. You have to laugh at it. :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Leveran » Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:30 pm

Mele wrote:Failing to see the humor...
Only part that makes me chuckle is the 'You sense your deity approves of your actions'.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Mouat » Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:24 am

Wow tough crowd...
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