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[SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:32 am
by Sithiel
A conjuration spell that would allow the caster to create simple items, such as bowls, flasks. As the level of caster would increase he would be able to create more complicated items, such as chairs, tables. And in the GM levels or close weapons and armour. Depending of the skill level of the caster the spells the created items would disappear after some time.

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:42 pm
by Gwain
I think there used to be a spell like this in the game, but it was very rare. It mostly created plain weapons. I could see it being reintroduced to create items as you suggested. It would be an interesting spell.

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:28 pm
by Alaudrien
It would be a nifty spell for wizards in general haha all except invokers. Since when you think wizard you think those fellows who if they wanted could wave there hand and in flies a bottle of wine or some such. Or like Elminster summoning his pipe to smoke

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:45 pm
by Vantaniael
Does this spell require the base material and convert it do you think? Or perhaps it works like transport, but you could summon and banish items to and from a storeroom or something instead, if it's too powerful? The wizards dont have to tell you that they are not conjuring it out of pure aether though, -wink-.

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:59 pm
by Sithiel
Vantaniael wrote:Does this spell require the base material and convert it do you think? Or perhaps it works like transport, but you could summon and banish items to and from a storeroom or something instead, if it's too powerful? The wizards dont have to tell you that they are not conjuring it out of pure aether though, -wink-.
I was actually thinking that they could be items of pure magic, but only last for not very long time. So if a wizard wanted to drink something, but poof has no waterskins! Conjure Item - Waterskins. Your precious dagger broke up and you need to run back from the dungeon full of goblins? Conjure Item - Dagger

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:16 pm
by Alaudrien
Although able to banish and conjure items to and from..sounds nifty! Sorta like the pocket dimension spell where you can either make a limited time room for you or just have something thrown someplace so you can hide some belongings you can get back later.

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:11 pm
by Vantaniael
Both ways have their options, and in consideration it might be interesting to have the ability tied to your floating disk. I'm in favour of a version of both. One to make items on the fly, and the other to get stuff you might need but are too heavy to lug around. Dump a corpse with all that heavy armor in a disk, then summon it to you after. With the right components, it would also prevent abuse, only summon the stuff you need.

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:19 pm
by Zorinar
Bah, another thing Invokers cant play with... However..

How cool would it be if this spell in question made useful things not just weapons. LIke.. SHOVELS! or other things that you need once in a while but the wizard just doesnt have the str to carry around with them all the time. Actually, I can only think of shovels right now that fits in that catagory but it could be a really useful utility spell for non invokers.

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:50 pm
by Dalmil
I like the conjuring from the disk idea. Not everyone has a dwelling, thus a storeroom to put things in. Plus it would put more emphasis on the disk since I rarely see anyone that uses them. The components would be something like jacinth gems and a mirror or some such deal, seeing as how most teleportation spells use jacinth gems.

Also, it wouldn't be like you could just conjure anything at any time, you would have to prepare the disk, put things in it, and then gauge the spell duration to make sure your items don't get dumped.

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:50 am
by Sithiel
Zorinar wrote:Bah, another thing Invokers cant play with... However..

How cool would it be if this spell in question made useful things not just weapons. LIke.. SHOVELS! or other things that you need once in a while but the wizard just doesnt have the str to carry around with them all the time. Actually, I can only think of shovels right now that fits in that catagory but it could be a really useful utility spell for non invokers.
If you read my first post I was suggesting it could make other stuff as well, mainly other stuff actually, like waterskins etc. Why not shovels also

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:06 am
by Elke
Elke uses discs!

I think this idea sounds a lot of fun, but it also rather depends on how it was set up. For example, I would suggest making it so that you can only have one conjured item at a time (and calling up something else gets rid of the old item).

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:55 pm
by Isolrem
Shovels and picks! Shovels and picks!
Let me conjure up shovels and picks, and that saves me 15lb out of a max carryweight of 100

Re: [SPELL] Conjure Item

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:20 am
by Nysan
Wouldn't mind a magical pick, shovel, even a container. Though, I would not want such items to last. Anything this spell creates should disappear, after a time, similiar to the current code for 'create food', 'create spring', or floating disc spells. Lasting conjured items open up too many complications.