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Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:26 pm
by Alaudrien
Recently I've been playing a new character that I love. Icly He has some spells he would hate to use because of who he is, but this thought came to me. I know it's been brought up in the past but what If there was a feat whre wizards of any specilty could give up spells of certain elements to gain access to others even if it's of an opposing guild but restricted like a mages in how well you can become with it or something close to that. I know As an invoker I use the fire spells but in most of them every other level is fire then ice fire then ice. What if depending on race or region you could choose a feat like elemental blood or elemental mastery ..I know they have similar feats like this in the source books. Just skewe what it does just like for a genasi using it they delve into there blood line and there racial ability can be used in a different way. What if we could just give up spells IE if I gave up all m fire spells like fireball burning hands and so forth I'd gain access to other ice spells like orb of ice and so forth. Just like acid spells could be considered for air and ice for has it's own things. so like here's an example:

INvoker A takes feat he gives up polarray/snowball swarm etc..

He gains flame arrow orb of fire etc..but limited like depending on the discretion of the imms as a mage or as the default class.

Though I think having a mages spell level cap for those spells would be the best route. Thoughts??

Re: Elementalist?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:10 am
by Zuldere
Why not just be a mage and pick and choose your spells?

Re: Elementalist?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:27 am
by Alaudrien
I thought of that but you can't truly specialize like that either. This thought was more so any guild could choose it and persay if a mage chose the feat he'd get his spell cap raised on the spells of that element perhaps?

Re: Elementalist?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:33 am
by Vantaniael
What about just a feat that gives you a bonus to using one kind of elemental energy and gives you a penalty to another? Ie, Elemental savant <fire|cold|electricity|acid> or something

Re: Elementalist?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:59 pm
by Isolrem
what about being a mage and taking spell focus in the spells your want to specialize in?

Re: Elementalist?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:23 pm
by Skeas
Isolrem wrote:what about being a mage and taking spell focus in the spells your want to specialize in?
In regards to this, you'd be spending anywhere from 1 to all of your feat points, picking and choosing each spell you'd want to make better. With elemental savant, as Vanty suggested, you'd be spending 1-2 to benefit an entire elemental group of spells. It would be much more player-friendly, I think, and a good addition to our current list of feats.

Re: Elementalist?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:58 pm
by Kelend
While they're not in FK, aren't there all ready feats that give bonus to particular spell types? ie Aegis of Rime, Scion of Storms, Spirit of Flame etc.

Or did those go away with 3rd Edition? I'm basing this solely on Icewind Dale :P