More money when grouped!

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More money when grouped!

Post by Aveline » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:25 am

Hey there. A few of us were talking about the money earning situation in game and I had a thought. I realize this idea does not make sense realistically, but I still think it would help characters earn coin, and promote group rp.

My idea is basically pretty similar to the idea of getting more xp, when you are grouped. What I would like to see is that mobs that drop coin, would drop bigger percentages of coin the bigger the group is. I'm not saying that normally a mob would drop 1 silver and then if you group with 2 others it would drop a couple of copper more. What I am suggesting is that if you group with more people, you would be able to make more money than if you went alone. Maybe the mob would drop enough that each person would be able to get 2 silver instead. Or at the very least be able to make the same amount than if you went alone. Currently most mobs drop a basic amount of coin and if you take people with you, you end up having to split it and cut what you could have earned by a large percentage. So if you really want to earn coin it would benefit you more at the moment to go solo.

This I think will give people another option of earning coin, and at the same time if we offer them more coin for groups it would encourage people to round up groups to go earn that coin and promote RP moments. And again, I realize this doesn't make sense realistically. Mobs wouldn't suddenly start having more coin just because you brought more friends to pound them with, but I think it would be one of those things where we stick reality aside.

*disclaimer* All numbers used were examples only.
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Re: More money when grouped!

Post by Solaghar » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:21 am

I think this is a good idea and any incentives that encourage people to group up, RP more and gives people another option for making money in a viable way is improving the game.
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Re: More money when grouped!

Post by Aveline » Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:17 pm

With all of the talk of economies and merchants being brought up lately I thought I would bring this up again. With less things being able to be sold, and things now selling for less coin this would cut down on the need for characters to sell those things.
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Re: More money when grouped!

Post by Nysan » Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:41 am

I love it. Encourages grouping and has nothing to do with selling items! *cheers* :lol:

Three question points:
1. Grouping with NPCs. I can picture some bad apple beefing up their group with pets and minions to try and bump coinage. Thoughts?
2. Config Autogold. Should we allow the grouping bonus to apply to characters that do not automatically share coin with the group?
3. Coin bonus only effective if all group members in the same room? Or can someone in Howling Peaks get a bonus from someone chatting in the market square?
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Re: More money when grouped!

Post by Brodnur » Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:06 am

Nysan wrote:

Three question points:
1. Grouping with NPCs. I can picture some bad apple beefing up their group with pets and minions to try and bump coinage. Thoughts?
2. Config Autogold. Should we allow the grouping bonus to apply to characters that do not automatically share coin with the group?
3. Coin bonus only effective if all group members in the same room? Or can someone in Howling Peaks get a bonus from someone chatting in the market square?
Good points all, I would suggest, if feasible to code, to set a flag on any groups not in autogold, not all present, minions excluded, and a flag for only +bonus for PC members of a group, and all accounted for.

I would also like to suggest that the bonus be only slightly higher, as any more would most likely result in sudden platinum-aires, (ok, not really a great term, but all I could think of :oops: ) Say, maybe 5% or so higher than the norm, it still grants better gold, in addition to the xp bonus of grouping, as well as simply rp'ing with like minded individuals, (or whoever you can find around at the time)
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