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Mystran Gathering

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:31 am
by Tyeslan
Attention Mystran's and hopefuls, the time has come again for us to gather, and have a bit of fun as we have in the past, and as we usually do in a large group.

We will be meeting in the House of Wonder at this time

If you have a Mystran that hasn't been around for some time please get them out, and come join us.

If this time does not work for anyone, let me know.

Re: Mystran Gathering

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:48 pm
by Ocius
I'm gonna have to miss this sorry. It's the US Superbowl and my roommate decided to invite twelve zillion people to our house. :shock:

Re: Mystran Gathering

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:16 pm
by Aveline
This starts in about 45 minutes!

Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:11 am
by Aveline
Scavenger Hunt!! For those of you that missed the meeting we are having a faith scavenger hunt! If you can get to Gesine before the time to return the bags you can participate too (Mystrans only). I want your bags filled with your finds by this time. Please do not try to turn them in later as it will take me a while to calculate points and such to figure out the winner. If you don't think you'll be able to get it to Gesine in person, there is always the magical post.. or give it to someone else of the faith to give to her. I'm going to make it a point to play Gesine mostly when I am on tomorrow, especially toward the evening. I do not see where there should be any problems getting the bag to her personally. And again, if you missed the meeting but can find Gesine before it is time to turn in the bags, you can still participate!
Scavenger Hunt Rules

* The object of this scavenger hunt is to find as many of the items
on the list in as many different places as possible. In order to get
points for finding an item you must go out and obtain the item
* You can gain points for collecting the same item more than one time
if you find the item in multiple locations. But you must actually
obtain one of the item from each place. If you know the item can be
found in Waterdeep at a merchant, in the hills, and also in Triel,
you must go to Waterdeep, those hills, and Triel.
* Each participant will be given a piece of parchment to record their
findings on. On the top of the parchment you should write your name.
(OOC: Title it with your name: Title Gesine) Each time you find an
item you should record where you found it on your parchment. (OOC:
I'd keep a notepad file open while you are looking and then copy and
paste it to a parchment later.)
* Where ever you find an item, in order to get points for that
location, it must be a reliable source for that item.
* You can find items by looking around, purchasing them from shops,
or by finding people you know that can make or supply them. If
getting the items from people you know that can make them, you must
actually get one of the items from that person.
* It is not acceptable to go find a friend that you know always has a
stocked spellpouch and go pluck items from their spellpouch, no
matter how reliable that person's spellpouch may be.
* This is an individual competition. You may have people travel with
you and help you, but you must acquire each item yourself. You may
not send people off to different locations to get items for you. If
you need to go to a dangerous place to aquire some items, be sure to
take people with you, just be sure you get the items yourself.
Unless it is a dangerous location, please travel with no more than
one of your borthers and sisters. I do not mind you all gathering
together for a place like Undermountain or something equally
* If you obtain one of every item on the list you will be awarded 50
* If you find an item that is not on the list, that is a component,
you will be awarded 10 points for each instance you find it. You must
be able to tell me what it is used for.
* At the end of the alotted time, you must return to me and hand over
your bag. I will then tally up the points for the contents of each
bag, and announce the winner.
* Please when gathering items, only get one of each item from each
each location. It isn't acceptable behavior to buy out the item in
question so that no one else will be able to buy from that location.
* I reserve the right to add more rules later if I observe you people
doing silly things.