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Charcoal shortage

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:44 am
by Nysan

You examine the precision forge with attention ...
...The crucible contains the equivalent of 3 balls of silver.
...The metal is solid.
...A fire burns brightly in the oven under the crucible.
...The graduated tube next to the oven indicates 4/12.

<100%hp 0m 47%mv> feed
You add a piece of charcoal in the oven.

<100%hp 0m 47%mv>
The flames dance under the crucible.

<100%hp 0m 47%mv> observe
You examine the precision forge with attention ...
...The crucible contains the equivalent of 3 balls of silver.
...The metal is solid.
...A fire burns brightly in the oven under the crucible.
...The graduated tube next to the oven indicates 3/12.

<100%hp 0m 47%mv>
The flames dance under the crucible.
<100%hp 0m 47%mv> buy charcoal

The researcher says to you 'That item is out of stock at the moment'


Please increase the stock capacity of charcoal at Gond Forges. Only you can prevent tragic loss of precious metals. :cry:

Re: Charcoal shortage

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:44 am
by Alaudrien
charcoal can be easily had at other places. I think usually when it odes that it means theres alot loaded in game? I'm not exaclty sure though.

Re: Charcoal shortage

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:53 pm
by Lathander
Charcoal is common and can be produced fairly easily in game.

Re: Charcoal shortage

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:01 pm
by Nysan
Lathander wrote:Charcoal is common and can be produced fairly easily in game.
:cry: I know, still felt odd that the NPC was out of stock so I thought I'd bring it up. I accept "working as intended" as my answer.