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Look Features

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 11:49 am
by Casamir
I thought it might be interesting if character descriptions could go more in depth.I was thinking of how room descriptions can be studied more closely, ie like writing on walls. If 'key words' in descriptions could trigger smaller separate descriptions, it could add some interesting detail to appearances. Imagine if you really look at someones 'eyes', you get a lot more detail more than just say a color, but then person also gets an echo that you are staring deeply into their eyes, etc. Or where this would really shine is for scars, tattoos, and things like that, the difference between glancing over them and studying them intently. It could also make interaction more interesting and amusing, as echoes of rather personal scrutiny go off.

I imagine it working with a finite number of slots for these sub-descriptions, and each tied to a keyword. About three-ish. It could make things very interesting and original, the more imagination the more customizable.

Something like: feature <keyword> <short description, 1-2 lines.>

And maybe 'look <character> <feature>' Almost similar to if characters were note boards, with the title of each note the 'keyword,' and the note itself the description.

Re: Look Features

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 11:06 am
by Hrosskell
I have no idea how this would work, but out of all the suggestions I've read tonight (a lot! I'm binge forum-ing), this is probably my most favorite.

Props to your brilliant idea.

Maybe there could be a set of features pre-determined that you could choose to fill out, like a driver's license but with more flair. Examples include:

I don't know if everything would need to be in more detail like height and weight, but this could be pretty cool.