Scheduling RP

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Sword Bumbler
Sword Bumbler
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Scheduling RP

Post by Ocius » Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:54 pm

I'd like to ask people who are running events to think about please schedule them in advance or put a note up or something so everyone can participat? This comes from yesterday when one of my characters was yelled at for missing a couple faith things recently....but they weren't posted in advance and were about 3 am my time. I sure would of logged on if I knew they were happening.

I know immys should do stuff when the most people are logged on and there's usually only about seven people on when i'm logged on lol, but would be nice to get a heads up for things that are going on even if it's just a couple hours before. I know I'd set an alarm or whatever to try to be here for cool stuff.

It's cool we have all these new immys and I keep hearing about exciting RPS going on, but I never see them when I'm on. So please could people make a post they are running something that night so that everyone has a chance to join in, not just those who usually log on then?

If not I understand things just happen, but please don't yell at people who are on different schedules. It's harder if your not in the US schedule. We'd be around more if we could quit or dumb jobs and play all night like we really want to! (Id ask my boss but I know what he'd say! >.< ) Thanks everyone!
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Re: Scheduling RP

Post by Gwain » Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:20 pm

Most of the faith events are scheduled by mortal players. Its very rare that an immortal will ever yell at you for missing an event that they are running. is a great resource for keeping track of possible events. I use it myself, though my time restraints these days rarely allow me to enjoy them. I find for the most part that planned events usually are posted several days or weeks ahead of fruition. Rp's and Imm run events if not made known to the public are done at points of time when the playerbase and the immortal involved are available.

However, if someone is being OOCly abusive over you missing their events, I would recommend reporting it to the complaints forum. Real life always comes first. You should not be forced into a poor position for missing things in the mud.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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