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Armor hinderance

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 4:53 pm
by Mouat
This keeps happening to Mouat.

His armor will prevent him from dual wielding and also prevent him from mounting his pets or if I can mount the pet, Mouat will fall off many times during a short trip. Have not tried long trips as it is bad for his health.. (deadly one might say...) Also, his armor will prevent him from second, third and fourth attacks.

If I log Mouat off and log on, it sometimes corrects itself. But it will come back within 30 minutes (usually).

I have not changed any of my eq lately (like for the last 2 to 3 years). My attacks are all GMed, my mount is GM, my handle animal is master. My dual wield is GM.

This has only started to happen this week. Friday and Saturday. I had not logged him on since last week.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.


Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 9:21 pm
by Moloch
I can confirm that this is acting up, but I can't quite pin down what is causing this. Anyone else able to take a look?

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:04 pm
by Nysan
Gilain, in heavy armor, has no difficulties with duel wielding. Same weapons and armor he's used for a while. Sorry, no mount related data. Class/race issue maybe?

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 12:20 am
by Dapher
Well, I logged on to Telnier to see what wa up with this bug, and at first there was nothing happening. I went from Ardeep to Silverymoon, and then back to the School of Wonders without falling once. I flew to Golden Oaks and nothing still. I then attempted to mount the eagle to fly back to Ardeep, and I failed my attempt to mount. I then mounted, flew two spaces and fell off! I tried to mount, and failed. So, Telnier is having the same issues as Mouat.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:33 am
by Mouat
I have done some testing. It does not happen right away when I log Mouat on. But eventually, within about 5 to 10 minutes, it starts to happen. It will actually get worse the longer I stayed on. The other night, his armor was hindering him even to punch. And something new that happened, his armor doesn't always hinder all of his attacks and skills, but sometimes just some. For example, it may hinder his dual wield, second attack and fourth attack say nothing about his third attack failing... or it will indicate his dual wield failed, second and third attack failed, but nothing about his fourth attack...


Thanks for looking into it.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 1:33 pm
by Brar
The same has happened to me last night, Brar was all good and suddenly, his armors began to hinders dual wield, attacks and single-edged blade skills.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 11:43 pm
by Liandria
I'm not certain if this is related, but one of my fighters, who used to be able to ride a horse from tantras to waterdeep without a problem now can't mount his own warhorse and stay on it for even 2 rooms without falling off. I'm not getting any armor failure echoes, he just keeps tumbling off, and 25% of the time can't even seem to get in the saddle to begin with. This was never the case before.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:13 am
by Dapher
Well, earlier in my post all that was being affected was my mount. Well, it gets worse. I am now feeling the effects in battle, as well as casting prayers. I cannot even heal myself without it failing on me. As far as I can tell, it is not affecting my bows, but I will have to look further into that. It was not earlier, but none of the other stuff was affected. So, Mouat is not alone, it is a disease that is spreading.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 6:20 am
by Kregor
Kregor is a level 50 ranger, wearing leather scale, proficient in medium armor.

His armor almost infallibly hinders his ability to do -anything-. And the sad thing is, even if I take the armor off, he still has the hindrance.

I can only ride my griffon two rooms before falling off, and he's grandmaster in mount. the Mount skill is useless for me, because riding the mount is deadly.

If I choose walk, it hinders Kregor's ability to pathfind with every tick.

If I fight, armor hinders the second, third AND fouth attacks, AND "hinders my attempt at double-edged blades." Thus, combat is useless for me.

I'm finding that it's basically impossible for me to quest, fight, spar, do anything that is risking my PC's life, because my PC is about as capable as a 10th level warrior with all his skills, attacks, and weapon skills hindered and useless.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:11 am
by Brar
After some testing with Brar, I can say that if you quit and log back, you are "free" of the hinderance for I will say 5 minutes, then it gets worse and worse to the point where you can't even dig...

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:09 pm
by Nysan
Trying various skills on Gilain (fighter), wearing player crafted mithril full plate...

Second/third/fourth attack: No hinderance echoes.
Search: Multiple hinderance echoes.
Punch/Kick: No echoes.
Duel Wield, 4 different weapons used: No hinderance echoes.
Trades skills: No echoes.
Potion Drinking: Multiple in-combat failures (not exactly sure this is armor related)

No mount or swimming data, character does not use those skills.

Not sure why Gilain seems unaffected by these problems. Let me know if there are any other skills or situations I can test.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:09 am
by Raona
With thanks to everyone who posted additional information: Mask has done something of an overhaul to the armour hindrance system, and hopefully fixed these problems. Effective this writing, if you continue to experience armour dependence that doesn't make sense (including changing with time), please let us know.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:56 am
by Mouat
So far, I have not fallen off my flying mount and died, but I am getting echoed every few rooms of travel, that

Your armor hinders your attempt at mount.

Upon further testing, I get spammed again on armor hinderance. And soon began falling off on regular movements off my mount..

When I started to fight NPCS, i starting getting spammed on armor hinderance for all my attacks, even trying to bash.

This is happening on my char Mouat.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 7:03 am
by Mask
I suggest you ensure that your armour proficiency feat matches the armour that you are wearing - if you were to, say, be wearing halfplate gloves such as a kind of 'bright <colour> gloves' which is 'heavy' armour, and be a ranger with only medium armour proficiency..........

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 10:27 pm
by Vibius
Food for thought.

Priests can cast spells since level 1, but I think they don't get armor proficiency **- until they are level ten, in fact I am almost sure!.

So newbie priests will get hindered if they try to cast a spell before such level. Might be possible revise the base class "priest" so they get two ranks at first level?

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 2:30 am
by Mouat
Those gloves Mouat is wearing, are the same gloves he has been wearing for over 4 to 5 years RL. It has never posed a problem.

I have tired having mouat run around neked (scaring lots of newbies or is it scarring?) and he still gets spammed with your armor hinders yoru pathfinding or your armor hinders your mount....

I can try it again if you think it will help...

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:53 am
by Raona
If you are getting the armour hindrance echo while running about literally naked, then there definitely is a problem. I'll try to catch you on the game port, or ask someone to verify this through some other route.

However, be sure to appreciate that gloves, boots, etc. can all trigger the "armour hindrance" echo and effect - stuff literally labeled as "armour" isn't the only stuff that can. Mask has enhanced the DEFENSE algorithm, so it should now indicate to you what weight of armour is being worn in each location.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 11:30 am
by Brar
I haven't seen the echo with Brar since Mask's update. Just so you know that it's at least working for some people.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:40 am
by Bregga
With a sickening sound your pierce violently shreds a hill giant's chest.
a hill giant is covered in cuts and bruises.
Your armor hinders your attempt at second attack.
Your armor hinders your attempt at third attack.
I kept getting these echo's while I was fighting a hill giant, I'm wearing heavy armour which shouldn't be an issue because I am proficient with it.

Re: Armor hinderance

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:46 am
by Raona
Is it possible you are using a shield, and do not have the shield proficiency feat?