[Spell] Will Drain/Mind Flay

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[Spell] Will Drain/Mind Flay

Post by Vantaniael » Tue May 04, 2010 6:07 am

Will Drain: ~You draw upon the willpower of your victim, stealing it for your own~
This is a vampiric variation on two existing spells. I was looking at various mind sapping creatures, and I thought it might be interesting to have a spell that combines good hope and crushing despair. The trade off is the lack of mass targeting, but you could literally drain the will of the target, leaving them under crushing despair, whilst being being temporarily bolstered by good hope.

Mind Flay: ~Launching vicious ribbons of negative energy into the victims mind, you flay off random memories.~
This other spell I thought might be interesting is if you could cast a spell, and it would disable random spells on the victim. Where a mob might find his favourite spell always fails whilst under the spell, a pc might find themselves unable to cast certain spells, or another variation, random memorized slots they have are temporarily disabled.
Follow your heart, yes.. but use your head, too. Take to every task with zeal and passion, but try to pair it with sage and discerning execution.
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