Material durability and [REINFORCE]

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Sword Grand Master
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Material durability and [REINFORCE]

Post by Vibius » Sun May 09, 2010 1:54 pm


This is a thought I had regarding the meager durability of leather armor (and I suppose) other types of clothing as opposed to metal armor, while I understand that this realistic, having your equipment ripped and quickly damaged I think that in this particular case doesn't makes FK more enjoyable. It's not about spending money in repairs but rather be involved in any long slack and slash session with fellow players and not ending half-naked.

For this I would like to propose two different solutions with different degree of complexity;

(Easy) Increase whatever parameter is used to determine how easily is damaged that type of material/armor

(No so easy and unrealistic but much more interesting) People with the trade leatherworking at journeyman or higher can use the command 'reinforce' over a piece of equipment they aren't wearing and if it is made of silk, cloth or leather, they will also need having in their inventory a piece of material of the appropriate type. If they fail the piece of material is wasted but if they are successful the piece of equipment earns permanently a new flag 'REINFORCED'. This makes the piece of clothing much more resistant to damage at the price of making that type of equipment more expensive to repair.

Note; it also could be used the trade armorsmithing to make metal armor much more resistant following the guidelines above.
Sword Grand Master
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Re: Material durability and [REINFORCE]

Post by Nysan » Sun May 09, 2010 10:52 pm

Would be nice to have a way to reduce equipment damage. Rather tired of repairing the clothing I wear under my armor nearly every day while my armor needs repairing maybe once a month. Leave my undershirt alone, stupid lamias!!! :evil:
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

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