[FEAT] Divine Grace

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Sword Grand Master
Sword Grand Master
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[FEAT] Divine Grace

Post by Vibius » Sun May 23, 2010 3:59 pm

Much more than a feat, this is a "class feature" that paladins get in D&D once they are of enough level (like Uncanny dodge for rogues), level 2 in D&D (5 in FK?)

Paladins get a bonus to all their saves equal to their charisma bonus.

Example: A paladin with 16 charisma would get a +3 to all their saves (fortitude, will, reflex),
A paladin with 10 charisma or 8 charisma would not get a bonus to their saves (nor a penalty in the last case) Note: I don't think is possible to have paladins with such low charisma, but this is just an example for illustration purpose.
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