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A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 6:36 am
by Shabanna
The Lady Saranya Of the Morninglord and Shabanna of Tymora would like to invite all children of Dawn and Fortune to join in a celebration of goodwill and good times! The cold bite of the claw of winter has thawed and it is time to foster renewal across the lands!

A lovely celebration is planned to celebrate new beginnings, renewed friendships and good fortune in both. So, dust off your party gowns and lovely silks, put on your dancing shoes and finery, prepare your stories, poems, artwork, shine up your flipping coins and dice as it promises to be a fabulous eve filled with new games, performances art and music. Come out and share some cheer with allies and friends!

Please speak with either Lady Saranya or Shabanna of Tymora if you would like to offer ideas, suggestions or would like to offer your talent, game or creativity to the gathering. We would like to see as many faces as possible from both faiths, as it promises to be an unforgettable event of finery and merriment!

The event is tenatively set to take place at the beautiful Spires in the Deep at this time

*All friends and allies are more than welcome to join in the revelry as well.*
Please RSVP!
Fondest Regards for beautiful beginnings and the best of luck!

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:24 pm
by Kerrick
Still a ways out on the schedule, but I think I can make this time!

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:35 pm
by Dovan
No bueno. Best I can do is show up 2 hours late maybe, maybe.

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:19 am
by Lirith
I might be able to make, but might also be a bit late. I might also be a tiny bit the worse for wear, as some good friends are moving to Arizona and their leaving party is that day.
I'll try though!

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:25 am
by Athglor
I will be able to there.

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 1:22 pm
by Orplar
Due to work I will not be able to play until about six hours after that. I have the eleventh and twelfth off though

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:35 pm
by Shabanna
Just asking, would the same time on the 12th work better for those who cant make it on the 13th? we were trying to avoid conflict with the ranger event... but do not know how many that would effect. Let us know if the 12th at that same time sounds better as we want to get as many as possible at the event!!!
Thanks :)

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:46 pm
by Dovan
For me, no it wouldn't. Base not all on one though.

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:58 pm
by Shabanna
After several discussions with players, the response here on the forums, and of course bearing in mind that some of the followers of Fortune might be skittish about an event hosted on the 13th... the time and date for for this event has been changed and finalized to this

All friends and allies of the two faiths are invited to come join in the fun and revelry.

Please contact either Lady Saranya or Shabanna if you have a talent/performance/game of chance, etc. that you would like to share.

Attire: Festive/Dressy - No armour please as this event is a friendly one not a sparring match.

Please RSVP Icly if possible. If not feel free to post or send us word via PM.

We look forward to seeing you all at this wonderful celebration!!!!

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:25 pm
by Saranya
A reminder that this is tomorrow. I hope to see many friends and faithful there! :D

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:11 pm
by Lirith
I don't think Lirith will be able to make it. Have fun!

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:53 pm
by Orplar
Sigh. I got called into work. Doubt ill make it. Bummed. Have fun!

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:59 pm
by Shabanna
Just a bump! this is starting now! Drop in and have s snack!!

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:57 pm
by Shabanna
YAY!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who came by and shared this event!!! A special thanks to Gorwin and Melthea for your time and talents at the party!!

It was fun and wonderful to see so many come out!


Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:40 pm
by Saranya
A second thank you to all attendees, singers, and backrubists! It was lots of fun! :D

Re: A Celebration of Dawn and Good Fortune!

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 2:05 am
by Anya
I had fun, thanks!