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Heroes Feast and disease

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 12:27 pm
by Brar
I got infected by ghoul fever.
I tried to use heroes feast as the helpfile says :
You bring forth a great feast, which everyone in your party consumes.
Every creature partaking of the feast is cured of all diseases, sickness,
and is fully rested; becomes immune to poison, and gains temporary hit
points for the duration of the spell. The ambrosial food that is consumed
also grants each creature that partakes a morale bonus on attack rolls
and fear resistance.

But it does not remove the disease, a simple cure disease did work on the other hand.

I am not sure if it is the spell or the helpfile the problem.

Re: Heroes Feast and disease

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:49 pm
by Raona
The helpfile description is consistent with the d20 rules, save for not requiring a delay to consume the feast:

The spell is coded to strip disease, poison, and fatigue, and when I tested it did do so for poison and fatigue. I could not find a ready way to set disease, though, and I suspect this is the problem. Disease is not coded, and any creature conveying it is likely doing so as a different effect than 'disease,' which is what Heroes Feast is coded to remedy.

So I think this will remain broken until disease is coded.

The spell doesn't give the stipulated 12 hours immunity to poison, though, and so I'll put in a bug indicating that and also mention the disease issue.

Bug 920

Re: Heroes Feast and disease

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:50 pm
by Casious
I used this spell recently and within a few moments a person in my group was STARVING.. does this spell properly fill a person up after it is cast on them? I dont think it is.


Re: Heroes Feast and disease

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:30 pm
by Anguin
The spell is coded to strip disease, poison, and fatigue, and when I tested it did do so for poison and fatigue.
I used the Heroes Feast prayer with a group today, and it had no effect on fatigue. After trying it a couple times, the party's mv% was unaltered each time.

log below (edited, the group was casting spells):
<100%hp 84m 100%mv> Deliwen's group:
[Female ElfMn] Tyeslan 100%hp 91%mn 95%mv
[ Male Griff] Eleana, A giant eagle 100%hp 100%mn 100%mv
[ Male Horse] Sol, a Sunset stallion 100%hp 100%mn 100%mv
[Female HfElf] Deliwen 100%hp %mn 95%mv
[ Male Human] Everett 100%hp 84%mn 100%mv
[ Male Human] Taslik 100%hp 100%mn 43%mv
[ Male HfElf] Vantaniael 100%hp 96%mn 72%mv

<100%hp 85m 100%mv> You stop meditating and stand up.

<100%hp 85m 100%mv> Unable to apply 'extend spell' as that would require a level 7 slot.
You begin to chant.

<100%hp 85m 100%mv> A silver coin stamped with a woman's face glows briefly.
You bring forth a great feast and share some divinely blessed food with Deliwen.
You bring forth a great feast and share some divinely blessed food with Tyeslan.
You bring forth a great feast and share some divinely blessed food with Taslik.
Everett conjures divinely blessed food and you quickly devour your share.
You bring forth a great feast and share some divinely blessed food with Vantaniael.

<100%hp 82m 100%mv> Deliwen's group:
[Female ElfMn] Tyeslan 100%hp 88%mn 95%mv
[ Male Griff] Eleana, A giant eagle 100%hp 100%mn 100%mv
[ Male Horse] Sol, a Sunset stallion 100%hp 100%mn 100%mv
[Female HfElf] Deliwen 100%hp %mn 95%mv
[ Male Human] Everett 100%hp 82%mn 100%mv
[ Male Human] Taslik 100%hp 99%mn 43%mv
[ Male HfElf] Vantaniael 100%hp 96%mn 72%mv

hardcode bug - heroes feast

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:40 am
by Eltsac
Heroes feast is supposed to cure all disease but it does not
tested on the mummy rot, cure disease will cure it but not heroes feast


Re: Heroes Feast and disease

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:54 am
by Raona
Perhaps it is worth a short-term fix to have this spell address the common specialized diseases currently in the game. Any out there besides mummy rot?