I was wondering, how feasible it would be for the RP of binding someone to you. I.e. A mage or priest magically binding someone to them. Would this be allowed? And if so, would it be based on code (i.e. the person doing the binding has to actually have that spell on their spell list) or would it be pure RP, without the spell needing to be coded etc, and the two players just role-play it out? Also, would it only be a special class of magic user that could RP this? I don’t know what all spells there are in FK, so I apologize if this spell exists, I also don’t know what spells/rules o spells are in FR, so again I apologize if this is just a stupid line of questioning.
Also, if this sort of RP is/would be allowed, between two agreeable players, how would the person being bound act? How would that be played out? Especially if the character being bound is unwilling and/or unwitting?
Of course while the character may be unwitting/unwilling, the player would have had to agree to the RP before hand.