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Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 3:36 am
by Balek
Would anyone be interested in participating in combat tournaments? It would probably go down like this...

There are several events, different kinds of weapons in each event. Jousting, sword, axe, hammer, magic, archery (?). Each event has an entry fee and a winner. The entry fee for each even is pooled and divided among the top three in the event. There would be minimal need for imm aid, probably just awarding glory to winners (if it is merited, it's certainly not a necessity). The only problems I can see are archery and jousting.

The problem with archery comes with scoring. We could have the archers aim at a target, but it really comes down to hit or no hit. If a target could be made that would report a 'ring' that was hit based on hitroll, higher hitroll yields a better ring hit.

The problem with jousting is that it's usually scored when you make contact and when you unhorse someone. I'm not familiar with mounted combat in the game, as I primarily play a dwarf, so I have to wonder how often a person falls from their horse when struck.

I think the tournaments would be great fun to watch and participate in, and would provide an additional activity for high level characters.


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:00 am
by Cret
Under: help hero
you can find much information on the described.

A hero is a character who has achieved the pinnacle of his or her career.
They may be the High Priest of their religion or a simple fighter who has
defeated all that have come against them. These heroes are level 51 and
hold a special title. The hero rank may be obtained in many guilds simply
by defeating the current title holder, while other guilds heroes are chosen
their deities. For paladins, each faith that has a paladin order may have
a hero, or a High Knight of the faith. For the non priest heroes, for those
who are hero of the guild a special event is held to determine who the hero is.

(1) Mage Fair - An event that determines the hero of each magic guild.
(2) Foregathering - An event that determines the hero of the rangers guild.
(3) Triumph Fair - An event that determines the hero of the fighters guild.
(4) Song Fest - An event that determines the hero of the bards guild.
(5) Thieves guild hero is determined by Mask and at this point has no event.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:34 am
by Mele
I'm sure you could hold other tournaments, but make sure you send an application to Sharni. :D


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:07 am
by Glim
Indeed, Cret, I dont beleive he means something like that, it would be something everyone would be invited to and allowed to watch. Sounds like a great idea, but I beleive an application would be required.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:29 pm
by Kirkus
I for one think a tournament is a great idea. It would have all the traditional events found as well as possibably some of the interesting events or contests found at the mage fair or foregathering. And of course even stuff for the bards. But I have to go with Glim and Mele on the application thing. This would probabily need to be a imm run event.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:51 pm
by Kirkus
I am really excited about the prospect of a tournament as you posted Sharni, but what I think Balek was looking for was not a tournament that only encompased one guild but like a medivial fair where everything would be done. what I was thinking was like setting up tents outside town, there would be food and dance. Performances by the bards, like songs and poetry. Maybe the illusionists could put on a little show. Competitions like those at the Foregathering and Triumph Fare, stuff maybe even like a competition to see if anyone can best the heroes of the guilds. Presentations by the heroes of the bards and mages, stuff like that. Like a universal fare.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:43 pm
by Balek
Is it possible to use this coded tournament for purposes other than electing a new fighter hero (in other words, as a plain old tournament)? Certainly we could have one to elect that new hero, but I think it would be interesting to have them every two months or so just for entertainment. This way we could also include rangers and paladins if they wish to participate.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 12:40 am
by Rhelian
Would there be any plans to hold some of the other gatherings? Mage Fair, for example?

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 1:00 am
by Sia
If you want to hold a player-run tournament, why not just email applications, have Mystra post a time on the calendar, and have a friendly spar in the field of Triumph?

Who's to say we have to have a special area coded to have a fun event?


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 3:05 am
by Balek
That was my original intention, but it has become apparent that for certain things (most likely archery and jousting) specific coding would be required. Besides those things I think the rest could be accomplished with sparring.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 5:34 pm
by Tierney
Well, for the archery it could be accomplished by having one person go at a time, and the winner is the one who killed the target in the fewest hits.