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Death Bears

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:02 am
by Enig

So for whatever reason it seems that bears are incredibly quick to join with other animals in attacking PCs and they're actually extremely dangerous. Just a few moments ago I had the experience of going down to 19% health and losing a limb in something like two quick rounds because a bear took offense to one of my characters being attacked by a stirge, and thus the inspiration for this simple suggestion :)

I propose that bears be set not to engage anyone in a fight unless they're attacked.

Re: Death Bears

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:08 am
by Nysan
But, you'll ruin the century long bee-bear alliance of Ardeep!

But seriously, this is a good idea. Bears shouldn't be helping those flying pests.

Re: Death Bears

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:37 pm
by Selveem
I had a similar experience on a low level. Was death in a single hit, I think. I was unlucky and it struck my head.

Re: Death Bears

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:04 pm
by Keltorn
Those things are pretty horrifying to face off with, but, at the same time, they're not set to wander around in newbie areas. Low level characters seem to end up in Ardeep pretty often (because of a certain low level quest), but they usually receive a great deal of reminders to be going with a group (which that same certain quest tell you, too).

Ardeep is supposed to be a dangerous place, even before the demons showed up. Besides the wandering animals and monsters that might want you dead, the terrain itself is absolutely treacherous. When looking up the "Known Dungeons of Faerun," Ardeep's usually the first on the list. While I do think that having the bears jump in to help bees every time is a bit ridiculous (unless the rumors of their alliance is true; the bees are buying protection with honey!), bears should not become completely benign. They're bears. They're dangerous. You should be avoiding them. Unless, of course, you're a lumberjack.

Personally, I think the bears shouldn't be auto-assisting, but it'd be fun to give them a random chance of attacking. :twisted:

Re: Death Bears

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:45 pm
by Enig

When it comes to killing off newbies I think that consistency is the key. If a new player jumps off the road into the mountains and gets pasted by a hill giant they learn, hey, man, mountains are bad.

I don't think it's a good idea, however, to lull them into a false sense of security by making mobs safe one day, killer the next, and indeed, bears are extremely fierce to low-level characters.

Ardeep as written in books and such (and according to wikipedia, my resource of the moment), might be dangerous, but that's because it's full of tombs and ruins and rubbish, not because the wildlife is unnaturally aggressive. Heck, the High Forest is up there too with liches, a demon lord, a settlement of drow, the ruins of an ancient netherese city, and etc., etc., and even Waterdeep has a number of 'dungeons' within its walls but these things aren't reflected in the MUD and trying to justify having dangerous mobs randomly attacking PCs in an area that's frequented by newer players and characters seems a little bit nonsensical, no offense.

Incidentally, Ardeep isn't the only place this is an issue, too. Tangled Trees is surrounded by bears that will assist the *many* wandering stirges in the area, and experienced or not, it's very easy for a low-level PC to be torn to shreds if that happens.

Re: Death Bears

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:01 am
by Brawan
I have been done twice now when I left Tangled Trees and was attacked by a stirge and a bear assisted. Thats 2 corpses ill have to wait and find

Righto just had a red squirrel team up with a poacher!

Re: Death Bears

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:46 pm
by Trillarel
I agree that bears shouldn't assist stirges, it's ridiculous.

Re: Death Bears

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:30 pm
by Isolrem
Not often enough is good game design sense used in suggestion and bug discussion, and I'd like to give Enig a cookie.