DnD standard and Base Attack Bonus

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DnD standard and Base Attack Bonus

Post by Eltsac » Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:32 am

I just noticed something, not sure it is a bug or an intended change.

But according to DnD, there is 3 possibility for BAB as follows

High BAB (Ranger, Paladin, Fighter, Barbarian), BAB = level
Mid BAB (Cleric, Druid, Bard, Rogue), BAB = 3/4 level
Low BAB (Wizard, Sorcerer), BAB = 1/2 level

And you gain an extra attack at -5 when hitting +6, +11, +16

Right now, every level 50 char on FK have a BAB of +20 with skills reguling extra attacks.

Sounds odd to me to have a wizard with the same BAB than a warrior.
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Re: DnD standard and Base Attack Bonus

Post by Brar » Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:40 pm

Well, after some tests I would like to update this one.

Based on what I found, Wizard are good with +10 BAB at level 50

But every other classes I tried are at +20, I tried Rogue, Fighters, Cleric, Ranger and Druid

What I fear is that monsters also have BAB Problems, if it's the case, it could be a first step to a solution regarding fights difficulty and such.
If monster's hit less, then it is easier for you.
Of course, Cleric, Rogue, Bard and Druid will also loose some BAB, but that is what makes fighter special and better than rogues.

Also, wizard should get second attack at level 30 (if we want to follow the rules that is)

Here is a table of what it should be for PC Classes and Monsters category races.
That's my opinion based on DnD tables of course.

PC Classes:
Fighter, Ranger, Paladins : BAB = HD

Cleric, Bard, Thief, Druid : BAB = HD x 3/4

Wizard : BAB = HD x 1/2

Monster Races:
Abberation : BAB = HD x 3/4
Animal : BAB = HD x 3/4
Construct : BAB = HD x 3/4
Dragon : BAB = HD
Elemental : BAB = HD x 3/4
Fey : BAB = HD x 1/2
Giant : BAB = HD x 3/4
Humanoid : BAB = HD x 3/4
Magical Beast : BAB = HD
Monstrous Humanoid : BAB = HD
Oozes : BAB = HD x 3/4
Outsider : BAB = HD
Plant : BAB = HD x 3/4
Undead : BAB = HD x 1/2
Vermin : BAB = HD x 3/4
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Re: DnD standard and Base Attack Bonus

Post by Selveem » Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:53 pm

I noticed it too, but didn't pay it much attention. Especially because touch attacks don't seem to really be reliant on your actual hitroll anyhow. My I have a Wizard and a Cleric with booty for Str bonus, but are extremely successful in their touch attacks like Harm and Vampiric Touch.

Maybe my characters are just really, exceptionally lucky, but it seems like it's all based on your actual skill level as to whether you actually get your hit off.
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Re: DnD standard and Base Attack Bonus

Post by Isolrem » Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:28 pm

considering touch attack spells are made against an opponent's raw armor with very few modifiers (base + dex + deflection), it is not too hard to hit even with a relatively small attack bonus
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Re: DnD standard and Base Attack Bonus

Post by Selveem » Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:47 am

True, but it still favors the fighter in most cases, unless they didn't bother training dex.
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Re: DnD standard and Base Attack Bonus

Post by Brar » Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:47 am

From a player perspective yes, but try to see it from the monster one.

If BAB are not calculated correctly for monsters then it would makes them hit far more often than they should; which means that players would take more damage than they should also, which could be a first step to "correct" that famous not-enough healing problem.

Imagine an undead going from a base +20 to a base +10, it would be a big change.

I have no idea if I am correct or not in my assumptions, but it seems to me that monsters are hitting my 28AC priest far too often and that could be a possible explanation.

Also, I think it's not fair for fighters to have priests or rogues with the same attacks bonus, priests gets spells while rogues get sneak attacks, it is not very balancing with fighters if rogues hits as often as them with the addition of sneak attack damage bonus...

That's just my opinion of course but then if most finds is okay then I'll live with it :mrgreen:

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Re: DnD standard and Base Attack Bonus

Post by Selveem » Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:21 am

No, you're right. But, also I'm not certain how mob levels are calculated (in relation to their bonuses) anyhow.

For instance, the Demons in OSOW all seem to have much higher Damage Reduction than their base races are supposed to. Far advanced, actually. For instance: against a Maralith, my Centaur with a range of 12-22 damage per hit simply cannot overcome the 10/good and cold iron damage reduction it has. I should be at least doing 2 damage per normal hit.

Could just be that DR isn't working properly yet; just thought I'd throw that out there.
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