The new changes to fly need to be re-evaluated

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Sword Grand Master
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The new changes to fly need to be re-evaluated

Post by Zorinar » Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:22 am

Currently, and I have spoken to priest player to confirm this with air walk, flying spells are using up more stamina (usually, sometimes the same for a few steps) that it takes to walk in each terrain type. This change is an utter hindrance. Wizards have relatively lower stamina to begin with and I am finding that I can barely make it from waterdeep to berdusk, then I have to sleep or rest for an amount of time, then repeat the flying process. With this change, wizards are the least mobile class, where they should probably be one of the most mobile classes. Some wizards get very limited teleport spells and have to wait for darkness or some other condition before they can use them, assuming there is a target available.

I am aware that there are other means of travel, like mounts, but realistically not everyone will want to be forced to roleplay that they use mounts for travel. I always thought of my wizard as too busy with magical studies to bother learning the proper riding technique and all that goes on with field mounts in general.

I would suggest re considering the changes to the fly spell.
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Re: The new changes to fly need to be re-evaluated

Post by Selveem » Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:24 am

I'm pretty sure this is a bug, Zorro.

I believe it's just not been corrected yet. When wizards are flying, they aren't flapping their arms to get where they're going and thus should have great ease getting where they're going.

If, however, it's intentional: I agree with you and think it should be changed.
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Re: The new changes to fly need to be re-evaluated

Post by Nysan » Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:20 am

Ties into this bug actually:


-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

You do not need to change the world, merely leave it a little better than how you found it.
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