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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 3:57 pm
by Dima
Don't know if this has been discussed....but is there a way that a general prayer command could be used when you die or need something. For example, if you pray to your diety and they don't answer, then could you pray to the gods in general for help. I think it would be good. That way you could also use it if you don't follow a god in particular(haven't made up your mind). Then you could pray to the gods to be ressurected to without having to choose one.


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:05 pm
by Dima
Oops.....nevermind forgot to read the help file...answered my own question.

Smoting a gods reaction to a smoted prayer

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 4:35 am
by Jadom
I have a question regarding smotes and praying.

The helpfiles says the actual pray command should be used only for extremely important things like following/special roleplay etc. and that in the normal course of things it should simply be roleplayed with smotes.
My question is, though it would probably apply more to priests than to lay followers, how much freedom do we have with smote?

Example being, I bury a body and say a prayer over it, or perform a ritual to the deity, is it okay to smote some minor sign from said deity?

Obviously not: smote bows down as an Avatar of Lliira appears and say "Good job!" :P

but something like: smote bows his head in prayer over the grave and for a moment the sound of a womans voice can be heard singing on the wind.

or something in that vein.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:17 pm
by Dominik
I would imagine that would be almost a form of multiplay, only by playing the part of one character that you don't actually control. I would think the Gods control what they do, and any mortal trying to smote out their actions would have to be rather arrogant of their position within their respective Faith.

And, I think, if one person starts doing it, then another will see it, do it, another will see it, and so on. It'd cause some chain reaction of smoted actions by Gods that aren't there. And then you'll have the whole problem of continuing the RP as if the God or Goddess DID do whatever you smoted, and then if they actually show up, they have no idea about what their characters supposedly did.

If you wish a sign from that deity, I would imagine that would be where prayer comes in handy. Though I would, of course, ask an actual Deity's player, first, as last I heard they have been trying to clear the prayers board, and limit what prayer should be used for because they've been overwhelmed. I think we need to just use some common sense and courtesy in that respect, and remember that although they play Gods ICly, OOCly they're just like us. They can only do so much.

As for the idea of trying to smote a sign I said earlier, bad idea, I think. There have been more than enough times where I wished for some sign from my character's Goddess in the middle of an RP, or (and this perhaps arrogantly), that She might even show up and add to the RP. But it doesn't always happen, and I do not think it in our hands to decide that it does anyway, even a simple laugh on the wind, a scream echoing from nowhere, or a ray of sunlight shining down upon a person.

The PRAY command and Remaking a Character

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 8:29 pm
by Valens
When I first created Synron, I placed him in Silverymoon, since I know a modicum about it, and more than I do about Waterdeep. Obviously, I was in error as to a fair starting city for my new character, and decided to remake my character and start in Waterdeep.

Now, before I had even considered remaking, I sent a standard PRAYer to Corellon. A simple enter-the-faith prayer. Then, however, I remade.

Will my PRAYer still be on the note board for Corellon, or do I need to pray again?

Note: I asked this on QUESTION, and the kind person who responded wasn't sure, either.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:23 pm
by Tyr
Your previous prayer will still be on record so you do not need to pray again.

Praying to a god

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 11:47 pm
by Gratey
If you pray to a god to follow that certain deity can they ignore you? and not decline or accept you?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 2:38 pm
by Jadom
From the newbie FAQ:
Sometimes it simply takes time for the PC who prayed to be on at the same time as the god or high priest. If we find that the person praying is in a totally different time zone and unable to be on where they can get the roleplay needed to follow then we will arrange an alternative. For instance we have Eupropean and Australian players behind some of our deities, and they are often in time zones that the US gods tend not to be. And they can help facilitate a roleplay quite easily on behalf of the other god in question.

If you feel that you character has been waiting for what seems to be an extrodinarily long time then you are encouraged to email me at telling me who the character is and who they are trying to follow, and I will follow it up.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 7:10 pm
by Glim
In a RP perspective, ussually a god will welcome a follower, as more followers give her more power. Although if you have done something to insult the god in the past you might have to do something to redeem yourself in their eyes.

Though, if you think they are ignoring you, then just look up to Jadoms post there, holidays you know 8)

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 12:51 am
by Nysan
More followers, more power, thats how it was all set up by the big guy in the books. But even certain power hungry deities have standards. People who are insulting to the deity, or would be an insult to the faith if accepted (babbling idiots and the like sometimes dont make good priests) likely are not going to get a little voice in their heads saying 'welcome to the club'.


Prayer length and prayers being cut short

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 9:44 am
by Yboesh
Perhaps this was answered in the old board, but I was wondering. If my character has prayed, but when the echo pops up saying only a part of what I typed, in essence, only part of the original prayer, should he re-pray? Or does it count as a whole prayer? Any feedback would be greatly appreceiated. :?:

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 12:52 pm
by Selune
It's not a matter of counting because the prayer went through, but the cut off part simply won't be there. You can pray again to finish your prayer.

Regarding praying in general: For most situations, prayers should be roleplayed as the prayer board fills up rapidly.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 1:17 pm
by Ursan
If I understand your question correctly, you are saying that all of the text you submitted with your prayer command was sent.

This is most often the case when your prayer is longer than the number of characters allowed for a single entry.

I would advise using the 'Pray' command again and keying in only the missing part of the text.

Perhaps someone can post here the number of characters that is the limit for a single entry. I can estimate it when I type online but couldnt tell you what it is in real numbers.

Generally, if I am sending a lengthy prayer I automatically split it into two parts. Done this way, the two prayers will appear together on the log.

Be sure to note the guidance on use of the Prayer command, spamming the board with several prayer commands will cause as much difficutly for the Imms as sending a prayer every other day for a week.

However, I think in the case of a single prayer running over two lines it should be acceptable.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:15 am
by Rhelian
Character limit in my best guesstimate would be 255.

RE:A Prayer cut short

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 6:23 am
by Yboesh
Thanks everybody, that helps out a lot :D