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[TMC] Advertising

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:17 am
by Serra
This is specifically in regards to the advertising for Forgotten Kingdoms on TMC and part of the character generation process.

Where I'm coming from. I'm a new player, but I've been mudding for quite a long time, and I consider TMC a solid resource. I came across FK's advertisement on there and was attracted to the Forgotten Realms theme and the impressive array of options in that environment. Shadowdale and Mithril Hall as starting cities for new characters? Tieflings as a starting race? Sold! You've got me, I'm hooked.

So I log on to this new mud, eager to check out some of these places.
The very first thing I discover is that one of the four BASIC starting classes isn't available. They require something called kismet. Worse, tieflings aren't available either, also for something called kismet. Disgruntled because it offers me little explanation of what kismet is until I've generated a character I didn't really want, and wondering where the heck the starting hometowns are. Oops, hometowns aren't up yet. It's cool, there we go? I don't see all of them, but that might be a feature, right? I still have a few to choose from at base level...

... oh wait, I don't. I only get to choose Waterdeep due to kismet.

I think the trend should be obvious here. Yes, I've read the helpfile and I've had a nice player explain to me why kismet is where it is. However, TMC doesn't say squat about kismet, and in fact it specifies that these features are available to NEW players. I'm pretty sure that after investing 50-200 hours in a game, you're not a new player anymore. And actually, it says characters, but given the target audience of this advertisement...

I accept that this was probably an oversight, that kismet may have come after the ad, but it feels like a sucker-punch. Oh, we didn't really mean you actually get any of these things. You actually have to earn them and prove that we can trust you to play them.

I accept that kismet may not change and that it's there for better or worse, but I believe two things need to happen here:

1. Update your TMC advertisement. What's written there isn't completely true, and it's probably not intentionally dishonest. Heck, you can even play it up as advanced features, but at least give some WARNING, you know? Finding that out after, that's just a low blow when you've got your heart set on a character design.
2. Remove kismet-restricted features from the list of options in character generation. If my only option is Waterdeep, then tell me that and shine me on to the fact that other good stuff is available later.

Re: [TMC] Advertising

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 pm
by Anguin

Valid criticism, I think.

Re: [TMC] Advertising

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:06 pm
by Lathander
Very well stated, thank you. I agree with both of your suggested points. Any Staff want to volunteer to rewrite the add? Anyone want to review the ad and suggest ways to make it both more appealing and honest?

Re: [TMC] Advertising

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:19 am
by Gwain
I'd be happy to do it in January.

Maybe we can divide it up into parts each being done by a different person to reflect the whole? That way one perspective is not the only one shown, but a few. I still have the fk wikipedia article that was expunged if that is any use?

Re: [TMC] Advertising

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:17 pm
by Raona
While there is definitely room for improvement in the listing, what it says is not a falsehood, technically. All the options listed are available to new characters...but not all of them are available to PCs made by new players. I can see how one could presume otherwise, but I trust that whenever it was written, luring people with false promises was not the authors intent, and taken literally, what is written there, at least on the points you raise, is completely true.

That said, I think it would help to include an explanation of kismet in both the advertisement and in the new account creation process.