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Aggro Mob Travel Limitation

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:25 am
by Uleha
Immediately upon leaving tangled trees newbie zone on brand new level 1 character...

N-Cormanthyr E-A narrow trail S-Cormanthyr W-Cormanthyr
NE-The Halfaxe TraNW-Cormanthyr SE-Cormanthyr SW-Cormanthyr FF-/fFFff
This forest is thick and choked with underbrush. The trees that
rise overhead must be ancient judging by the height of them and
you find travel slow as you must hack your way through the
underbrush and detour around many groves of trees.

The sky is hot and clear and a hot southerly gust blows.
a stirge is here, fighting YOU!
a stirge is here, fighting YOU!
a stirge is here, fighting YOU!
a stirge is here, fighting YOU!

I understand that this is supposed to be a dangerous place and all, but THE square you land on leaving newbtown is kind of an upsetting place to run into 4 non-newb aggro mobs. Maybe this particular room could be made a little safer?


Fighting them again with a sickle instead of a dagger, I really showed them (2) who was boss. Suggestion still stands.