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Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:58 am
by Valens
Maybe I missed it, but on none of these pages do I see what females constantly tell me to do in Drow society as a male: grovel, beg, et cetera.

Nor did I see this in the books. Deferential, certainly, and not arrogant, but not grovelling or begging.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 5:30 am
by Sia
R.A. Salvatore describes a pretty gruesome scene where her consort is caught between two evils: the Matron has commanded all the males leave the room, but she has not given him leave to move. She kills the hapless male for trying to leave when she did not command him to, even though the Matron gave the order that no males could remain in the room.

Elaine Cunningham also portrays male behaviour in drow society by illustrating their feelings of helplessness in a matriarchal society (Daughter of the Drow and Liriel's relationship to her family and tutors is a good reference, I think).

I think its just common knowledge that the males will be treated like dirt in a city ruled by angry whip-wielding High Priestesses of Lloth.


Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 9:10 am
by Nysan
Basically, males do whatever freaky, senseless idea pops into the nearest female's mind or becomes the next conversation piece at the next temple gathering. This ranges from simple kneeling or bowing to groveling and begging for some and even odder demands in some cases. In the end, there are some times that no mater what a male does, he gets hurt or worse. Life in Menzo is rough for males and in some less than rare occassions short. Why else would some males leave and start their own cities elsewhere?


Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 5:17 pm
by Valens
I wish that male-dominated city was coded.

If wishes were horses.....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 5:54 pm
by Ursan
There's an old saying..... if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride

Menzo is a delightful place to be, and one of the main RP opportunities is how you go about advancing yourself in this female-dominated society.

Of course, the easiest way would be to live here as a female drow, but if you dont want to do that - then you need to work at it. Many positions of rank exist for males, for example that of Captain of the Guard or Weaponmaster for the House.

To ask for a whole new place to be coded just so you dont have to be humble - particularly when the builders and Admin are as busy as they are - well it might come across as a little impolite.

I'm sure you didnt mean it that way, so best of luck living with the ladies of Menzo

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 9:29 pm
by Tychina
Valens.. you could also find a priestess of a high ranking house, and get her to take you on as a hmm pet of sorts, there by placing you under her direct protection.

Playing a priestess of Lloth I find to be akward at best, being as I am more submissive natured IRL, so playing a Dominant character is an extreme challenge to me. When I get angry, I can be a real witch, so I usually try to wait to play my drow until I am in that "mood" as it helps to Rp her better. But I don't always wait till then, and I have seen, a wide range of responces from males to my priestess. Anything from groveling and practically licking her boots, to the other end of the spectrum and being outright rude and cocky. For me it is the ones whom choose the middle ground I find it easiest (and most enjoyable) to be around. Others will prefer the groveling, others still the rudeness, simply so they have a chance to be mean to the male in turn. It all comes down to what priestess you are currently dealing with, try to figure out which way she would porefer you go, then.. humor her.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:44 pm
by Lathander
Valens, there is a male-dominated society on FK: Orcs. Be careful though and follow the rules. Some past players went too far.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:47 pm
by Valens
I believe Orcs are closed currently, or I'd have made one.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:56 pm
by Cyric
Apply for it. It was closed because too many newer characters were choosing orcs and complaining about the difficulty of them.

Orcs, I must warn you, are very RP orientated. Currently, there is not much for them to do at this point and time.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:04 pm
by Beshaba
Valens wrote:I wish that male-dominated city was coded.

Send in an application to build one of the male dominated cities.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:01 pm
by Isaldur
Cities where Drow Males are not as "second class" to Drow Females. You'll need to do the research yourself if you want to go about building them but here's the bare bones.

Eryndlyn - Mercantile city, 50% of it are Worshippers of Lloth, 25% Worship Vhaerun, and the other 25% worship Ghaunadaur. That's a rough statistic considering it just states the Llothists equal the Vhaerun and Ghaunadaur followers combined.

Sshamath, City of Dark Weavings - Drow city ruled by the Arcane and not the divine. Noble houses within lack power, makes up for it with Arcane Colleges/Schools of all the different types of magic, much like Thay. VERY different than Menzo in terms of how they practice slavery, and what does consist of second class citizenry.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:32 pm
by Nysan
Or just move to Skullport....


Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:48 pm
by Valens
If I can get enough data together, I think I will go ahead and apply to build it.