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Dwarves and FK

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:14 pm
by Brar
A simple question, for future reference, aim, building, living, playing, roleplaying :)

Where in the FR dwarven timeline do we stand?
Let's completly forget the 4th edition, not even worth mentioning.

We have 3 possible canon source possible.

1st Edition:
Dwarven apotheosis, settlements everywhere, very prolific races.

2nd Edition:
Shield or mountain dwarves (the variety that live in Mithral Hall and other dwarven settlements in the North) are being driven to extinction. They are fighting goblins of all stripes (goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins primarily) and killing many of them, but the goblin races reproduce much more quickly. Therefore dwarves are diminishing quickly. The shield dwarves have become very fatalistic as a result and are divided generally into two categories, the hidden and wanderers. The hidden have reacted to their impending doom by hiding away and throwing themselves into their work. They seek constant self-improvement in trades such as smithing and mining. Wanderers have taken to the road in an attempt to do such great deeds that dwarves will be well remembered when they are all gone.
Saying better than I could do.

3rd Edition:
Getting out of being a race in extinction to a prolific race (in term of birthing rate), clash of the generation.
The old one are still in their extinction mindset while the younger are eager for the world and curious about everything the ancient abhore like arcane magic and others races.

I don't really mind where we put ourselves, if we want to follow the canons, then I would say we move toward 3rd edition little by little and take the revamp of MH as a good opportunity.

But I'm eager to know what the others thinks about it :)


Re: Dwarves and FK

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:34 pm
by Harroghty
Our setting has usually been described as after the Time of Troubles, but before the return of Bane. So that puts you somewhere in the 1390s or so by Dale Reckoning, right?

We have made a decision to move to 3.5 Ed/d20 rules, but we have not decided to move the setting ahead. That being said, we are not slavishly adherent to the setting and so some changes could be discussed as long as they are consistent with everything else in the game.

Re: Dwarves and FK

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:38 pm
by Brar
Harroghty wrote:Our setting has usually been described as after the Time of Troubles, but before the return of Bane. So that puts you somewhere in the 1390s or so by Dale Reckoning, right?
Yup that's it, end of 2nd, beginning of 3rd :)

Also I forgot the whole 4th option, we do our own turf and mix all 3 others :)

Re: Dwarves and FK

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:23 am
by Keltorn
If it helps any, FK should be somewhere between 1370 DR (Year of the Tankard) and 1372 DR (Year of Wild Magic). Those are the years in which Waukeen and Bane, respectively, returned.

As always, we must keep in mind that FK doesn't really stick to the FR timeline, but it should be sometime around that time period.

Re: Dwarves and FK

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:52 am
by Selveem
Keltorn wrote:As always, we must keep in mind that FK doesn't really stick to the FR timeline, but it should be sometime around that time period.
I keep seeing this, but to be honest I think we should stick to the FR timeline. Why? Because it makes things a bit easier to get everyone on the same level as far as what makes sense. It lets people know what resources they should be utilizing when researching a subject.

Re: Dwarves and FK

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:12 am
by Eltsac
*wants bane to return in FK*

*stops spamming*



Re: Dwarves and FK

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:19 pm
by Keltorn
Selveem wrote:
Keltorn wrote:As always, we must keep in mind that FK doesn't really stick to the FR timeline, but it should be sometime around that time period.
I keep seeing this, but to be honest I think we should stick to the FR timeline. Why? Because it makes things a bit easier to get everyone on the same level as far as what makes sense. It lets people know what resources they should be utilizing when researching a subject.
Well, I might be taking us off the original topic, but... Meh. :P

Honestly, I'd think the main reason for this is the same one that has kept every DM I know from trying to run a FR campaign. There is a lot of history, details, people and personalities, etc., any part of which you might make a mistake with and have a player who knows more than you do call you on it. I'm on the same page as you in that sticking to canon would result in everyone being on the same page, but not everyone knows the canon.

The whole "FK is not FR" thing has always struck me as a very convenient excuse for whenever someone slips up and does something that deviates from the canon. It's an easy mistake to make, unfortunately, especially if you're not big on FR research. For example, if Bane were to return very soon, there'd be quite a few things that were supposed to take place between Waukeen and Bane returning, such as King Azoun IV being killed in battle and Lolth abandoning Her followers. Those two events strike me as being rather important, the sort of thing that shouldn't just be skipped over if you're trying to stick to the FR timeline. I could be wrong, but I assume those events haven't been planned yet, much less prepared and ready to go. They might not ever even happen in FK.

Besides being a convenient excuse for deviating from canon, the "FK isn't FR" thing does create an opportunity for some very interesting roleplays. For example, Mask could get the intrigue portfolio back from Cyric, which I would absolutely love (Cyric doesn't deserve it! Mask does!). I'd kill to take part in that. :D

Of course, these reasons are just my beliefs. I might be completely off on why that rule is in place.

Re: Dwarves and FK

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:39 pm
by Harroghty
The other challenge is that we have aimed hundreds of areas at the 2d Edition Realms and advancing the time-line would require many updates. I do not think that we need to change the time-line in order to change individual elements of our world like Bane or how dwarves behave.