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Spell Miss = No Aggression?

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:39 am
by Selveem
There are some spells that have a miss chance. For instance, if you miss with polar ray, combat is not initiated and thus the person or mob you're attacking does not get angry and battle does not ensue. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but if it is intentional I'm curious as to the logic behind why it would be this way might be.

Here's an example I just cooked up:
<81%hp 11m 92%mv> asp were
You begin to chant.

<81%hp 11m 92%mv>
You throw your conjured ball of acid at a wererat, but it misses and splatters harmlessly behind it.

<81%hp 9m 92%mv>
A goblin walks in from the north.

<81%hp 9m 92%mv> asp were
You begin to chant.

<81%hp 9m 92%mv>
You throw your conjured ball of acid at a wererat, but it misses and splatters harmlessly behind it.

<81%hp 7m 92%mv> w
Thick forest
N-Thick forest E-Thick forest S-Thick forest W-Thick forest
Still the same forest, the same kinds of tree, the same hollow trees here
and there. But when you listen carefully, you notice that the bird song
no longer accompanies the light noise of the wind in the branches. Instead,
you hear some creatures moving around, crushing the plants and breaking the
branches with their passage.
The sky is warm and stormy and a cool northern breeze blows.
(26) A wooden dagger lies here. (perfect)
(14) A large diamond-shaped shield lies here. (perfect)
A wooden dagger lies here. (superb)
A goblin head lies here. (bad)
A kobold is looking around menacingly.

Re: Spell Miss = No Aggression?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:29 pm
by Mask
Should now be fixed.

*Re: Spell Miss = No Aggression?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:24 am
by Raona
Alas, no...still seems to be the case.

A miss with a ranged-touch spell (acid splash, acid arrow, for instance) does not initiate combat.

Easy way to check and reproduce, with an Imm:


You're only likely to hit that uber-ant on a natural 20. The rest of the time, you will get the miss echo, but combat will not ensue.