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Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:03 am
by Timaeus
So I log on and jump on my griffon and fall off with GM mount skill and wonder wth. So I look and all my griffons gear is no longer worn.

Its affecting many many items:

Vaermyn, a golden griffon tries to fit into a green leather harness studded with emeralds but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.

Vaermyn, a golden griffon tries to fit into a blue leather and silver bridle but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.

Vaermyn, a golden griffon tries to fit into blue leather saddle with silver trim but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.

Vaermyn, a golden griffon tries to fit into dark leather saddlebags but it was made for a quadruped and so, does not fit.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:17 am
by Harroghty
There is a hard code bug involved here that should be rectified soon. It will affect all containers.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:01 am
by Timaeus
Its affecting more than containers. Those are just plain items for different wear locations.

Also some weapons gained item flags randomly:

<right hand> (Icy) (Shocking) a shortsword of elven make (perfect)

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:52 am
by Mask
Should now be fixed - let me know if anything has slipped through the cracks.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:43 pm
by Athon

Code: Select all

Fantana, a noble ivory hippogriff tries to fit into a diamond-studded leather flight saddle but it was made for a quadruped and so, does not fit.
The saddle is from the quest to obtain the hippogriff, so it's a bug.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:48 pm
by Nylo
Mine is having the same problem -
Malagor, a powerful ebony hippogriff tries to fit into a silver-adorned leather flight saddle but it was made for a quadruped and so, does not fit.
Aren't hippogriffs quadruped where it counts for a saddle, though?

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:09 pm
by Timaeus
A brown griffon tries to fit into a blue leather harness studded with sapphires but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.

This item was part of the quest for getting a griffon.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:19 pm
by Duranamir
As above in my case both items from the gilded lance.

Code: Select all

NNNNN, a powerful ebony hippogriff tries to fit into an articulated silver crinet but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.
NNNNN, a powerful ebony hippogriff tries to fit into an embroidered silk caparison but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:10 am
by Timaeus
This is just a typo I found with the new body type stuff, didn't think it warranted a new thread.

It is a broad sword with a black handle.
It is a broad sword in the double-edged blades category of weapons.
It can be picked up, held, held in both hands, worn on the belt.
It cannot be worn with any other armour.
It is medium in size and would fitany body type.

It appeared on every weapon I examined, just missing a space between 'fit' and 'any'.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:26 am
by Gwain

Code: Select all

Archimedes, a celestial giant eagle tries to fit into a grey leather harness with silver inlay but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.
Archimedes, a celestial giant eagle tries to fit into a steel beak clasp but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.
Archimedes, a celestial giant eagle tries to fit into a pair of leather stirrups but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:21 am
by Lirith
Another one. This is just an ordinary halter bought from one of the stables.

Code: Select all

Mae, a gray mare tries to fit into a leather halter but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:50 am
by Brar
All containers for belt like bags and such are humanoid type, should they not be any type, I mean you can very well attach them to a horse belt or saddle no?

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:36 am
by Gwain
The harness I mentioned in my post is a quest reward that is renamed by code. The other items I mentioned are renames, but the harness is a quest reward.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:04 am
by Zasheir
Sirocco, a black stallion tries to fit into a leather halter but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.
Sirocco, a black stallion tries to fit into a leather harness but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.
Oddly, my matching saddle fit just fine.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:25 am
by Harroghty
Working through these on the test port. Game port changes pending.

Hippogriff issue should be fixed by adding hippogriffs to the quadruped list, but I have fixed all the others.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:48 pm
by Lylena
Tried getting a warhorse to wear a leather halter which shows as this when examined:
You see nothing special.
It is in perfect condition.
It is leather and is light armour.
It is almost too large for you to wear.
It can be picked up, worn on the head.
It is worn as armour.
It is large in size and would fit a humanoid.
And this happens when he tries wearing it:
Lightningweaver, a large black warhorse tries to fit into a leather halter but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.
Same thing with a leather harness.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:16 pm
by Yvonne
Getting this bug with the things sold at the Cormyrean lists and I checked Sune's temple - all the barding there is for humanoids. Sunite ponygirls?

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:46 pm
by Briek
Further items listed here


Looks like the Tyrran barding isn't working either

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:14 am
by Harroghty
There appears to be some kind of hard code override on all of these items. Please be patient.

Re: Items - Body Type wearing bugs.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:02 pm
by Frachiir
a spiked collar (perfect)

This thick leather collar has a number of short spikes punched through it
at regular intervals. Intended to be worn by a war dog, its purpose is to
prevent an opponent gaining a hold about the animal's throat.
It is in perfect condition.
It is studded leather and is light armour.
It is just the right size for you to wear.
It can be picked up, worn around the neck.
It is worn as armour.
It is large in size and would fit a humanoid.

You try to fit into a spiked collar but it was made for a humanoid and so, does not fit.
I find this one to be very silly.