Mobs getting attack in after stunned

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Sword Bumbler
Sword Bumbler
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Mobs getting attack in after stunned

Post by Lyllee » Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:22 am

Code: Select all

You attack an enslaved gnome as he gets within your weapon's reach.
Your slash nearly bisects an enslaved gnome's right leg.
An enslaved gnome's severed right leg falls to the ground!
An enslaved gnome is stunned, but will probably recover.
An enslaved gnome's punch hammers your right leg.
This happens a lot. It seems like rounds are done in parallel. Is this intentional?
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Re: Mobs getting attack in after stunned

Post by Raona » Sat May 12, 2012 12:56 am

I can reproduce this; however, even against a beast with multiple attacks, it only gets one "after" being stunned. This suggests that attacks within a round are simultaneous, or that an opponent gets one last attack as they are stunned. Checks for a stunned state could be put in before each and every attack, rather than at the start of an attack cycle, I suppose. They might be missing at that frequency in order to speed up combat code. Mind you, I can't see the combat code, so this is speculation based on the behaviour I can observe, and possible reasons therefore.

I would need convincing that this is something that needs a fix.
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